here's some shit i made, theyre not as good as daphz's or ferg's considering im no where near as creative as them, but might as well post em up.. and theyre huge I made them way to big lol And daphz those are really cool edit: i just realized my pics are blurry as hell, sorry about that
thought I'd give this thread a bumpski. Skull is from some live painting I did at "graffiti fest 7" here in SLC last week. Reminded myself why I never actually want to be part of the graffiti scene... there was one gang fight and several drunk asshole fights. Other one is on a bed sheet in the garage...
I'm not a street artist, though I've ALWAYS admired the work and been a huge fan. A large collection of the WORLD'S FINEST is at
alright so I'm gonna start this thread up again, because I've caught the graffiti bug. I've become obsessed with it and I haven't touched a 3d app in awhile, so here's just a lil piece sketch I hope I'll be able to rock one day, don't quite yet have the can control needed. The word is Duo edit: sry for pic hugeness
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Here is my latest escapades while I went out and tagged up a wall with some old street art in my town.
thought I'd give this thread a bumpski. Skull is from some live painting I did at "graffiti fest 7" here in SLC last week. Reminded myself why I never actually want to be part of the graffiti scene... there was one gang fight and several drunk asshole fights. Other one is on a bed sheet in the garage...
Yeah, they're really really good.
gibson: You got me, it's drugs. My art was bland and lifeless until I discovered the wonders of jenkem.
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