I'm about to rip my hair out here, figured I'd try actually asking for help rather than self-imposed baldness.
I'm working on a personal project right now (in 3ds Max), got the concept model right where I wanted it yesterday and started working on it's final replacement. Getting my edge loops in for Turbosmooth to round the edges out nice a pretty-like, but there is ONE spot I just can't seem to figure out!!
Originally, I had this going:
But smoothing resulted in a seam along the side I don't want:
So after looking around and watching a few video's online (namely Grant's awesome series), I tried this out:
I lose that seam along the side, but then I get this realllly bad over-hanging mess (placed omni light to help highlight it):
Can anyone help me out?
[Admin edit] Fixed your links to keep people from hacking your shit, take better care with your URLS next time!!!
I ended up finding a solution after I read your post, Perna...I just flattened the base mesh's sides out, got my edge loops in where I was happy with them, and then used a FFD to shift the dimensions around to the way I wanted them.
Thanks guys!