Hey everyone!
Recently I've been looking into getting some inspirational art books off amazon or something. They don't have to be game art... they can be anything. But the purpose is to just expand my imagination... which I've been having some trouble doing recently. So do any of you have any suggestions? If at all possible, cheaper is better

Guild Wars 2 Art Book
Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar (Out of print for 5 years so you may not be able to find a copy)
The Lord of the Rings The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings The Art of The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings The Art of The Return of the King
The other best :
And the absolute best :
It's not an art book, but it has some awesome art in it.
Look hard enough and you find some gems.
If you are willing to spend some $$
Steampainting Spark!
Jonny Duddle, The Pirate Cruncher
When it comes to art books Parkablogs is all you need son
This one. No questions asked. Just got it and the quality and variation blows everything else away. Best one I currently own!