Hi all
i have been trying to get the objects from modo to UDK. I have been using the collada format. As far as i know this is the most current way of doing it . There are jus a few small things that are wring with it tho,
Its to small by a factor of 50 exactly (took some time to fine that number :S)
its not to hard to fix it as i know i have to scale it up and by how much but does this just mean i should make every thing 50 times larger in modo ?
The collision model is not importing
in modo as far as i know i just have to make a sub object and call it UCX and then make a few collision boxes, but when i import the object there is no collistion :S
any one have any idea on all of this ?
UDK's support of collada *.dae is pretty lacking.
just make sure explicit normals is checked off while importing.
also for collision if it is a basic shape it is usually easier to make udk generate the collision.
Out of the box with Modo 501 your best bet is the Autodesk FBX 2006.11 file format, haven't tested the collision meshes with it yet though.
The regular "Autodesk FBX" file format from Modo is fairly broken in UDK.
Collada works pretty good except for the messed up vertex colors. IIRC try setting your accuracy and units settings in Modo to game units, 1 unit = 1 meters, then just scale up by 100 before export.
i went for the ASE one and found out some ting very interesting that you cant have a collation model that is less one one in game unreal unit the sacle is still off by 4500% (X45) but that is an easy thing to fix in ether modo or UDK