Hey all

I`m calling on all my green tooth brothers and sisters to lend a quick helping hand to help my girlfriend (
pogo_daddy) and her classmates with promoting their demo reel screening event that will be located in Toronto, Ontario come April 12th.
This is probably geared towards more fpr the
Industry folk, but any and all help would be very much appreciated.
All I need you loverly folk to do is spread the information around (through e-mail or word of mouth) to your HR, Leads, Recruiters etc. about this Demo Reel Event.
Again, any and all help is very much appreciated, the idea is to hopefully get a good showing from some game studios who are interested in some talented Artists.
Thank you so much

Here is the event e-mail: (just copy and paste the below messasge in its entirety)
Durham College's Game Development Graduates are hosting a Demo Reel Screening Event on Tuesday, April 12th and we would love to see you there.When: Tuesday April 12, 2011Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pmLocation: Rovers Pub, 570 Bloor Street W., Toronto Ontario* All Industry Sign Ups get 2 free drinksWant to Attend?
For those who are interested in attending or have any questions, please e-mail – Lane.Katelyn@gmail.com with your Company's Name, Your Name and we'll get back to you right away.Alternatively you can sign up for attendance at:Linkedin Event - http://events.linkedin.com/Durham-College-Game-Development/pub/492790Facebook Event - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175813362430212* Periodically we will be sending out reminders for this Event About the Event: Durham College's Game Development Graduates are hosting a Demo Reel Screening Event where students will be showcasing their work while socializing with industry professionals, all within a casual venue with great drinks and food.
All Game Industry professionals are welcomed to attend and are encouraged to bring a date or guest to the screening.
Our Demo Reels will be continuously playing throughout the night so they can be viewed at anytime. All Graduating Students and Game Development Faculty will be present and look forward to talking with everyone attending.
We look forward to seeing you there,
Durham College's Game Development Graduates of 2011 Contact InformationSign Up / Questions about the ScreeningKate LaneLane.Katelyn@gmail.comGame Development Program CoordinatorMathew GrabinskiMatthew.Grabinski@durhamcollege.caDurham College Game Development Progamhttp://mad.durhamcollege.ca/EN/main/programs/game_development.phpEvent Location Information The Rovers Pub570 Bloor Street W.
Toronto OntarioM6G 1K1http://www.dine.to/rovers
Ok not really, but best of luck getting attendees. I know the work from the program has realllllly improved since I was there.
We'll have to see whats going on closer to the date, but I may be able to attend.
Again this is geared towards those who are in the Industry, so if anyone can send the invitation to HR or Lead etc. it would be extremely appreciated.
I'll keep bumping this for a couple more days, if it gets annoying just let me know :P
I think I just may stop by, we are definitely still looking to fill positions
Oh and on an unrelated topic, you've got a bit of an error on your portfolio website, in your description of the NS2 fanart scene you pasted the text from the DeusEx scene.
Ill fix that error one day :P
Thanks again everyone who showed up / passed the word along to their employers, much appreciated!
Least im not the bitch...... errrr, i mean mother.
love you jay!