edited original post to have the movie that started it all. the pitch movie for warner brothers. incase any of you were living under a rock when it went live (mark)
kano DOES lose his eye. probably next episode. its in the trailer that mark posted though, which is the real trailer for the series. as he flies through the air, it looks like he lands with his eye on the corner of a box. if thats how he loses it.... /ragequit
I'm not all that sold on it -yet- to be honest. Rebirth looked absolutely amazing, very dark, very gritty; this was the exact opposite of it. Pretty generic if you ask me.
Oh well, maybe it'll get better with the next couple of episodes.
Episode 2 was slightly better then the first, but still pretty meh imho. Mind you, I'll keep watching this shit 'cuz I'm a ho for Mortal Kombat!
And seriously, that's how Kano got his spanking kick ass red laser eye of pure awesome? I lamesauced!
I'll let you update this thread slipsius... forgot about it and posted the second trailer this morning... got way too giddy after seeing Kano lose his eye
Anyway, should have been longer, and I don't think they really needed to go over the 1st episode in this one
Actors who can't do martial arts just look ridiculous when they try. Choreography could've been tighter, or the camera shots could've been closer to obscure it a bit.
It's not Hollywood material in the sense of it, but it's not horrible either. It's better than what they gave us in the first Mortal Kombat movie, IMO.
oh man. I dunno hwo i feel about the third (updated original post). it got better towards the end, and it an interesting style of doing it all, but, just didnt feel like the same universe as the last two. at least, not till the end.
Supposedly, ep4 features Mileena and Kitana, ought to be sort of interesting. But yeah, this one was sort of 'out of style'.
That dude at the end of pt3, I take it that's who's playing Shang Tsung?
I thought this one was pretty cool, it really showed the character of johnny cage pretty well as that egotistical movie star. I like how they added the washed up element. that ending scene was kinda like the original MK movie. interesting series, super cheesy but its entertaining.
I actually preferred this episode to the first two. However i wish they where full hour episodes, 5-7 minutes after the intro and what not just isn't long enough.
Eugh didn't like this fourth one at all. They shouldn't have mixed 2D with filmed stuff that much... and could they not have found identical twins to play katana and myleene? Dissapointing.
I'm quite enjoying this so far. I actually like the addition of animation for the back story. Reminds me of the Kill Bill anime. Remember this is low budget so it can be forgiven for a few cut corners.
crap! thanks maph. looked last tuesday and it wasnt posted. thought they might have cancelled em. original post updated with 2 new episodes. raiden is siiiick
Agreed...better. If this is only an 8 episode thing. I don't think we are going to get any of the actual MK tournament in this. Maybe something for the next series.
Those myleene/katana ones sucked, but I enjoyed that raiden one. I don't know his back story, so I found myself why he didnt just lightning the hell out of the asylum dudes, but it was still good. Kinda wanted him to say 'Nice hat' Batman style at the end there
Was literally just about to post the same video - thought I would check to make sure I wasn't doing an evil double post
Great stuff
Not a bad find guys, thanks for sharing!
Didn't realise Helo from BSG was going to be in this....
and thought, there's nothing to see here move on. /ignore nerd noises.
It's not too bad. A bit clunky and obviously working without much in the way of a budget, but good enough to tune in for another few episodes.
Oh well, maybe it'll get better with the next couple of episodes.
And seriously, that's how Kano got his spanking kick ass red laser eye of pure awesome? I lamesauced!
but i actually liked how he got his eye. 4:10 was badass.
Anyway, should have been longer, and I don't think they really needed to go over the 1st episode in this one
They should cast Xiang Zi Yi as Katana.
That dude at the end of pt3, I take it that's who's playing Shang Tsung?
but this webseries is to see if its worth making into a movie, i believe.
apparently not. shame though... have you ever seen what Jason (Tommy - Green Ranger) turned into?
Baraka was pretty cool though.
why u suck so much??
seriously, while this last one would have been ok as it's own thing, they jsut keep getting farther away from that awesome trailer and closer and closer to the crap that was [ame="
This is what I'm talking about! Raiden taken as a mental patient = fucking epic win. The best one in the series yet if you ask me.
Because he's always been a white guy in the games?
I could watch a movie like that.