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UDK Mobile Preview "Scripts are outdated. Would you like to rebuild now?"

Hey there everyone,

So I had a couple scripting issues that I've been trying to resolve within UDK Mobile, but no luck thus far. Posted on UDK's forums but I figured I'd post here as well in an attempt to get some assistance. Wondering if anyone else has any input as to what I might be doing wrong or what I could do to fix the problems. These issues stem from a tutorial I followed here:


I posted the questions in that thread, but I didn't want to take away from the tutorial itself. Anyway, here's what I'm running into when messing with code for UDK Mobile.

1.) When I click on the "Mobile_Previewer" in order to preview my game, I still get a message stating that scripts are outdated and if I'd like to rebuild. I've fully recompiled in Unreal Frontend, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong here. Even when clicking "Yes" to rebuild, nothing happens. I mean I get the little window showing the rebuild process, but when it's completed, it just sits there. Closing that window and then trying the previewer again does the same thing.

2.) When I do fully recompile in Unreal Frontend, I get a warning stating this:

Warning, Can't find files matching C:\UDK\UDK-2011-03\Binaries\Win32\..\..\Development\Src\MyGame\Cla sses\*.uc

Again, have I missed a step/done something wrong? I still get a full succeed at the end of everything, but this is still popping up. I'm pretty sure I told the engine to compile my scripts. It says ---MyGame - Release
at the top like in the tutorial.

I removed the Config file (per suggestion of another user in the other thread) in MobileGame folder completely and recompiled, and this seemed to remove the warning I was receiving (I copied and pasted that warning directly into my post btw, so there shouldn't have been any typos). The Previewer doesn't come up at all now though and I get an error asking to report the issue to Epic.

Did I remove the Config file from the incorrect folder? I've put it back in MobileGame (just threw it on my desktop for the time being) and it's back to how it was before, asking if I'd like to recompile when I attempt to open the previewer. Also still get the warning message in Frontend, but everything seems to succeed. Removing the Config file from other folders doesn't seem to be the right thing to do, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

When following that extension for the warning, I cannot even find a folder for that. I get into Win32 and then become lost with the "\..\..\" business. Again, it still succeeds, so I'm not worrying about it too much.

3.) For some reason my UDK Remote wont connect anymore either. It used to before I got the March Beta. My firewalls are open for it too.

I feel like I'm close here to getting the desired result. Hopefully these issues can be resolved. I'm sure it's something simple that I've messed up.

K, thanks in advance to anyone that might have a suggestion for any of the issues I'm having. Been at this for a little while now and I just cannot figure out what I've done wrong. Hope someone might have an idea as to what's going on.



  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    A file could be locked. Read the post on UDK forums. #3, make sure your IP isn't dynamic, and you hard-typed the IP on the mobile device.
  • Insipidus
    So I think I figured out my issue. When I created my files, they were still text documents, even though I named them .uc. That is why the files were never found. Noob move I know. Thought it was done correctly, but obviously it was wrong.

    I did this following a tutorial that used Visual Studio and nFringe. I didn't want to use these programs and just created documents, saving as "All Files" and as ANSI. Guess that didn't matter.

    To get the correct filetypes, I just copied a real .uc file from a different folder in UDK, then added all my script. Seems to work now.

    My UDK Remote works now too. I wasn't hitting the mobile previewer. Really getting into this mobile stuff now, but I had a quite a few beginner bumps initially.

    Hopefully this information will help other programming noobs such as myself. -__-

    Thanks, and thanks for taking the time to reply Lamont.
  • Aprilynnski
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