So this is my first proper attempt at sculpting a character, from my own base mesh to a finished, generic naked guy with smoothed over genital area.
I started with a blockout in Max based on an ortho ref from the wiki.
I've done probably an hours rough sculpting on the mesh now, mainly around the torso and a quick head. I've used only the ortho refs for this so far, so the next step is to get some good anatomy refs (I'm a completely newb when it comes to anatomy) and refine.
I'm also thinking I might need to remake the base mesh for the hands and feet and bring that into zbrush to replace what I have currently, what would be the best way to go about that?
Comments, crits and such would be muchly appreciated! :>
You need to rough in and define all shapes first, doing as much as you can at each sub-division level before moving on to the onext. Otherwise it starts to look blobby and undefined. For instance, it is way too soon to be worrying about the nipples and the belly button.
And yes, you need anatomy reference. Loomis was good (the artist of the ortho you are using) but he wasn't perfect. The ortho should really just help inform you on the silhouette. You shouldn't be getting any of your anatomical details from any drawing short of a medical grade illustration.
Any way, it is a good start for a first sculpt, but go back down in sub-divisions and work on the major forms and steps first.