Hey guys,
I was playing around with zbrush today, pushed some buttons, dragged some sliders etc. I found out something pretty fun, maybe you think it's stupid and it probably is but I had fun playing with it.
The Unified Skin with the smooth on 0 will provide you with a great mesh build up from blocks! You can now instant create the minecraft environment you always wanted as a 3D print. Or get your 3D character built up from lego blocks
Anyway I had some fun creating 3D pixel/cube stuff. When you are in Edit mode just press the Make Unified Skin button and have the smooth slider all the way back to 0, the resolution will obviously change the size of your cubes. You can also combine this with the Zsketch tool for some nice effect!
Here are some example screenshots! If you are bored show me what you come up with :poly122:
nice find
Here is a recent low poly model cubified!
you can have similar effect using the "remesh all" on your subtool with polish at 0, and "res" which controls the size of your cubes.
Don't forget it's still a single mesh and not all seperate cubes unfortunatly