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Anybody got a 3DS?

polycounter lvl 12
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tanka polycounter lvl 12
I tried searching to see if there was a 3DS thread already, but ofcourse searching 3DS on polycount results in every thread being displayed. :P

So anyway, does anybody have a 3DS?

I got one on Australian launch day. It's a pretty neat little device. If anybody else has one, maybe we should swap friend codes and such, maybe get some street fighter matches happening or something.

My friend code is: 5112-3440-3671 :)


  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    yeah, i got one, it's cool, specially pilotwings, I hope they put webbrowser and game downloading ASAP
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    I would like to get one, but I'm gonna wait till the new colours and games are released. I want RED!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'll wait for Zelda, then I'll pick one up. The games out atm are pretty much blah for me, tbh.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Worst launch line up ever IMO, waiting for the inevitable second iteration of the software, with a new 3d screen and a prettier design and a 3d video capture capability. Played it and was a little unimpressed with the effect. Maybe they'll release a version with two 3d screens, that join up in the middle to make one big 3d screen for movies, that would be amazing :)
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, the games aren't great. I got a really good deal on mine, which is why I got it.

    At least in the US you have Steel Diver and Pilotwings. The only decent launch games we have are streetfighter and to a lesser extent Ghost Recon.
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    someone told me people are getting headachhes/eye strain after like 15 minutes. is this true.
  • Clinch_Control
    I managed to try one in a local GAME store, it's all well and good in 3D until you move the screen 1CM in any direction which skews the vision, also the launch line-up didn't look that great. I'll be waiting to see what the NGP shapes up to be in the upcoming months :]
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    sampson wrote: »
    someone told me people are getting headachhes/eye strain after like 15 minutes. is this true.

    For the most part yea. The 3D strains your eyes really quickly, everyone in class who played turned the 3D off after 5 minutes.
  • Tom Ellis
    Waiting for the next iteration;

    Nicer product design, better colours, no 3d :)

    And better games.

    Although they wont lose the 3D, so I'll just wait for NGP.

    EDIT: That wasn't supposed to sound like a rap.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I haven't had any problems with the 3D, although if I'm tired it doesn't feel too good. I actually find it a hell of alot better than wearing 3D glasses at the movies, they always seem to make me dizzy.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    sampson wrote: »
    someone told me people are getting headachhes/eye strain after like 15 minutes. is this true.

    It depends on how you're using it. It's a little bit like getting a pair of glasses for the first time. You know how the first time you get them, it can give you headaches off and on because your eyes aren't used to adjusting to that focus?

    It's pretty much the same thing, your eyes aren't used to focusing in this sort of way. I got headaches for the first day I was fiddling with mine but haven't had any issues with subsequent usage. Also, people have a tendency to not pay attention to that 3D slider on the side. It is not an on/off switch, it's a slider. They get their 3DS and they turn it up full blast to try and get the full effect, which is understandable at first, but they've got to understand that the point of that slider is because people's eyes are different, and people play different. The 3D slider level impacts how clear the image is (and how easy it is to focus on it) at different distances, in addition to the depth of the 3D effect, from what I can tell. I've found a nice happy medium having it roughly 70% of the way up.

    I wasn't planning on buying a 3DS, I was going to wait for the "3DS Lite" or more colors, and that sort of thing. But I decided to buy it now for a few reasons. The first being I had an old, fat DS (that I inherited) and was starting to kick the bucket. I knew that if i didn't trade it in now, it wouldn't have been worth hardly anything. The second being that, I actually don't know if they'll be quite as quick to release another iteration of the 3DS anytime soon. What with the ability to update the 3DS via download, and things of that nature. And I didn't want to wait a year and a half to dive into the 3DS line of games as they start coming out with more. I guess I could be wrong, but that's alright I suppose.

    Launch titles aren't that great, I didn't pick any up when I bought mine, but I didn't buy it thinking of it as the sort of thing I'd get to go home and go nuts with. I bought it looking at it like an investment.
  • Visceral
    I got mine....and now im ruined :( But so far its been amazing. Rayman 3d sucked but i got Pokemon black and awaiting Street Fighter 3d.
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    I'm still waiting for mine to arrive from the UK. There are no game shops here, so I had to import. :(
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Got mine just for the analogue stick. Gettuing sick of thumb cramps from the DS lite's D pad.
    Playing pokemon black on it atm :3
  • Spiralface
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    Spiralface triangle
    Room mate picked his up at launch, and I've played around with it a bit at GDC.

    The system is pretty cool, but in all honesty, I'm in no rush to get it.

    Not many worthwhile games, and while what you get in the package is DEFINATLY worth the money, its not like I have to spend it right now.

    The worst thing that can happen is that the system will get cheaper, Get an upgraded look, or become more energy efficient (3-5 hours while playing in 3D is a bit of a negative for a system that for the time being is all about that feature till some solid titles come out for it.)

    Its a good system, NGP looks good as well. Will probably wait till more games come out to see which one I would like to buy.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Waiting for the NGP. Sorry Nintendo fans, also commonly knows as: Nintendogs.


  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I got it, I like it so far, the 3d camera is pretty nifty. The OK Go music video was fun to watch in 3d.

    Got Street Fighter since I held off on getting Super Street Fighter 4 when it got released and have been having fun with that.

    Overall I find having the 3d set to half on the slider is easy enough on my eyes with the 3d still working pretty well.

    Still can't wait for Resident Evil:Revelation, Kid Icarus, and Megaman Legends 3 to come out.

    I would love a Monster Hunter game on this, imagine seeing those all those big monsters in 3d :D

    I feel like its a good buy for me. By old fat ds has run it's course and my brother's DS started to die out so I gave him mine. Works well enough as a camera, haven't owned a camera before so it should be put to good use.

    I like the blue 3ds a lot, it's more of a teal so it has a green tint to it.

    Can't wait for the online store to get on there so I can finally get some dsi games I've been wanting like Blayzbloo and Oregon Trail
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    Worst launch line up ever IMO

    I wouldn't go that far. People tend to forget just how bad the launch line-up was for the DS and the PS2. Not every new system can have the launch line-up of the Dreamcast. (one of the best game selections at launch in the U.S.) This system launch had only a few notable standouts, but very few real crappy games. It was a middle-of-the-road launch, where most of the games were pretty good, but no one took any real risks.

    I picked up one, mainly because I held out on upgrading my DS so many times. (still sporting the grey brick) It's a big step up from the original DS, though I can understand why current DSi owners might be underwhelmed. For my part, I love the camera feature, the audio recording feature, the Mii-related apps, and I thought Face Raiders was a blast. As far as games are concerned, I picked up Ghost Recon and Pilotwings. I haven't even tried Ghost Recon yet, but it had the strongest recommendation from reviewers. Pilotwings is fairly basic, but the flying mechanics are as smooth and appealing as they have been in previous iterations. It's actually a good fit for the 3DS, as it can be played in short bursts.

    I can certainly appreciate why some might want to wait. As much fun as the system is, there aren't any MUST-HAVE titles for it at the moment. At the same time, I don't regret my purchase.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I played a coworkers for a bit, he doesn't have any launch titles we're having too much fun with the augmented reality games it ships with.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Just out of curiosity.. Why's everyone hanging out for the NGP? There isn't that much info available on it, and my experiences with the PSP aren't exactly giving me high hopes for any of Sony's future handheld devices.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    tanka wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity.. Why's everyone hanging out for the NGP? There isn't that much info available on it, and my experiences with the PSP aren't exactly giving me high hopes for any of Sony's future handheld devices.

    For me it's more the tease that one will be able to develop for the platform and run android as well. At least according to one polycounter.

    I hope to hear more come E3 as it'd be a nice android platform to develop for if possible.

    Edit: As for the 3ds, the 3d is not too appealing to me right now. Then again I haven't have a chance to try out the system first hand to really say one way or another.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    tanka wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity.. Why's everyone hanging out for the NGP? There isn't that much info available on it, and my experiences with the PSP aren't exactly giving me high hopes for any of Sony's future handheld devices.

    Well I love my share of pokemon games and nintendogs, but the whole 3D phenomenon is flying over my head.

    My experiences with the PSP on the other hand were amazing! Late nights, finally playing Monster Hunter again with new monsters, just headlocking Rathalos with my Dragon Breaker. Good times. I'm sure they'll make one for the NGP, or at least I hope they do.

    I also want to find a way to mod some NGP games when they come out. This hardware is just amazing, and I'm not usually the one who buys these type or things the day they come out, but something about it is just memorizing me... like a kid in a candy shop, but the candy is the most technologically advanced candy you can get, ahahah:poly136:.
  • ikken
    tanka wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity.. Why's everyone hanging out for the NGP? There isn't that much info available on it, and my experiences with the PSP aren't exactly giving me high hopes for any of Sony's future handheld devices.
    psp had its share of great games, I mostly enjoyed what square brought there + some really decent timekillers + a ton of psx titles
    not so excited for ngp however, but still hope that they would have some sweet announces later
  • Tom Ellis
    Yeah PSP is still a great console, it was just ruined by piracy which I think meant a lack of proper support.

    I love the DS too man, I have a DSi XL and play Pokemon pretty excessively. I'm just not impressed with 3D at all, I think its a tacky fad whether that is on TV, Film or Games. Since 3D is the primary selling point of the 3DS I haven't had much interest. And Zelda is really the only game that could convince me.

    Sony seem on the right track with NGP, focusing on gaming and power. Sure there's some silly 'buzzword' style additions (rear touchscreen, wut?) but Uncharted on a portable, yes please!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Well I love my share of pokemon games and nintendogs, but the whole 3D phenomenon is flying over my head.

    My experiences with the PSP on the other hand were amazing! Late nights, finally playing Monster Hunter again with new monsters, just headlocking Rathalos with my Dragon Breaker. Good times. I'm sure they'll make one for the NGP, or at least I hope they do.

    I have this hunch that capcom will be heading to the 3ds with the monster hunter series, mostly due to the fact that they've never deviated from their assets used in their games, and the 3ds hits just perfectly with the specs for a monster hunter game, and it's exactly what they did with monster hunter tri.

    the NGP is a much more powerful platform where you could actually make a next-gen'ish looking monster hunter game, but that's the problem, they couldn't re-use all those assets if they did.

    I don't think we'll be seeing any 3ds-lite anytime soon, but when it comes, it won't look too much different, but it'll definately have improved batterytime, which is the 3ds's only weakness.

    It already has the form-factor and weight of the DSi, which already went through the iterations from the previous ones.

    extra colours however, yeah, that we'll see.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Gotta say I wouldn't even be looking at the NGP if it wasn't for Uncharted... Thats totally got my attention.

    As the 3DS shortcomings, yeah the battery life is just stupid. I'm heading to Munich soon and was planning on taking it with me, but I'm going from London by coach, and... Well lets just say it wouldn't even last me out of the UK. Which is a shame.

    In the old days I would have just said "sod it" and bought an extra battery that could swap over, but you can't even open it up and swap them... Lame...

    3DS Lite NEEDS (IMO):

    * Better batt life (at least 9 hours)
    * Better quality 3d effect (because that view angle is horrid)
    * Better lower home buttons (Lets face it, those buttons are some ugly ass shit)

    3DS Lite could do with IMO:

    * Nicer design (Because its ugly as shit, after the sexyness of the Lite and NGP, it looks so dated)
    * A better camera. Yeah, I know there are multiple cameras on it, but seriously, my mums phone takes better pics... She had it 6 years ago.
    * 3d video recording
    * Possibly some form of unsigned code running for homebrew (Which is a can of worms I know, but meh, I want me some emulators).
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Well the monster hunter 3ds rumour is alive and kicking. I would love to see monster hunter on the ps3, but I'll take anything they throw out to the rabid fans.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    * Better quality 3d effect (because that view angle is horrid)

    It's the downside with glass-less 3d, at one angle your left eye will suddely pop into the field of image that the right eye was supposed to get.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Got one due to a forgotten pre-order I did on amazon a few months ago. The 3D effect is horrible, no where near as good as I was hoping/expecting. This is the kind of effect I remember seeing on collectable cards back in the 90s, just in video format. And the top screen as a result also looks dimmer then the bottom one even when the 3d slider is 'off'. To craigslist it goes.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Got one due to a forgotten pre-order I did on amazon a few months ago.

    Damn... I wish I had money to spend like that, ahahah thats awesome man.
  • Koenig123
    Such a beautiful, sexy piece of technology. To the negative posters: ?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Got one due to a forgotten pre-order I did on amazon a few months ago. The 3D effect is horrible, no where near as good as I was hoping/expecting. This is the kind of effect I remember seeing on collectable cards back in the 90s, just in video format. And the top screen as a result also looks dimmer then the bottom one even when the 3d slider is 'off'. To craigslist it goes.

    Are you sure? the combined light of both images should be nearly exactly the same as bottom.
    It has to be seen straight on though, or the result of only seeing one of the intended images will make it look less bright.

    Otherwise that 3ds might be broken.

    3d-effect is as good as it gets with any stereoscopic 3d, two different images for your eyes.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Got one due to a forgotten pre-order I did on amazon a few months ago. The 3D effect is horrible, no where near as good as I was hoping/expecting. This is the kind of effect I remember seeing on collectable cards back in the 90s, just in video format. And the top screen as a result also looks dimmer then the bottom one even when the 3d slider is 'off'. To craigslist it goes.

    In addition to what eld mentioned, make sure you don't have "Power Saver" mode turned on, or whatever the hell it's called, in the 3DS settings. That will wash out the colors.

    Concerning the 3D effect, I'm not really sure what you were expecting. It's what we've been shown and told to expect since that first video came out of the DSi Ware game (you know, the one with the hidden letters or whatever) that was supposed to sort of illustrate the effect. Were you wanting things to look like they were popping out inches from the screen? It's a handheld you'll be holding 10-15 inches from your face, I don't see what more they could've done and I think it works really really well.

    Maybe it's my inner child but I think it's totally cool to go fishing in a lake made of my bedsheets.
  • xerious3d
    Enjoying my 3ds XL so far, screen is awesomely huge, the 3d is clearly different per game, I am just glad i can adjust it per game. Since i have very little time to sit behind a console now a days i really enjoy a portable console right now.

    Friend code: 1161-1116-5492
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Yup, its a good time to be a portable gamer. Paper Mario and Animal Crossing are the two 3ds games I'm going to be getting. A few vita games also!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I picked up an XL a few days ago. Screen still has the same issues, CPU not able to push AA for two images through, weird silvery sheen to everything in 3D, but in 2D it's a great looking console, games look good, and that screen... IMO a better console than the Vita. Mind you, the lack of a second stick, how the ****, again, Nintendo... I dunno. I'm scared we'll see yet another iteration. But I'm playing Revalations on it, and enjoying it a lot, and not missing the second stick yet.

    I have an american unit unfortunately, Europeans get a free game including Mario or Layton if they register their EU unit before the end of the month! :(
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    I got an XL recently. Absolutely love it. So much better than the original 3DS. I've been playing mostly Pokemon White 2 as well as a little Mario Kart 7.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I'll be sure to pick up an 3DS (XL maybe) when Monster Hunter 4, or Animal Crossing comes out (whichever first). Not sure if Zelda and Castlevania are enough at this point for me to jump in on that.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    I was at first unsure of the size but now really tempted by the XL. Just for playing around the home. Has anybody tried sketching on it? Probably better than the ipad as the pen is much thinner even if the screen is lower quality?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I enjoyed sketching with Colours DS years back but if you're buying a device purely for sketching and some gaming I would probably look into that pressure sensitive Samsung tablet tbh.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, just a bit more expensive than a 3DS though. I would mainly use the 3DS XL as a gaming machine with the odd bit of fun sketching on the side. I find the ipad really frustrating with those fat tipped pens.
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