Below i have linked a survey that i have created that will help provide information about how players perceive damage to characters within games.
This survey is a part of my MSc Dissertation entitled, The Application of Character Damage within Games. This dissertation seeks to understand how damage systems have been implemented, with the final project centered around creating my own damageable character based upon the research i have found.
Any personal data that i collect will be confidential and anonymous.
I would be grateful to anyone who takes the time to carry out my survey.
Thank you.
75% of the questions in your survey are hugely subjective.
Imagine this;
Survey applicable to next Crash Bandicoot game;
Is Violence important?
Next Bulletstorm game;
Is Violence important?
Two totally different answers based on subject matter. It's impossible to answer those questions as they could never apply 'in general' to all games.
I don't mean to be harsh, but surely at Masters level that kind of thing should've been considered before constructing the survery?
I've always been a sucker for violence in games, and I answered accordingly.
If I empty 100 bullets into a guy I want to see his damned spine on the wall. In multiplayer games especially, the reward of shooting the arms of that annoying camper is priceless, especially if you get some kind of bonus exp for shooting up his body as he dies, some kind of Overkill/Vengance multiplier
Is that when they are killed by an explosion? shot? stabbed? poked in the eye?
If thats just should characters be exploding when they die no matter how my answers no. If thats if they were killed by an exlosion then my answer is yes.
iconoplast is right the survey is designed to gather information from an individuals perspective, based upon what the individual has experienced.
I do understand some of these questions are vague/general/not related to a particular game etc and therefore need re-jigging, this will help me in the future.
I have to agree, this seems extremely vague and its completely situational. Even something like "Character Damage in first and third person shooters" would have better than just GAMES. Surprised this is for a masters dissertation. Anyways, took the survey.
When I'm playing a game meant to immerse you with a sense of realism in its events and depictions, let's say - Skyrim. Yes, when that game comes out, I want to be able to stab someone in the neck and discard their lifeless corpse off the bridge we're standing on. But when I'm playing Zelda, I want my bad guys *poofing* into rupees and ammo for my bow.
Is this the 'why dont we have procedural bruising and fracturing GUYSSS' dissertation?
Reminded me of [ame]
"In a game like XXYY, how important is AABB?" instead of "how important is XXYY?"
I really don't care how damage is represented so long as I have some idea of how damaged the object, player, character is. This will effect things like, if I charge forward will a single hit melee move finish them off? Or did the entire clip of ammo I sent slamming into their face only tick off .2% of their overall health?
Most of the time I have a good enough sense of what my own health is without ever having to look, just through playing the game and dying. If I'm not given a sense of what the health of other players or objects is I'm more likely to set the controller down and walk away.
However it is represented, I don't really care just so long as it is represented.
Switch the game to a puzzle game and my answers completely change...
So as everyone else said "it depends"
Which leads me to believe you're going after very skewwed data for some slanted vantage point you want to present as "fact".