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[FIGHTER] Guilty Gear, EDDIE-ZATO 1, Protomd

I'm so excited to enter this contest! So many good entries so far! It was tough deciding on a character but I tried to go with a character that was A. pretty unique and B. someone I kick major ass with!


I'm going to be pulling for a lot of different references for this project. I have a few major goals with my design.


1. To inverse the scale ratio of Zato-1 and Eddie. Thus making the Eddie portion of the character a hulking monster!

2. To make Zato-1 female. I've never been a fan of Zato-1's flamboyancy. This will give me a lot of room to ad alot of character to the sculpt i think.

3. Communicate actual In game moves into the final pose of the sculpt. Guilty Gear is known for its insane moves and Zato-1 is definitely a contributor to this.

I'll be posting up my concept sketches very soon! I'm very happy to be a part of Poylcount and this awesome competition!



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