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Realistic Scout(TF2) Sculpt

Hey all, this is my first proper attempt at sculpting, just looking for some feedback on my anatomy. I know the feet are looking bad at the moment so any advice on how to fix them would be greatly appreciated, other than that general feedback on the body as a whole would be great. I tried to recreate the scout from TF2 with correct muscle and bone structure:


Cheers, look forward to hearing your thoughts


  • Richa2059
    Quick update after some of my lecturer's feedback:

  • Sukotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I think you need to work on the face some more, this just looks like the actual Scout's cartoony head put on a realistic body so it looks off.
  • Richa2059
    Sorry I should have mentioned I'm not being critiqued on my course in regards to the head as i completed a module in that last semester; as such i have barely touched on it and focused primarily on the body. I will definitely take a wack at his face (Completely agree, didn't realise how out of touch it was with the rest of him) once my semester is done and dusted and this has been submitted (Hand-in on wednesday :) ), but I'm mostly looking for critique of his body before i go ahead with the rest of my work.
  • Rojo
    This is sort of creeping me out. It's unclear which direction you're trying to take this. Also, if you're studying anatomy you shouldn't be applying cartoon proportions. You risk teaching yourself improper placement, and you're also making more work for yourself because now you have to stylize it on top of learning the basics.

    You should focus on building volume. For instance, the ribcage is flat but has surface detail "embossed" onto it. The shoulders look too wide, maybe bring them in a little bit. The neck looks like an inbetween of a male and female, you should build up the trapezius, this is prominent even with skinny guys. Feet are not flat, so get some arch in there and build them up. They need to be firmly planted to the ground.

    Good progress. Study more reference photos (also a mirror) and get the basic shapes before moving to detail.
  • B Fatz
    I second what Rojo said, right now he looks very boxy and the details look drawn on, where you have the details may be correct, but you need to really push and pull the shapes to give him more volume.

    This is one of the hardest parts of modeling but you'll be happy with the results if you spend time working towards it.
  • makecg
    I third what B Fatz and Rojo said.
    He needs bigger man breast. you should use the inflat brush for that. Keep it up !
  • Richa2059
    I'm gonna have to steam ahead and get the low poly version done and the detail from this sculpt projected onto it in time for my hand in on Wednesday because i'm unfortunately running out of time. I'll come back to improving this sculpt once i break for the summer so thanks for the crits guys, they'll all be going into my critical evaluation document and I'll definitely try to beef out the definition more when i come back to this.

    Quick update of the sculpt that i did earlier on today before the above replies, mainly front legs and feet touch up, noticed the tips of his feet are too low now though!

  • Richa2059
    In engine (no kidding about the face! cartoony or what :| )

  • Mstankow
    Offline / Send Message
    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    That is probably the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Would make a great monster for a survival horror.
  • Yamo
    Are you going to tweak the head at all? Seems like you literally took the scout's actual head mesh and attached it to a different body
  • Richa2059
    This is a piece for my university course. I'm not actually being graded on the head as far as i'm aware so i mainly focused on the body in zbrush.. I'm looking at it now and it's all looking horrendous in my eyes.

    -The face is too smooth and cartoony.
    -The proportions are too elongated.
    -Hips look shite.
    -Feet also look too.. finlike?

    Really not happy with the final result so yes, once i'm on break for the summer, i'll revisit this and really go to town. As it stands currently, hand in is in for tomorrow, so i can't really do much else to improve this which is a shame.
  • Minos
    Offline / Send Message
    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    i can't quite put my finger on what's wrong since I'm no character artist but man... that looks creepy.
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