Just accepted a job at NCSoft/Carbine Studios!
I'm leaving school early and going to be starting at the beginning of May. I have to join swizzle in thanking the PC community for help graduating from PC University. My school is a little more focused on the technical side of film so I have to thank you guys for teaching me the way of the videogame.
also! just updated my website: ryanjmetcalf.com
thanks for the help!
(watch volume)
Congrats man!
Congratulations man
Love your work!
Massive congratulations.
@autocon i really hope it turns into a job, but a jorb might have to do.
@jacquechoi thanks man! i still geek out over your predom war entry by the way.
@nullfed thanks man i really appreciate it!
@Keen thankyeh much! congrats to you too on your new gig as well! big fan of your stuff. keep me posted on the polycount oc meeting.
Thanks again everyone! you pc'ers teh best.
jk grats again ry guy. Maybe we'll hit up burger king if I ever find myself down that way.
just kidding)))