I recently found the thread about Normal Thief for use on foliage and downloaded the SlideNormalThief script to give it a try. At first it was working fine it seemed, other than the normals being backwards but that was fixed by resetting xform. Now I think the script is causing some pretty major issues with Max though. After using it I've been having some pretty major issues with transforming and a few other things. Whenever I move or scale or rotate something it's just completely overdone like the settings have been scaled up. Also it won't let me undo anything now. I'm sure it's causing more problems that I haven't found yet.
If anyone knows what is causing this and how to fix it then please explain. If you need to see the problems then I can set up a livestream to show. I'm going to try uninstalling the script now to see if it fixes it.
EDIT: Well after spending a half hour looking for where the script installed to to delete it and not having any luck I just restarted Max and everything seems to be fixed...
It's here for those who are curious
You should contact Slide and let them know.
I'll e-mail Slide later today about it.
I prepared a tree mesh that is Editable Mesh with Edit Normals on active. I want to steal spehere's normals to that tree but this is what happens when stealing:
It says: Unable to convert: Undefined to Integer
I've tried exporting mesh to .3DS and re-export to .MAX (reset normals), re-uv, autosmooth smoothing groups, reset vertex color but with no luck
Any ideas?
You could also try this. Make a box primitive, convert to Editable Poly, attach your tree, delete the box element.
I'll probably take down this link soon since I did not get permission from slide to distribute.
Makes sense I guess. A vertex without an edge/face doesn't have a normal.
this is my frist comment in this great site
Running 3D Studio Max 2014
[EDIT]: Problem solved in another post Thanks to Tobbo!
You sir solved a first world problem! Thank you!
Hoping someone sees this. Not quite the same issue, but... in max 2017, the script stops working after creating ref object LUT, the completion bar for target object LUT never moves (is always empty), and clicking "steal" again just generates the generic "can't do that" sound from windows.
Wondering if there's a version of the script that's been updated for 2017?
Try it, it might help.
No error thrown in the listener ?
Maybe somme issue with the mesh.
I don't think i've protected my script against dead verts for instance, see monster post above.
Did you try with 2 simple primitives for instance ?
You can PM me a scene with the source/target objects if you want.
which can't be done with a "normal" script. If you drag drop a "normal" script to the toolbar, Max creates a macroscript from it.
(If you drag drop a macroscript on a toolbar, i guess it creates a double macroscript
1st time you drag drop a macroscript in the viewport or execute it, Max copies the script in some of its folders.
So you won't see anything.
To really execute the script, you have to set it through UI.
If you open the script in a text editor, you'll see :
macroscript blabla
Meaning you'll find the script under customize/customize user interface/category : myStuff, named "blabla"
You can remove all lines before the first bracket if you want to execute it directly or to assign it directly to a button by dragging (it will recreate a macroscript internally)
It should atleast create the dialog window.
This script is a lot faster BUT, the normal output is wrong, it seems like they're coming out swizzled or something.
Top left to bottom right:
source object > source object normals
target object normals > target object after stealing from source object.
I was blown away by the data transfer modifier in blender which can do this while giving you a range of interpolation methods to choose from. it's extremely fast and robust in comparison and even live, meaning you can alter and move the normal source object while seeing the vertex normals update on the target mesh in real time.
perhaps worth it as an extra step in your exports, it's just that much better than the max scripts (or than that maya attribute transfer, while we're at it).
I don't understand how Autodesk can even call max feature complete at this point, it boggles my fucking mind. I swear, i need to shake off this severe case of stockholm syndrome i have with this garbage software.
these scripts bailed on me about 50% of the time. had to restart the app all the time to have the process finish. not to mention that even the faster one takes a good long while on that rather high res normal source you're showing.
even if it was not my choice of package for working i'd make the roundtrip to blender any day over this hassle.