Hey ppl,I really have hard time thinking what to focus for my career, i like modeling so i can't decide what to model organic or hard surface or environment.For organic i am totally dump i need to know anatomy for humans/creatures but i see that people make so good characters,and i want to make that for my self but it's really hard to make than just see.As for hard surface and Environment i really enjoy to make in Maya,like weapons,vehicles,still learning how to do robots etc.and Environment in VUE.
Can i find good job in industry for hard surface/Environments.
I'm going to disagree with aajohnny, and say that your portfolio should focus on what you're good at, being well rounded is great, but I've found most creative industries look for potential employees to be really fantastic at one thing, rather than be pretty good at a bunch of things. Of course there are probably hundreds of gray areas in that remark.