@adambromell - Mine, obviously. I try and keep it game-art specific as much as I can and will often ramble about different opinions on game art and the shit we do for a living. The goal being to try and spark conversations on Twitter.
If you guys haven't already seen there is a hashtag of #ims211 that has tons of developers tweeting with the hashtag to have a game dev roll call so to speak. It is worth a look. #ims211
twitter is awesome for keeping up with info, and i like how you can connect with important people and companies. Mine's @jostvice and i tweet about 3d/games/movies and my random stuff :P
Twitter's not for me. I'd rather be working, or something than getting constant updates about what people are doing. I can KINDA understand the Twitter appeal, but for me, it's easier to get "in the zone" of working when I don't have all kinds of updates going on, and a thousand different IM's, and all that. I'd much rather put on some music, or audio book, or podcast, and really dive into work.
Facebook, again, not for me. I USED to use it all the time, but it got old. I know it can do some pretty cool things. My brother found his daughter he hadn't seen and wasn't allowed to see, or talk to for years, cause his ex is a bitch like that. Now they talk regularly on Facebook. I think that's kinda cool. For me though, again, I'd rather talk to friends and relatives face to face than get constant updates, some of which, I'd rather not know about.
well, you know. I can understand your point of view. But that things about updates and stuff..
I usually only check twitter updates when i go to bed and check them on the phone. So i dont really know what's going on until im in bed. Again, i just use it to get ahold of cool bits of info. Like, there are recruriters and HR persons that use twitter and they twet job offers ocasionaly. SO you know.. as i said.. connections
Oh no, I didn't mean to sound like I was targeting you, Pedro. Mine was just a general statement, not to anyone specific. I guess I didn't make it clear that I can see why people like Facebook, and Twitter, they're just not for me.
You make a great point about the recruiters, and HR though.
I'm on that Twitter thing too - has been pretty good to see what HR and recruiters are doing since I'm moving to North America from New Zealand soon. Also, not a bad way to keep up with what's happening in the industry if you can't be bothered reading every Gamasutra article
too impersonal (and too public) for talking to real friends. too short for most meaningful information sharing, there's just no depth. Reading twitter to me is like watching soaps on TV. I'm just not into that.
I use twitter, but mainly to stalk others. I follow a lot of the revision3 hosts, some websites, and friends/family... oh, and Adam, because he's sexah. I don't contribute much, just because I usually share more on Facebook, since it doesn't have character limitations and it's easier to follow responses.
I get pissed off at people's stupid status's on Facebook. I save myself the stress and anger and I don't go on Twitter... it's just the Facebook status part.
I've been more active again with the @leveldesign account again, which despite its name is more focused on Env art tutorials, inspirational links etc...
I finally accepted twitter when one of my friends got a direct reply from Jeremy Roenick during a commercial break from the hockey game he was doing commentation on after some on-screen hilarity.
Ice-T is a pretty funny guy to follow as well, him and Weird Al are probably my favorite celebrities on there. It's nice being able to keep up with all the artists and indie devs that are on Twitter too.
Twitter is a curious little thing. It's gone from micro-social networking to almost what you could call a cultural phenomenon within half a decade. Hell, the twitter accounts of stars make it onto the news every day now. Even sports channels keep up with the tweets of athletes. Public schools, police departments, and fire houses use twitter to inform the general public. Even our government officials, right up to the president, use it as a soap box.
And then I use it for an entirely different purpose myself. My only followers are my close friends, and we all have each other on mobile updates, so every tweet we make goes directly to everyone's phones. It's great for letting everyone know when you're back in town, or seeing who's up for getting a bite to eat. And of course, the occasional silly drunken tweet.
So when people tell me they don't see a point in twitter, I can't help but feel like they don't see a point in hammers. Or boats. Or roads. It's only limitation is 140 characters and your imagination. Not needing or wanting one is perfectly understandable, but calling it useless or pointless is almost silly at this point. Where have you been the past five years?
@polycount - Polycount's.
I will go and add some of y'all now.
This is me. 5 people away from rocking that first hundred. Because that's what internet is about! Fake buddies!
Because you know.. I don't really wanna know when you go take a poop or went to walkt the dog. lol
Facebook, again, not for me. I USED to use it all the time, but it got old. I know it can do some pretty cool things. My brother found his daughter he hadn't seen and wasn't allowed to see, or talk to for years, cause his ex is a bitch like that. Now they talk regularly on Facebook. I think that's kinda cool. For me though, again, I'd rather talk to friends and relatives face to face than get constant updates, some of which, I'd rather not know about.
I usually only check twitter updates when i go to bed and check them on the phone. So i dont really know what's going on until im in bed. Again, i just use it to get ahold of cool bits of info. Like, there are recruriters and HR persons that use twitter and they twet job offers ocasionaly. SO you know.. as i said.. connections
You make a great point about the recruiters, and HR though.
Mine is @hamishbode
too impersonal (and too public) for talking to real friends. too short for most meaningful information sharing, there's just no depth. Reading twitter to me is like watching soaps on TV. I'm just not into that.
Everyone not doing this is a straight up chump.
Straight. Up.
@notman05 if you care
Hardly use it except to snoop on people.
Check it out: http://twitter.com/leveldesign
Ice-T is a pretty funny guy to follow as well, him and Weird Al are probably my favorite celebrities on there. It's nice being able to keep up with all the artists and indie devs that are on Twitter too.
I'm @SgtSandbag
My indie start-up @atomswitch is also on the twitters.
And then I use it for an entirely different purpose myself. My only followers are my close friends, and we all have each other on mobile updates, so every tweet we make goes directly to everyone's phones. It's great for letting everyone know when you're back in town, or seeing who's up for getting a bite to eat. And of course, the occasional silly drunken tweet.
So when people tell me they don't see a point in twitter, I can't help but feel like they don't see a point in hammers. Or boats. Or roads. It's only limitation is 140 characters and your imagination. Not needing or wanting one is perfectly understandable, but calling it useless or pointless is almost silly at this point. Where have you been the past five years?
Facebook is reserved for more personal use.
I use twitter all the time, mostly to follow artists, pickup knowledge and try and learn about becoming employable.
I use it for reposting game art links, environment coolness, and personal projects.
Use for game industry & art news! Other geeky stuffs too.
just sayin'