hi guys!
so i'm coming to new york for three days starting april 15th, and I was thinking it might be cool to hang out with a bunch or like-minded guys from the industry. so, if anyone is in new york or it's vinicinity right about then, how about we meet up?
it will be the first time going to new york for me, but since america is kind of big in the game industry (
someone got any suggestions? I was personally thinking we meet up at central park, which is pretty central in the most important area of the city (as far as I know), so we can go pretty much anywhere from there.
Albany is like 15 mins away
I wish I was! I haven't "broken in" yet, i'm still an amateur...
I visited first playable once though last year
If anything happens and he doesn't end up coming this far north, we should still hang out Brent!
Hey I'm from Rochester! Grew up in gates. Garbage plates :poly124:
Use to be this place called Piatzas (eventually changed to hot to trot) that had the most amazing pizza. Was shut down when I visited during the holidays
Ah yeah we got good food and no jobs here
Location: Syracuse NY, offices with a view.
current game: mobile platform fps.
I'm seeking on the DownLow right now, we may make a proper jobs-section post this coming week. I'm basically checking to see if anyone is possibly available for work in Syracuse NY..3 months to possibly permanent.
PM me to chat/get more info. Please have a portfolio of some sort available if you would like to ask questions. I'm not here to waste your time at all; All talent levels are welcome to talk with me.
//..If this is the wrong way to go about this here at the PCF, I apologize to you guys & plz point me in the correct direction. thx!
I'd say that would work better than resurrecting an age old thread that is about something completely different.