I'm a 3dsMax user but my company is using Maya for the project~
I'm not much familiar with Maya due to this sudden but I try to research as much as I can~
After discuss with my friend (Maya user), here's the different between both software~
Please inform me if something was wrong or had a better solution, thank you~ ^^
Viewport navigation >
3dsMax: (MMB = Pan) (Alt+MMB = Rotate) (Scroll = Zoom)
Maya: (Alt+MMB = Pan) (Alt+LMB = Rotate) (Scroll / Alt+RMB and drag = Zoom).
Add, subtract & invert selection >
3dsMax: (Ctrl = Add) (Alt = Subtract) (Ctrl+I = Invert)
Maya: (Ctrl+Shift = Add) (Ctrl = Subtract) (Shift = Invert)
Move on 2 axis >
3dsMax: Drag the bracket between the axis. (Default system)
Maya: Ctrl+LMB on the axis which you don't want to move and move it. Do this again when change direction.
Pelt UV >
3dsMax: Press the “Pelt” button on UV mode.
Maya: Try this script >
Cut seam on UV >
3dsMax: Enable cut seam mode and start cutting by edge or point to point, Disable it when finished cutting.
Maya: Select polygon by edge and click “Separate the UVs along the selected edges” button on UV editor.
Delete edge and relative vertex >
3dsMax: Press Ctrl+Backspace on selected edges.
Maya: Can find in “Edit Mesh > Delete edge / vertex”. You can set a shortcut key for it.
Disable backface selection >
3dsMax: On editable poly, check “Ignore backfacing” under selection tab.
Maya: Shift+RMB on the object or scene and select “Polygon Display > Toggle Backface Culling”.
Select border edge >
3dsMax: Press 3 on editable poly and select.
Maya: For old Maya, select one of the border edge and loop it. For new Maya, 2xClick on one of the border edge.
Select element >
3dsMax: Press 5 on editable poly and select.
Maya: Select one of the face and “Ctrl+RMB > To Shell”.
Select all within an object >
3dsMax: Select one of the vertex, edge or face and press Ctrl+A.
Maya: Select the object, press (Ctrl+F9 for vertex) (Ctrl+F10 for edges) (Ctrl+F11 for faces) and (Ctrl+F12 for Uvs).
Duplicate object >
3dsMax: Hold Shift and drag the object.
Maya: Ctrl+D to duplicate and move it. As a suggestion, you can press Ctrl+Shift+D to duplicate special with an offset translate value to avoid
double objects in same location accidentally while doing fast.
Realtime modeling >
3dsMax: (Default system)
Maya: After pressed “Extrude” for example, adjust the value under INPUTS panel by holding MMB and drag left or right on the viewport.
(Ctrl+MMB = Slower increment / MMB = Normal increment / Shift+MMB = Faster increment)
Target weld on vertex >
3dsMax: Check “Target weld” and click on 1st vertex and 2nd vertex which want to merge to.
Maya: Hold V to snap the vertex to the other vertex then select both vertex and merge vertex with a small value of threshold.
Symmetry object >
3dsMax: Adjust the pivot to the correct position (Symmetry boundary position). Then go to “Modifier list > Symmetry”. You can set it as a button on the panel.
Maya: Duplicate special with instance enabled and type “-1” on the scale value.
Adjust UV by edge and face >
3dsMax: Press 2 for edge and 3 for face to select the UV on UV mode.
Maya: Maya can only select / adjust UV by vertex. Use edge or face to select the area if it's more easier. Then Ctrl+RMB and select “To UV”.
Smoothing group / Soft-hard edge >
3dsMax: It called smooth group in 3dsMax. It's done by face. Select faces which want to smooth and press the numbers under “Polygon: Smoothing group” panel.
Maya: It called Soften/Harden edge in Maya. It's done by edge. Select edges which want to soften or harden and hold “Shift+RMB > Soften/Harden edge.
Extrude by separate polygon >
3dsMax: Can choose at the extrude setting when pressed “Extrude”.
Maya: Uncheck the “Keep faces together” under Edit Mesh and extrude.
X-Ray selected object >
3dsMax: Select the object and press Alt+X. Press again to return.
Maya: Maya can only X-Ray whole scene. It can't X-Ray selected. I have a method which can mimic the function of 3dsMax. Select the object, use vertex paint with alpha value on whole object.
Align vertex to an axis >
3dsMax: Select vertex which want to align, press “X”,”Y” or ”Z” beside “Make planar” button under Edit Geometry and type in the position you want to align.
Maya: Open up component editor and type the value inside its X, Y or Z under polygons tab.
Bend, taper, twist and FFD >
3dsMax: Can find all of these under Modifier list. You can set button on the panel.
Maya: Can find all of these under “Animation toolbar > Create deformers”.
Preserve UV >
3dsMax: Check “Preserve Uvs” under Edit Geometry.
Maya: For old Maya, try this script >
http://area.autodesk.com/bonus_tools. For new Maya, check “Preserve Uvs” under move tool settings.
Detach face (Remain naming increment) >
3dsMax: (Default System)
Maya: Try this script >
Slide connected edge between 2 edges >
3dsMax: Select “Edge” under Constraints and move.
Maya: Select the edge, “Shift+RMB > Slide edge tool” and hold MMB to move.
Isolate selected >
3dsMax: Select the object and press Alt+Q. Click the yellow little box to return.
Maya: Select the object and press Shift+I. Press again without select anything to return.
Things that still under researching for Maya to mimic functions of 3dsMax~01 > Split polygon tools
Issue > Can't cut back to any related edges. All the edges and vertex will disappear if you did.
02 > Combine object
Issue > The naming will change to PolySurface after combining. I'm finding something like the detach script above. The naming still remain with increment.
03 > Multiple snap
Issue > Can't do multiple snap in Maya. For example, sliding an vertex along a 34.68 degree edge and snap the vertex into 8 of X axis position at the same time.
04 > Import settings
Issue > I'm finding a plugin / script which can do like 3dsMax. Ask you which object within the scene you want to import instead of import the whole scene directly.
05 > View thumbnails when browsing
Issue > Can't view thumbnails when browsing for file. Need to open window explorer to check if the image is correct and remember the name to open.
06 > Save before disaster
Issue > Maya will crash directly if it did. I'm finding a script to mimic 3dsMax backup system which will inform you immediately to save before it crash.
Little experiment~
01 > Due to 3dsMax can rename several objects into same name but Maya. I try to export those same name objects into Maya. It will becomes a combined big object inside Maya.
In Maya the easiest way to remember navigation is always hold Alt. If you're holding Alt then you're navigating. So, while holding Alt: left click and drag to tumble, middle click and drag to pan and right click and drag to dolly (or scroll wheel). I'm not sure whether it's possible to change this but I'd advise against it because it'll get in the way of other functions. Just get used to it imo. I know it's painful to start with but I went through the same thing and I did get used to it after a few weeks of cursing :P.
02 - Move and Scale with only 2 axis
Hold Ctrl and click the axis you _don't_ want to scale and then drag. Something to note is that when you hold control and click - as I just described - the centre of the manipulator will align to this plane (instead of screen space as normal) so to set it back to screen space after this operation hold control and click the centre.
03 - The Seams
I never did much unwrapping in Max so someone else is probably better helping with this. I'm not sure about the Max terminology but I think what you want is in the UV editor with edges selected hold shift and hold right click then to the left and right you have "Cut UVs" and "Sew UVs". Fairly self explanatory
04 - Unfold and Relax but Pelt
For pelt style unwrapping I'd recommend this script: http://www.castorlee.com/maya-tools/auto-uv-mapper (Written by a great guy I worked with while he was writing that tool
05 - Delete Vertex and Edge
Hold shift and hold right click with your edges selected (this is a great contextual menu which almost always has what you're looking for while modelling) then go to "delete edge" and it will get rid of connected verts also.
06 - Disable Backface Selection
In object mode with your object selected hold shift and hold right click (to get that magic contextual menu up again) and then go down to "polygon display > toggle backface culling". (there is also a way to do this for all objects in a viewport I think but I can't remember it off the top of my head. I can find out if that is what you want instead.)
07 - Select Border and Select Element
To select open edges (a.k.a "border edges" in Maya) use the selection tool and double click on one and it will give you all the connected border edges. For "element" style selection go to face mode and double click to get all connected faces (There isn't really such a thing as "elements" in Maya just so you know). This double click selection also works for edge loops.
08 - Duplicate Function
You can use "Duplicate Special" to get this kind of effect (although not interactive). If you go to "edit > duplicate special [option box to the right]" then you can specify a transform that will be given to each new duplicate. Then after you have done that once just use Ctrl+Shift+D to repeat.
09 - Edit Poly Function Preview
In Maya you can apply the extrude (for example) and then edit it after the fact which gives you a similar result to Max. To do this apply an extrude to the faces you want then once you have done this you will see something like "polyExtrudeFace1" appear in the channel box under INPUTS on your current object. From there, to edit the extrusion amount, click on the _words_ "Local Translate Z" (the channel should be hilighted in blue) and then in the viewport middle click and drag left and right to slide the extrusion amount.
10 - UV Texture Editor
I'm not sure how this is supposed to work because I'm not that familiar with Max's UV editor so I'll leave it to someone else to answer ^_^.
11 - Target Weld
What you want is called the "Merge Vertex Tool" you can find it in the Edit Mesh menu or with vertices selected hold shift and hold right click then go to "Merge Vertices > Merge Vertex Tool". With this tool you click and drag from one vertex to another to merge the first to the second.
Phew... Hope some of that made sense
Same function, just have your cursor over an empty area of the viewport to bring up a different marking menu that has the full scene option in it. BTW, its well worth exploring the right-click marking menus in different contexts such as vert selection, edges, objects or empty space, with either shift, ctrl or shift+control held. Lots of hidden goodies in there.
This is the "virtual slider", and can be used for almost any value shown in the channel box. Hold Ctrl down as well as middle mouse dragging for finer increments.
Couple of other useful ones : hitting "g" will repeat the last action you did, while hitting "y" while using a tool (such as the split polygon tool) will complete its current action and re-open the tool for another use. Simply right clicking does the same thing as well.
Thanks for clarifying what I was getting at with the virtual slider too
Another set of menus I love is if you hold down the shortcut for a manupulator tool (e.g. "w" for move, or "e" for rotate) and then hold left click you get a marking menu to switch between spaces (e.g. local/world/gimbal) for that tool.
Today is the 3rd day I'm using Maya~
Yes, I encountered some new questions~
Hope you guys can help again, thanks~
The questions are as below~
01 - Realtime Mirroring
In Max, we can mirror an object and edit its poly in realtime. How can we do that in Maya as well?
02 - UV Selection Type
In Max, as we open up the UV editor window, we can choose vertex, edge and face to select the UV but in Maya, we can only select the UV by vertex, it's green color. How can we change to another selection type in UV editor instead of convert something to UV then to shell?
03 - UV Snapshot
The quality of UV Snapshot in Maya is not really nice, when I snapshot a 64x64 size texutre, the UV line becomes very blury. I try to snapshot in a larger size like 512x512 and then I scale it into 64x64, it's better a little bit but still blury, it makes me very hard to texturing. So, anyways to master the snapshot quality. In Max, the quality is perfect, it presented pixel by pixel, no anti-aliasing, very clear.
04 - Smooth Group
I found out that Maya didn't have smooth group function. In Max, it allow us to set smooth groups manually to make cool surface normal. It's very useful for baking textures as well. How can we do that in Maya?
05 - Extrude by Group and Polygon
In Max, we can choose which type of extrude we want to use, extrude by group means extrude the faces in their own direction and will merge together and extrude by polygon means extrude the faces according to their facing direction but the polygon is separately. How can we change the extrude type in Maya?
06 - Edge Size
I found out that the vertex and edges in Maya is too small and make me very hard to select, I know how to change the vertex size but edge size. I found out the edge size setting and I changed it to maximum but it seems like no luck. This is very important to modeling faster by selecting them more easier and convenient. How can we change that?
07 - Transparency Object
In Max, we can press Alt + X to transparent a object, then we freeze it to let us more easier to select thing through the object. Can we do that in Maya as well?
08 - Align Vertex to an Axis
In Max, we select all the vertex which we want to align then we scale the opposite direction until we get the straight line. For now I only know that Maya can only done this in UV mode but the edit poly. How can we do that in polygon mode as well?
09 - Bend, Taper, Twist and FFD
These are some very good modeling modifier tools in Max, I wonder how we can do that in Maya as well?
That's all,
Thanks you all for helping.
01 - Realtime Mirroring
Make a duplicate of the object using "instance" setting and set scale to -1 in x (normally). There are some gotchas with this workflow to watch out for which you can read about here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82052&highlight=mirroring
02 - UV Selection Type
Not sure I understand this one.. You can select edges and faces in the UV editor. Is it that you don't want to have to do a selection conversion to get the connected UVs?
03 - UV Snapshot
Try turning off anti-aliasing in the UV snapshot options?
04 - Smooth Group
Yes in Maya there are no smoothing groups. Instead what you are looking for is called soft/hard edges. This lets you set the vertex normal split on a per-edge basis rather than around a group of polygons. Select an edge, shift+right-click> soften/harden edge > choose whichever you want from there.
05 - Extrude by Group and Polygon
If you want to extrude faces separately then in the edit mesh menu at the top uncheck "keep faces together" and then extrude. This can also be done in the attributes for the extrude after it has been applied.
06 - Edge Size
I think what you're looking for here is the selection radius rather than the draw size of the edges. In preferences go to the Selection section and increase the "Click box size" and see if that does what you want.
07 - Transparency Object
In maya this is called X-ray mode. You can find it at the top of the viewport (third icon from the right).
08 - Align Vertex to an Axis
You can do this by moving with snap on (e.g. grid snap) and "Retain component spacing" turned off in the move tool settings. There may be another way to do it that's more like you're used to though so might be worth someone else chiming in on this one.
09 - Bend, Taper, Twist and FFD
You can find all of these under Animation module (F2) Create Deformers > nonlinear. Appart from FFD which is called "latice" in maya and can be found under the same Create deformers menu.
Now I'm much more familiar with Maya for modeling and Unwrap UV~
Hmm, today I got 3 more questions, I think these are the last 3 questions~
01 - Preserve UV
This is a very cool function. In Max, we can check the preserve UV and edit the poly, when we edit the poly, for example, moving a edge downward, the UV will moving the edge downward too instead of getting a distortion texture in the poly. How can we do that in Maya?
02 - Add Selection & Subtract Selection
In Maya, Ctrl key is subtract selection. Shift key is invert selection. Ctrl + Shift key is add selection. I'm very not used to this type of control because in Max, Ctrl key is the add selection and Shift key is the subtract selection. It makes me press wrong accidently almost everytime. Can Maya change those key setting?
03 - Most Wanted
Everybody have their common actions in every softwares to make faster and convenient for their workflow. For me in Max, hotkey 1,2,3,4,5 is the most key I will press for modeling to change between vertex, edge, border, face and element. 7 for showing viewport status. 8 and F10 for showing some settings, F9 for render the scene and lots of shortcut in editable poly to faster up my work. So, what is the common actions of you guys and suggestion key set and settings in Maya?
requires us to do everything in Maya. It's helped me brush up on some of the things
in Maya I haven't used in awhile.
I actually would like to ask one question of my own.
Is their a way that if you animate a character in 3D Studio Max that you can export
out the animation from 3D Studio Max and then import it into Maya onto the same
character in Maya? Whats the proper way to do this?
The final animation must be in Maya. Ive been reading that if you export out the
file as a FBX file it will work but some threads say there are issues.
Any help or plugin or step by step write up will be most helpful!
01 - Preserve UV
In the move tool settings check the box for "Preserve UVs"
02 - Add Selection & Subtract Selection
I'm not sure whether it's possible to change this, although I haven't ever really had the need to look into it. Personally I wouldn't change this. When I go between Max and Maya I just switch which buttons I use. I know it takes a bit of getting used to but IMO it is worth it.
03 - Most Wanted
Personally I use a pretty much default setup in Maya. My only custom shortcuts are for animation and mostly relate to rig specific functions. When modelling I find the marking menus bring everything I need within easy reach.
Your question does not have a simple definitive answer. It is possible to get the animation exported from max into maya through FBX and have it appear correctly BUT it is likely that in the process of doing so A) the rigging is likely to be completely broken and
Because of this, there are situations where this approach will work and others where it will not. If you give more details about exactly what you are trying to do then it will be easier to answer your question.
Slide edge
merge vertice tool (aka target weld)
collapse edge
select edge ring (select edge loop is built-in already to double left click)
split ring
Split poly tool
merge to centre
append polygon (a poor replacement for bridge, but Maya's bridge isn't very good)
fill hole
tweak mode (the default hotkey for this is awkward)
toggle soft select (default is "b", hold down and left mouse drag to change influence area, also works for any brush-based tool)
toggle selection mode (area, lassoo, paint)
move component (along each selected component's normal)
Other stuff like shell selection I tend to just use the default marking menus. I've probably forgotten a few things as well. I'll add them in an edit if and when i remember.
Also, Maya's snapping rocks. It can be toggled or used as a sticky key with x,c and v snapping to grid, curves/edges and verts/CVs respectively.
Someone told me that most of these tools are in the latest version of maya(2011), but I've only worked with maya 7 and 2009.
The Unwrap UV plugin is awesome! Nice, I love it so much~
Now I'm more and more familiar to Maya everyday, really appreciated~ ^_^
According to the Preserve UV question, I still have a problem~
I open the move tool option but I can't find the Preserve UV check box~
The version of Maya which my company using is 2008~
The 2008 version haven't got that function yet isn't it?
And, today, 3 questions to go~ ><
01 - Select All Element
In Max, when we edit a poly and select vertex for example, we press Ctrl + A will select all the vertex within the object. If select an edge and press select all, it will select all the edges within that object. Maya have a select all function but it will select all the object in the scene instead of selecting all element inside the object. How can we do that in Maya?
02 - Connect Pinch & Side Value
Connect is a edit poly function in Max that connect lines from edge to edge. Maya do so but can Maya adjust the pinch & side value of the connect function? I found out that it can only tweak the freedom or evenly and connection line number only. How can we adjust the pinch & side value in Maya?
03 - Detach Object
In Maya, the detach object function is called separate isn't it? Alright, let's say I have 5 meshes within 1 object, when I select 3 of the meshes and detach it, it will detach the 3 meshes from the object and separated into 3 different objects, that's mean now I have 4 objects in my scene. I don't want that. In Max, when we detach it, it will separate into 2 objects only and the 3 meshes is within that object. How can we do that in Maya?
To JZak,
It's OK, I hope this thread will help all the Max users who want to learn Maya~
And I'm glad that you like this~ ^_^
To Eric,
Thanks for sharing, it looks like a really great tool~
I will try it soon~ ^_^
If you select the object in object mode you can do a selection conversion to verts/faces/edges. Just hold Ctrl+right-click with the object selected and then go "To Vertices"/"To UVs" etc. It would also be very simple to write a script that would give you all vertices based on a currently selected vert.
02 - Connect Pinch & Side Value
Yea there is no equivalent to pinch and slide as far as I know. I heard the split poly tool got an overhaul in 2012 but that's probably no use to you :P. This sort of thing you _may_ be able to get a script for. I've not tried this and don't know if it does what you want but this is where I would look for scripts to do what you want: http://www.creativecrash.com/maya/downloads/scripts-plugins/c/polyavergtools--2
03 - Detach Object
Use "Extract faces" instead of separate.
I'm not sure when the preserve UVs function was added. I'd be suprised if it didn't exist in 2008 but I'm not sure. Maybe try searching maya 2008's help docs for "Preserve UVs"?
This should help me a lot. alright, I'm using Maya about 1 week~
Today, I encountered 2 questions, the questions are as below~
01 - Save the Shortcut Key
I have a lot of shortcut keys adjusted manually for own in Maya. I want to save my shortcut key out into a file and put to another computer to load up my shortcut key setting. How can I do that?
02 - Duplicate Meshes & Material Ball
I realize that when I duplicate an object by pressing copy and paste, my material ball will duplicated too. The material name is called something like "pasted_pasted_pasted_pasted_pasted_pasted... ... ...", the object name do so, it's very weird. I'm very worried while doing copy things in Maya, it always makes me confuse. How can I avoid this?
01 - Save the Shortcut Key
Copy userHotkeys.mel onto the other computer. Mine is in this path (win vista):
02 - Duplicate Meshes & Material Ball
Use ctrl+d to duplicate instead of copy and paste
Today I encountered some problems which make me a little frustrated,
And I will combine the questions above which I haven't solved yet,
ALright, let's get started, the questions are as below,
01 - Re: Move & Scale only 2 Axis
I don't why, I feel that the navigation tool of Maya is really very hard to control and sometimes I want to move around only 2 axis but I check the position after that and I realize that the position is a little bit upward or downward, that's means it effected the 3rd axis as well, why will this happen? (Actually I hope the Maya navigation tools are like 3dsMax which is more easy to move & scale only 2 axis but I know this is impossible. =_=)
02 - Re: Connect Pinch & Side Value
This script is helpful, thanks for your introduce, but it seems like can't do the pinch & side value, it can only move the vertex around the edge one by one manually.
03 - Constraints
In Max, when we editing a poly by moving the vertex, edges and faces, we have 4 options, one is none which moving normally, one is edge which moving along to the edges, and the others 2 were face and normal. How can I do that is Maya?
04 - Temporary Change Pivot
Asked by my friend, actually I don't know 3dsMax can do this too. He said, 3dsMax can change the pivot temporary to make more easier to scale and rotate the selection items. When finished editing, the pivot will disappeared. Note that this will not effected the original pivot of that items. Can Maya do that as well?
05 - Split Polygon Tool
This function is same as 3dsMax's cut tool, but it seems like a big problem while perform a multi-split in Maya. It can't split multiple times and stop at the same edge. If you do that and press enter, the whole lines will disappear. In Max, we can split the polygon very freedom without any problem. How can we fix that in Maya, this is really annoying me.
06 - Toggle Isolate Mode
I know that pressing Shift + I will goes into the isolate mode but any shortcut key for disable the isolate mode?
07 - Undeletable Mesh
I received a mesh which has a ring only with vertex and edges, no faces. I'm trying to delete it but the system doesn't allow me to do that, then I select the vertex and delete it and it will become 3 vertex and edge connected there and can't delete anymore. I do an experiment by making a new mesh, attached together and try to bridge the edges between them, but it failed. I think that was not a poly or mesh, maybe that was something else. What was that? And how can I delete it?
Alright, that's all today, phew, I'm going to take a rest 1st~
Hope someone can help, thanks you.
lets hope so
Lately, I have been coming across a lot of posts like this, for people wanting a reflection solution in Maya that works on more than just the transform tools.
My personal solution works for most my organic modeling needs. Where game centric models Rarely exceed 20 thousand tris I have now worked years without being able to "break" this automated mirroring solution. And for the most part it is just always working transparent although I can not imagine doing without( actually as Autodesk once again changes it's menu and gui structure in major ways. The new shelfButton popUp menu functionality seems to destroy my shelf Button popUp menu solution I had built for easy sharing/delivery ) Because These tools are built into my own pipeline I am sorry I have not updated a fix for the shelfButton popupMenu commands but I assume that most users here actually implement their own strategies instead of such easy delivery systems as well? If not... Jes poke me. I generally never refuse an easy fix.
Other than that... the actual functionality seems intact. For most modeling actions... upon completing a tool or action the current model being edited will reflect those edits across the axis set in the tools preferences. If I sound like a broken record to some with self pimpage of this tool... please jes ignore as much. But jes in case the following might fit your needs and having just about all your poly edits reflected after every action ( currently the only action/tools I am aware of that will not mirror with the automated solution are transformComponent edits and SlideEdge Tool edits. In which case manually updating cly_pivotReflectionModeling will always update the current selection ) with origin merge threshold managed and Holes outside the origin preserved ( not default maya mirror merge behavior ). Mirror axis preference aligns/updates with any transform tool reflection axis preference change and visa versa. Also Orientation offsets and Rotation offsets are calculated. All automatically handled without nasty origin seams, freeze transform restrictions and reversed normal headaches inherent to intancing and negative scaling solutions.
My system is pretty beefy but I would not consider using the tool on imported Zbrush assets. I assume weaker machines might suffer more than my personal experience?
But even in such cases where mirroring a character model in begining stages is probably the most critical... I have not recieved any negative performance feedback yet. Installation and Maya unit issues do creep up often. If anyone has a burning need to work outside of Maya friendly cm... just poke me.
That was doing my head in (15 years on max and suddenly using maya) so i randomly clicked around until I discovered this....
get the translate tool properties up (double click the icon iirc) and you'll find a bunch of constraints that word nearly as well as the ones in max do
Does anyone have any solutions?
See the top page > http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1324626&postcount=1
Hope it helps~ >.o