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is 12gb ram unnecessary?



  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    I have 24 gigs and I semi regularly use all of it (or close to). It was pretty cheap and its nice to be able to do very detailed sub-d work without worrying about streaming video in a browser or listening to music. I had 12 before and that was very good but the prices on ddr3 dropped so much a few months ago that I grabbed more.

    start with 2 or 3 4gb dimms depending on your chipset. Then if you feel like your work is bottlenecked order more.
  • Ennolangus
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    I have 24 gigs and I semi regularly use all of it (or close to). It was pretty cheap and its nice to be able to do very detailed sub-d work without worrying about streaming video in a browser or listening to music. I had 12 before and that was very good but the prices on ddr3 dropped so much a few months ago that I grabbed more.

    start with 2 or 3 4gb dimms depending on your chipset. Then if you feel like your work is bottlenecked order more.

    mannn what are you running to get the ram clocked at that? do you leave every program running or something? nice. lol

    I have 12, but haven't gotten close to hitting the max yet at a time. I did once, but that was a test and i opened pretty much everything i could think of to get it to 12. lol

    more ram is never a bad thing imo.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    pior wrote: »
    Seriously, send that watercooling thing back. Most of the "computer-expert-friends" actually don't really what they are talking about (knowing and putting together computer components is actually a job in itself...). The simple fact that he recommended that water thing to you without mentioning the possible annoyances tells a lot!

    And get a SSD.

    To late now lol, im not worried about it.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    If you have +4 million poly scenes, yes.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I love the H70, replace stock fans with Scythe fans and it's damn silent. For the first couple days you might head a trickle sound. But that goes away. When I installed my fanless videocard to see how quiet it is, I wanted to buy another for my render machine and the wifes machine(H50 for her). Final cost is as much as Noctua, and just as quiet.

    Temp numbers are useless without ambient temps. Temps under load (rendering 1.4mil poly scene 20,000 instanced 50k models, 4.3GB in textures - KRay) peaked at 41c, idle is 28c~29c. Current room temp is 25c.

    That kit never has to be filled, it's closed. Just RTFM when you install because you can bend the tubes and screw something up.


    As for SSD. Think about it, everyone is different. I almost got lured by the fast boot times and app loading times, but if all your working files are on SATA's, SSD's don't matter, you might peak the transfer rate at the max of the SATA, but that's it. I can wait 30 seconds for Windows to boot, 10~12secs Encore, 8 secs for Photoshop/Maya and 4 for Lightwave.

    If I did SSD, I want at least 2TB of space.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Wow thanks Lamont how much do those fans cost that your talking?
  • 3DLee
    DO NOT try and refill the fluid in the Corsair H50 or the H70! :O They are designed as closed-loop CPU coolers (just the CPU block, hose and radiator - no reservoir) and the fluid does not need to ever be replaced/cleaned/molested. You will need to clean the fans and the radiator to keep them dust free.

    As far as overclocking goes, if I have a chip that can go from 2.66ghz to 3.5ghz with only a tiny bump in voltage (far, far below the maximum for the i7) I consider a waste of money not to use the extra ability of my CPU. It also prevents a lower-clocked multi-core CPU from bottle-necking your graphics card. I keep an eye on my temperatures and make regular backups, and after 9 months at 3.5ghz, no issues! :)
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I've never heard of a single game developer at a studio using a water cooled anything. We usually have pretty top end systems for making big expensive games, and playing them. Water cool nonsense is about as reasonable as Monster Cables for your TV
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Hey I'm just going to jump in here on the RAM discussion and risk looking stupid to ask a quick Photoshop related question.

    Doing 2D stuff, I've been using Photoshop 7 for a long ass time. And I've never upgraded due to cost and because so long as I've got some brushes to work with I've never felt I needed more features. But more recently I've been doing a lot higher res work, and get some pretty bad brush chugging depending on the brush/size of the image, especially.

    It occurred to me recently that because Photoshop 7 was probably released before people were even running 64bit machines, that it's probably only able to use what - roughly 2GB of RAM? Which would mean I've got another 2 gigs not even getting touched. This seems to be confirmed looking briefly at my memory/cache settings.

    Am I looking at this accurately? If that's the case, guess I should probably...definitely invest in a newer version of photoshop.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Two Listen, what version of Windows are you running and is it 32 or 64 bit? It won't do you any good to upgrade if you're PC isn't 64 bit.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    Two Listen, what version of Windows are you running and is it 32 or 64 bit? It won't do you any good to upgrade if you're PC isn't 64 bit.

    Well my PC is obviously a 64bit machine, I built it myself a year or two ago. It just occurred to me that Photoshop 7 probably isn't using the 4GB I've got in here right now and wanted to clarify that. I was considering upgrading to 8GB sometime down the line but would rather spend the money on upgrading photoshop if that'd be of more direct benefit, which I'm now thinking is the case.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Slum wrote: »
    I've never heard of a single game developer at a studio using a water cooled anything. We usually have pretty top end systems for making big expensive games, and playing them. Water cool nonsense is about as reasonable as Monster Cables for your TV

    I'm nota pro lol I got 3 more years till I graduate ha
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Two Listen wrote: »
    Well my PC is obviously a 64bit machine, I built it myself a year or two ago. It just occurred to me that Photoshop 7 probably isn't using the 4GB I've got in here right now and wanted to clarify that. I was considering upgrading to 8GB sometime down the line but would rather spend the money on upgrading photoshop if that'd be of more direct benefit, which I'm now thinking is the case.

    Yeah, the application needs to be compiled as a 64bit runtime to be able to adress more than 2gb, even under a 64bit os.
    Slum wrote: »
    I've never heard of a single game developer at a studio using a water cooled anything. We usually have pretty top end systems for making big expensive games, and playing them. Water cool nonsense is about as reasonable as Monster Cables for your TV

    Truly, at factory settings your hardware will do perfectly fine with the standard fan that usually comes with the packaging.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    If you go to your C folder is Photoshop 7 installed under "Program Files" or "Program Files x 86"? That's how you should be able to tell if it can access over the 32 bit RAM limit.

    The issue is, because a certain amount of your 4GB is reserved for other processes, you aren't going to see much of an increase simply due to the newer 64 bit compatible versions accessing more RAM, because you don't have enough RAM for it to truly matter. You will see increases due to improved software, though.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    aajohnny wrote: »
    I'm nota pro lol I got 3 more years till I graduate ha

    That's kind of my point :) If the people who make high end games, and play high end games dont need watercooled junk, there's a pretty high chance you don't either.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    eld wrote: »
    Yeah, the application needs to be compiled as a 64bit runtime to be able to adress more than 2gb, even under a 64bit os.

    That's what it's seemingly like - thanks for the clarification.

    Looks like it's time to upgrade to a new version of photoshop, and will probably double my RAM to fully take advantage of that. Should be fun, cheers for the info guys.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Slum wrote: »
    That's kind of my point :) If the people who make high end games, and play high end games dont need watercooled junk, there's a pretty high chance you don't either.

    Doesn't hurt to have though :p
  • WarrenM
    aajohnny wrote: »
    Doesn't hurt to have though :p
    Unless it leaks.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    the best thing you can do performance-wise if you have 12 gigs of ram is to turn off your pagefile completely, an SSD is also a great upgrade, i don't know if i need it, but i can write it off on my taxes, so i don't really give a shit.
  • EarthQuake
    Since I switched from XP 64 to Win 7 64, I seem to use a lot more ram, for whatever reason, I never seemed to use more than 4 of 8gb on my XP system, always just a huge pagefile.

    I'm using 6.6/8gb right now, with 103 processes. I've got Modo and a variety of photo editing tools, Bridge, Photoshop CS3, and Photomatix(hdr editing shit) open. Along with a billion tabs open in firefix. I'm only actually using about 850mb in photoshop right now, but it would be pretty easy to have about 3-4 gb open and max out my 8gb. Funnily enough, firefox is using more ram that even photoshop, wtfux.

    If you're a slob like me and like to run a million things at once, 12gb isnt a bad idea, that said i've yet to really feel like 8 wasn't enough. More than 12 is likely overkill unless you're doing crazy renders, or video work.

    Ram is so damn cheap, its not like an extra 4gb will bankrupt anyone. Also, if your mobo supports triple channel, you should take advantage, which means 6 or 12gb instead of 8gb.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah, I'm not complaining about the fact that windows is using more, I realize its a good thing, as my pc is noticeably faster in general. What i'm saying is i'm more likely to cap my ram out on win7 than I was on XP, because the OS is actually using it properly. It seemed no matter what I did on xp I'd cap about 4gb ram used, and 8gb page file or something retarded.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    perna wrote: »
    Cool, post a screenshot of maxing out 24 gigs with a real life scene.

    Since Zbrush can't use more than 4, and mudbox is too slow with mad counts, and you decimate extremely dense subd work before bringing them into 3d apps anyway, I don't see how it's mathematically possible, practically advisable (consider cycles, disk writes and interactivity) or necessary to do what you claim with regular 3d work.

    I'd check for memory leaks.

    I managed to consume 8 gigs just now with an experimental setup, but it's not like any scene I would ever work on in real life.

    Wow confrontational. I guess I can only think of one project where I have really maxed out using 24 gigs and that was working with large number of objects in reactor - but breaking 12 gigs isn't that hard with a big mechanical sub-d scene open in max and zbrush open for detailing. In order to keep things running triple channel on x58 you have to jump from 12 to 24 gigs, there isn't really a middle ground option. At the time I upgraded to 24 gigs it was only $100 for the extra 12 so I don't see what the fuss is about.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with Alec on this one. In my case it was rendering, raytracers like Mental Ray can consume a huuuge amount of ram (especially the shitty one implemented in Maya)

    It's the reason why we've switched to Renderman, much more efficient.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I heard that dual channel is almost or is just as good as triple channel ram.
  • Jeremy Wright
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    aajohnny wrote: »
    I heard that dual channel is almost or is just as good as triple channel ram.

    From a practical standpoint you won't see much difference.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Slum wrote: »
    I've never heard of a single game developer at a studio using a water cooled anything. We usually have pretty top end systems for making big expensive games, and playing them. Water cool nonsense is about as reasonable as Monster Cables for your TV
    I didn't know you conducted a survey ;). There were Dells and other workstations that shipped with water cooled systems similar to the H70. Comparing water cooled systems to Monster Cable is not even close. Water Cooled systems deliver tangible results. Some people want the ultra quiet setups, and I'm thinking of water cooling everything next round. Let me know when you can properly cool your system with a coat hanger.:). To me the H70 isn't really a water cooled system...

    @aajohnny - I use the Gentle Typhoons, look for them on sale. You can get the H70 for $80~$90 USD and the fans for $10 each.

    @ OP - Ram is dirt cheap, load up on it.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks Lamont we are h70 buddies :p they are out of stock on newegg and not even at tigerdirect... do I just buy any cpu fans?
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    perna wrote: »
    I inquire into how you manage to come close to maxing out 24gigs then quite objectively, without emotional language, insults, insinuations, sarcasm or any kind of harsh language whatsoever, lay out valid, logical and balanced reasons for why I see it being unlikely.

    ...and you find that confrontational.

    I don't know what to say at this point. If I apologize and say no harm was intended, you might think I'm just being sarcastic. If I provide a rational explanation, you may think I'm being overbearing. If I suggest you may have been a little too sensitive or paranoid, you may take it as an insult.

    Ah, polycount. No matter what you write here someone manages to feel offended :( It's a constant soap opera.

    I've been serious about running quiet rigs for a long time and now and then review water cooling options, going to the hard core "silent pc" and water cooling communities. Unless something has happened recently the consensus from both camps seems to be that air is better for silence and water cooling is more reserved for OC'ers. Of course, that's when comparing with a case with great air flow and custom fans, fan control, etc.

    Oh and Lamont, to make it clear: Just because I provide a somewhat contrary view I'm not out to get you or trying to be confrontational or anything. I love you bro. Please forgive me if anything I wrote broke your heart; it was not intentional and I take it all back if you just want to be my best friend forever (I'll be adding at the end of every message I write from now on to try and avoid some of the polycount drama)

    Next time you make an anecdotal statement about the kind of work you do I will contradict you, ask to see proof, and then suggest you must have a memory leak. Then when you point out that my response is strangely confrontational I will feign apology, insinuate that you have hurt feelings, and then change my signature to reflect my view of your apparent wussiness. Professionalism!
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    Next time you make an anecdotal statement about the kind of work you do I will contradict you, ask to see proof...

    He'd give it to you if you asked for it.

    Just saying.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    look i'm idling max and zbrush at the same time! Photoshop is open so that I could paste the frame grab and I normally view references in bridge. Again, the times when I have used the most ram have been running large numbers of objects in reactor- not when idling max.
    Anyway, I never advocated that the OP get 24 gigs. Not sure why people are being so weird about this.

    when I say "people" I'm making a general statement about a plurality on polycount and certainly not trying to single anyone out in particular.

  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    @ Perna - Your post made me hurt. Like serious butt hurt. Hehehe. I don't feel any particular way, I know it's how you post, so I didn't think much of it. As for doing a water cooled rig for silence, the main culprits now a days are the GPUs. If you go for a real WC rig, there's so much info out there its idiot-proof.

    The latest noctua has 19-21 db stock. But might have clearance issues. With the H70 it fits really well. Will post pics tonight.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    man I was hoping for more fighting- lame
  • ValugaTheLord
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    man I was hoping for more fighting- lame

    haha :D

  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    I realize my other posts probably didn't come across as light hearted as they should. Add some snaps and 'what what' s to them to better understand the intonation.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    I also have a question and instead of making new thread I will ask here if you guys don't mind.
    I have a Dual Channel motherboard and I only have 4gb of ram(2 sets by 2 gigs, I know this is not a lot :) ) so I was thinking can I only get 2 GB of ram more so they will be total of 6 or I need to make them 8. This is probably silly question but I dont know nothing about the technical side of computers.
    Thanks in advance guys.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    disanski wrote: »
    I also have a question and instead of making new thread I will ask here if you guys don't mind.
    I have a Dual Channel motherboard and I only have 4gb of ram(2 sets by 2 gigs, I know this is not a lot :) ) so I was thinking can I only get 2 GB of ram more so they will be total of 6 or I need to make them 8. This is probably silly question but I dont know nothing about the technical side of computers.
    Thanks in advance guys.

    Buy your RAM in pairs or you're just missing out on extra performance. If you have 4GB, get another 4GB of the exact same RAM. 6GB on a dual channel is going to be slower than an 8GB because you don't get the interleaving that dual channel offers.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    perna wrote: »
    I'd like to compare my rig with other quiet setups in person, never got the chance to do that, maybe I'll feel better about what I've put together then, as so far I'm not too happy as long as I can hear the thing at all (there's pretty much no ambient noise here)
    Hearing in person is the only way. Noctua would rock if they made a video card cooler.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks greevar. I know 6 gb will be slower than 8 but will it be faster than 4 or because it is not in pairs I will not feel any difference? I will have to do a major update soon so that is why I am trying to go as cheap as I can till that happen.
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    I got 4gb at home on a duo core laptop, i think it may die soon, the amount I make it do, but it can be slow, i cant have multiple applications going on when i am baking/rendering!
    At work i have 12gb and man it is nice to have especially when doing promo work with big renders, but then even smaller processes you notice the difference, when using nDO for example,
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I builded a couple of these coolers/fans in my new rig (120mm):

    The give more air pressure, more perfomance with less noise. I'm very happy with them.

    Now what makes noise is the fucking videocard, with electric noise, and the fan with some exigent games.

    Talking about Ram, with Vista ultimate i always have 2,6gb+ used. Right now I only have 56 processes, firefox 4 is consuming 200+ mb, Opera 100+, and i also have modo, photoshop, Thunderbird, acdsee pro, steam, msn, and foobar opened.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    disanski wrote: »
    Thanks greevar. I know 6 gb will be slower than 8 but will it be faster than 4 or because it is not in pairs I will not feel any difference? I will have to do a major update soon so that is why I am trying to go as cheap as I can till that happen.

    Not really, the 6GB can be slower than the 4GB because the system will be waiting for the other 2GB stick. The system is only as fast as it's slowest component. That 2GB stick will be the bottleneck on RAM performance. If you only want 6GB then get two 1GB sticks, if you can find them.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks again for your fast answer :) Now I understand. I might get 4 more in that case.
  • Lamont
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Haha solid brick engineering!
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Oh we getting CPU cooler'd up?


    Could cool my house with this one. Up to 3 fans can be mounted onto this heatsink.


    Who needs ram...
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Slum wrote: »
    I've never heard of a single game developer at a studio using a water cooled anything. We usually have pretty top end systems for making big expensive games, and playing them. Water cool nonsense is about as reasonable as Monster Cables for your TV

    I would agree that watercooling at work is treated like a load of nonsense...
    But not "as in comparison to using Monster cables". More like,
    "having sex with yer Boss's wife on his desk while he watches".

    Sure.. If it's not my property it would be pretty silly to whip a dremmel out
    ( @ work ) to update a new loop because the newest revision came out on my favorite rad.

    In other words, not neccesarily by choice...
    If I had the choice? Then
    Personally I like sex/pr0n:

    koolance cpu-370, EK re3, Koolance VID-NX480 ( GTX 480 SLI'ed ), Rev.1.1,
    swiftech MCP-35x,
    Shin Etsu X23/Indigo Extreme 1366 on the cpu,
    Mora 3(soon),
    noiseblockers, Gelids, SanAce and
    sexy sexy Mayhem dyes )

    In addition to the warranty legal ( evga, Asus ROG ) overclocked performance, and the bling, it really is a lot of fun. ( sex )

    Personally I'd want to overclock past a passive sink...
    But if I went air again I'd like to try Thermalright as well.
    probably the Silver Arrow. Don't see any advantage the H70 would have over the Silver Arrow.


    I'd probably replace the Fans on the Silver Arrow though.

    Speaking of fans... @ Blaizer.
    Wow, I have never seen those before. they are gorgeous.
    The ratings are a little confusing though. Is the higher end @ 20 dba 78 or 90 cfm?

    For 120mm I like undervolted San Ace but at 30mm they r kind of an eyesore.
    Would be nice to have more stealth ( unashamedly like it in the dark with the LEDs as well )
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    This thread (and some others about comp buying here on PC) has some very nice information, I just ordered my new system last night and it helped me a lot to decide what I wanted to get ~ just wanted to say thanks :D

    I kinda went all out and spent a ton of money but this will be soooo worth it. Going to be the first comp I (try?) to put together myself, too.

    Looking forward to my I7 2600k/MSI GTX560TI/16GB ram/120gb vertex 3 SSD system now *___* With Scythe's Mugen 2 for cooling, since I've read good things about Scythe ones being very silent and good, and a friend recommended it too. Can't wait <3
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    @ Claydough - The H70 would be at the mercy of the fans you buy for upgrades. If I am reading that graph correctly, they are running it fan-less as well? Crazy. But as for the Thermalright... I REALLY wanna try it out. But I am curious about the fan-less H70 thing.

    @ Zephiris - I would recommend moving your system profile to another drive and your Steam install as well if you have a ton of games going at the same time.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    There are two seperate plots for the two noise sources when using h70. Is that what you are talking about? I do not think that is to represent noise levels without the fan?
    ( noise level of the pump is not to be understood as what yer noise level is
    without fans but just what the pump contribution is to noise... I assume )
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