My Brawl scene has a dominate directional and a bunch of pointlights. Everything is set to default settings (my mesh, the lights, etc). When I bake out only the dominate bakes.
I have a lightmass importance volume.
What am I missing to get my pointlights to bake as well?
try deleting the dominant light and see if the point lights will bake.
just did a test with it.. lights built fine. try just making a new test level. if its your level, then you can easily import all the content to a new one
lightmass settings >
*use two sided lighting
*shadow indirect only
*emissive light falloff exponent
set these 3 back to default (right click on the name<set back to default) and you're done
(that bug exists in all of them from January onwards for me by the way - you have to adjust the settings for bsp brushes for light to build properly)
-The model and lights are on teh same light channels
-These are fresh new imports, new names on the objects, and a new world in UDK
-Started fresh: placed just 1 asset with 1 simple material, 1 point light (L + click on the viewport), adjust the Pointlights position, and bake it.
What am I missing? Lightmass volume? (Added one to original world, did not help).
If I bake with a dominate point light, that DPL bakes just fine. However, no other light type will bake. I'd like to be able to use multiple light tapes to bake lighting and I don't remember it being this difficult to make it happen...
I tried L+click here and it works just fine too (I'm on UDK march 2, 64 bits DX9) maybe ask on the UDK community forums ?
Sorry, I don't any other ideas about your problem... ,'(