Well I am trying to build a variety of different things for my portfolio and also for experience.... and I was inspired by TF2 and Lead and Gold to create a western kind of mine. I modeled this off a reference from Lead and Gold so thanks to the concept artist who made that... anyways I am asking what people think. I will be making a bunch of these kind of assets throughout the month.
Sorry if the image isn't best quality for some reason in the udk vp its grainy?
the one thing i think i could say was that the top beam has a slightly too complex shape for one solid piece of wood i would have thought it might have been more simplistic. I haven't checked any reference on this though so if you've got stuff to back it up then that's cool. Would be nice to see the concept.
Also it would be nice to see some variation in the textures on the track and maybe have some of the cross parts (don't know the actual word) damaged or at angles.
I'll try and get some better pics for you guys.
Looking at the concept i think you could improve yours by following some of the bowing that's occurring in the main support beams and add slightly more randomness to the sand building up around the wood.
Also maybe scale the top beam down a little and add more of the side planks to follow the concept a little better but I really like where you're going with it