I don't know if this is the right forum but then again, I didn't find any other forum that was particularly more suited for this question.
I'm very new to working with game models and textures and I just started using UDK. I'm building a jeep @ 20k polys incl interior, and when Im importing the mesh into UDK and applying the normalmap for the hood, the results are horrible.
I made a picture Im currently spreading around some forums so people can get an idea of what my problem is:
Fullscreen @
These highlighted edges look really smooth and fine in Maya:
Fullscreen @
When I import the normal map into UDK, I make sure to set it to "TC_normalmap"-compression, which is what most people do. I tried both .tga and .png
Can anyone shed some light at this and what Im doing wrong?
Since Im just testing right now, the car itself is exported as a combined, triangulated mesh.
Also, how did you bake the normal map? I recall that UDK needs a flipped Y Channel, kinda like Max, unless they changed that, so it might be worth a look.
Regarding the importing of my .ASE file (using Axmesh command in Maya to export) I get these options only:
Could this be because it's ASE and not some other format?
Regarding "Smooth Groups", Maya don't use those at all, but only using soft/hard edges, and hard edges are supposed to get split/separated in the UV. Like this:
The normal map was generated using Mayas Transfer Maps. I will attach the normal map so you can see it:
you could try fbx with that option though.
thinking using fbx with explicit normals should work udk will still give you a error about smoothing groups but it all looks perfect in engine.
i could test things out for you tonight since i just got maya 2012
That would be very kind of you! I've been using that Ax-plugin or what its called and exporting the mesh to .ase. If exporting to FBX, I could probably do that with Maya itself and no plugin I guess. I will try the .fbx when I get the chance, and Im eagerly waiting for whatever you might find out with 2012
but i did some testing with the fbx and as long as i check off explict normals it workd flawless and i get the exact same results in udk as what i have in maya.
is there actually any function you need that isnt in fbx?
I will also attach the .obj for the hi-res and low-res in case you wanted to inspect them further:
Regarding filetypes and possible needs, I don't really have any. I will import this simply for creating a scenery with the car in it eventually to go into my portfolio. I haven't tried importing a normal map for a plane surface that would define i.e. asphalt or anything like that. The only thing I've tried is these normal maps I get from baking hires -> lowres, and so far it pretty much wont work for me. I tried flipping the green channel on some of my maps, and in some places on the mesh, it gets less horrible, but still far from OK, so I don't think thats the problem
Also, the UDK forums are pretty helpful as well...http://forums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=366
thinking it is a sync thing between what your using to bake and udk.
i recreated the normal map useing the HP and LP you provided which looks pretty perfect when viewed from in xnormal.
that is the LP with the normal map applied in the xnormal viewer.
but when viewed from udk i get the same issue and i already baked with green channel inverted.
after i bit of messing around it seems the engines makes all UV Seams hard so it seems you need to rework your UV seams and layout.
His normals are fine, he must have flipped the Y channel by now, and his UV's are not symmetry based and he for sure must have ticked and unticked every single box and (who knows) even tried an FBX export.
He doesn't need a second channel, but at this point, while it will not help, he might as well put in the checklist, who knows.
My friend works @ Dice and he's working on Battlefield 3 right now, and it seems that he's able to do what I do and still get the job done, but not UDK.
I've tried flipping the green channel as well, and also creating a second channel. No go
UDK on the left and Maya on the right.
How did you do it?
I tried generating them in xnormal, both with +Y and -Y but doesn't change anything Im afraid. Also, the normal maps I got from xNormal were quite low quality, like there was noise in the maps where there definitely shouldn't be any. But thats another topic cause Im sure I could tweak the values and get a better result.
I followed this tutorial from start to end and my results were horrible:
i have the olny way i was able to get rid of the hard edges was to redo the UV's
I did try it but no luck. I've been testing so much back and forth with like 10 different exported models and normal maps so I will do what m4dcow did, and see if that helps me. I will post here when I have.
I can't remember if you tried exporting a new mesh to see if the same problem is happening with it. Try something simple with similar edges like a chamfered cube.
Is this screenshot before or after building lighting? I've noticed that the issue only pops up for me most of the time after building lighting using lighmass. Until then, the engine treats it as a realtime shaded/shadowed object.
It's after building lighting. Also to not the green channel of my normal map is flipped for UDK. I suspect the weird issue in the bottom left may be hard egdes where they should be soft, but I deleted the files already.