So I'm loosing alot of sleep over this one!
my brawl entry I also have this university assignment, and I have to finish both by may 2nd! not cool!
Originally this was inspired by some Deus Ex 3 concept art, but it slowly drifted away in style. I hope to bring back some of that glossy, dark, rain slicked feel later on, but for now I need to limit my focus to finishing up all the assets. Frankly, I won't be submitting this at a portfolio quality - I aim to revisit this asap after uni ends.
Onto the pics!
High res links under each image:
'Hero' BuildingHIGH RESHIGH RESshop side alleyHIGH RESHIGH RES
I've got a long way to go! I feel like alot of my texturing needs some more work, but that might have to wait until post-deadline for the extra love. As will a fair bit of other polishing!
Immedietly on my to do list are:
- Redo Building textures (ehhh, atm)
- High poly air con, texture and bake
- high poly sign texture and bake
- additional building details, wires etc.
- new floor texture (eeeuurghh, atm!)
And then we shall see how much time I have to fake up some of the surrounding buildings. :poly141:
BONUS ROUND! Any-mooted development!
So there we go, I'm seriously loosing sleep trying to finish this and my brawl entry within
5 weeks, but it's doable! Let me have it! All crits wanted, I'll be keeping alot in mind for finishing this up after uni!
Cheers! ~Ian
Here's what I'm working on at the moment: texturing the pillars along the base of the building. I want them to also function as a drain, so I can get some damp stains down them.
Blockout, Highpoly front, and back:
Getting started on the concrete section:
You can see some (poorly rendered) shots of other assets on my sketch blog:
More tomorrow, wanna finish this pillar!
@Cholden: Yes! It needs some serious grunge atm!
Some hi-res pics and a link to direct feed video:
here's the diffuse:
The spec is just the same but thrown through a set of adjustment layers
And here's a fancy fandangled spinyaround:
Sorry for the low quality, I'll post some in game shots later.
Next up is the floor because its really killing the scene. I want to spend a fair bit of time making a nice asphalt texture that I can blend with a cracked version of itself and maybe also a detritus layer. (rather than the usual sand/snow you see with those kinds of mats!) Hopefully Ill get that and some debris props done over the next two days. Right I'm off to the 3dmotive store!
Bardler: Coming up next!
Money: Yeah! seeing what unreal did in their tech demo after I had already started this scene was daunting! I'm definitely going to have to bring over the atmosphere with some slick speculars and some new lighting!
ayoub44 & bbob: Thanks! Keeps me motivated!
You could also try to push your normal map intensity a bit. The concrete texture seems pretty rough but the normal map doesn't reflect that.
Keep it up, looking forward to this.
My high poly for the concrete is pretty blobby, I'll mess with the concrete texture and run it though xnormal and play with that for some smaller details.
edit: A quick snap from the editor. I still need to take off those scratches on the very top. whoops. And boost the normals.
My plan is to create an asphalt material with vertex blending properties that could blend
- cracks and wear
- dirt and detritus
- height variations
depending on what I need. With the detritus blend, I want to recreate the sort of 'sand pile up' blend you see alot, but with a dirt/garbage texture.Anyway, I've been documenting my tests for class and thought I'd post it.
First up I modeled some crap. The idea is I can reuse these meshes for individual piles and props later.
I used object Paint from the graphite modelling tools to scatter out the trash over a plane.
And Baked that shit!
Here's the final test in Xoliuls shader:
I'm still wondering about the best way to get the diffuse map. Should I just paint the texture in photoshop? or is it worth texturing the meshes individually and baking that as the diffuse map?
I'll probably make some more smaller meshes for variation and tone down the larger pieces. I'll mask out the large pices for my blend alpha too.
Bit of a lame update, but I'm just working through tuts at the moment.
Got to texture the floor tiles, add debris to the dirt, make some transition masks..
When its done I'd like it to control: (R)Damage (G)Dirt (B)Debris (A)Fade dirt layer. Should finish this this evening, I'm going to bed!
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Since I last posted:
I have the air con units baked and textured
Some wire props at the back that will be more visible in other shots
finished the floor (for now!)
started on a holographic sign for the shop! (the current hologram texture is purely placeholder!)
..and some small tweaks here and there.
And here's an even earlier hologram test... ahaha...
The trash layer on the floor wasn't working well. I spend time I couldn't really afford on trying to fix it, so it's shelved for now. I'm still playing with lighting a bit, going to have a big go at lighting properly later. Lots to do, no time to do it I'm going to be taking a crowbar to this bastard after uni is finished!
Should have seen mine :P Used heightfog and people were like "wheres the skybox in game" haha. Looking good and good to see your gonna work on this.