EDIT: Been i long time since i looked at this project, or any for that matter. Landed a job doing something totally unrelated to this and 3D modelling kinda slipped into the abyss. Thats all gone pear shaped so im back and ready to go full tilt at actually putting a portfolio together.
I am going to complete this SAM Turret as a game ready version and would like your feedback and advice

I have left the old shots up for reference and will add my low poly shot in a mo.
ok so i watched the tutorial for the turret on CG tuts and thought i would make my own based on what i hard learnt.
here is my effort, its abour 90% complete, would like to hear your guys feedback

SAM_Render by
Noxain, on Flickr
SAM_Front by
Noxain, on Flickr
SAM_Side by
Noxain, on Flickr
there is ment to be a drum under the main peice in that whole that i havent got around to putting in yet. the bolts i was thinking about making more angular abut again in ref pics i have they are actually rounded like i have modelled (this is based elements of that image not ment to actually be it. i would suck if thats how it was ment to look
it does look similar, i said this in my original post. i wanted to make my own beefier version, so i made a wider virsion with larger misile holes. i figured with the extra firepower this would need a sturdier base which i believe my to look bulkier. however this wasnt just a case of scaling it up and adding a few edges here and there.
oh i kno that bud. the bottom part was complicated, and u went beyond it. thats whats up. question tho. is this for a game? or just a render?
atm i have got it down to 25k, the rings take up 8k by them selves
SAM_Turret_Low by Noxain, on Flickr
SAM_Turret_Low_Front by Noxain, on Flickr
So Unless you guys have any crits i think im done with the low poly model. time to unwrap...gah!
Im not much of an expert at this, i was thinking i would need 2x1024 texture sheets considering its size...would that be about right or would anyone for for something else?
This is prob something basic but i cant figure it. Im onto the texturing, i have created some of the diffuse, got metal photosource etc. I have gone back into max (as i always do after changes) applied the diffuse and only part of it has come out in colour, my whole model should have colour. The AO, the scratches ect are all showing but in grey. Only one section of my model (one peice) is in colour, the rest is in grey, i have tried reloading the texture, creating a new material, check to make sure i had saved my changes, im stuck
Oh and in the viewport its in colour
maybe some elements / objects are frozen?
Materials => be sure that everything is set to show in viewport.
Thanks anyway
In the viewport the model is in colour but when i render its mostly grey but the detail is still there.