Good Evening,
Does anyone have any good workflows or recommendations for creating a repeating/tiled texture that repeats only a portion of the texture map? So instead of using an entire 512*512 to repeat a texture, you can be able to tile just a portion of it, leaving the rest of the map open for texture sharing?
I don't really see there being another way.
here you would tile left and right just by laying the uvs over it, doesn't matter if they hang over the side.
you could do this with long or wide textures, tiling in either direction depending on the layout (if you set it up tall then, you can tile left and right, for example - it would be like this, but taller)
I was assuming he meant tiling along both x and this:
Instead of using one tiled texture for brick, and a different one (or ones) for uniquely uved portions, you would cut up your geo in a grid to fit it on the brick section.
Not to hijack the thread, it's related, and surely this will help a lot of folks.
I usually just make a couple pixels in all directions similar color, or repeat a tiny section of the texture on the outside of the uv coords, so when it mips, your still getting the right color overall.
You might find this tool interesting.
QUOTE=gsokol;1328690]mortalhuman - Thats true that you can do that. If tiling only needs to happen in one direction that will fit the bill.
I was assuming he meant tiling along both x and this:
Instead of using one tiled texture for brick, and a different one (or ones) for uniquely uved portions, you would cut up your geo in a grid to fit it on the brick section.[/QUOTE]
There's no way to tile just a portion of a texture in the way you are trying to do it. Tiling means you are placing the exact same texture next to itself, you can't just do a portion of it unless you actually put an edge there, but then it's not tiling, it's simply copying the same model with the same UV next to a another copy of said model.
There's no way to tile just a portion of a texture in the way you are trying to do it. Tiling means you are placing the exact same texture next to itself, you can't just do a portion of it unless you actually put an edge there, but then it's not tiling, it's simply copying the same model with the same UV next to a another copy of said model.[/QUOTE]