Hey everyone!
I know its very early on in the project, but I figured that I would post up my early thoughts and blackouts to maybe get some input. This will be put together in Unreal and hopefully be a small complete environment, not just made for a single viewpoint image.
This environment scene is inspired by the Tropical Imports fruit/souvenir stand in Adventurland at Disneyland. I really liked that jungle cruise style of the building as well as the wide array of props that they populated the building with.
I am going to take that idea and combine it with a dock that will lie along a jungle river. So like the Tropical Imports stand merged with the rear end of the Jungle Cruise. The issue I am having at the moment with the concept is I am not 100% sure where this building is supposed to exist in the real world. It seems to take stylizing cues from India, South West Americas, and the Middle East. I could be wrong, but I think for the image to fit I will need to pick a unifying location and new architecture for the stonework in this building. I am leaning towards ether the Indian Jungles or the Amazon Rain forest.
One of the biggest elements missing from my current image is of course a LARGE volume of plant life. That is one of my biggest personal challenges in this project. One I am very excited and terrified to take on.
Well I know its very early on, but if course I would love any tips, criticism, or direction.
[FONT="]Thanks a lot
For the foliage, I would create clumps of various plants and utilize Neil Blevins Soulburn Scripts to place these items around, particularly the Object Placer script and the Spline Painter for vines, etc.
Good luck, this scene looks promising!
I have a small update for tonight. Not much in the terms of added models, but a more 'unified' design. I have decided to locate this off the shores of the Amazon River in South America. This would give the ruin aspect a Mayan feel. Not quite so pyramid like though, more like the Mayan huts or smaller buildings. This was ruined however, and the Guerrillas built in their headquarters around the rubble. I also got rid of the solid second story and made way for a lighter and I feel more realistic leaf roof. (There will be a roof on those supports)
I am going to start fleshing out the larger bits now. I'm trying to stop myself from getting bogged down already in wanting to make lots of smaller props. It would only make finishing the whole environment harder.
Well thanks everyone. I would love to keep working tonight, but freelance work calls. I guess they need their stuff too. lol
Any feedback would be great. Thanks for looking.
Scene is looking great though, Disneyland is such a great resource to look at for setting up detailed scenes that feel lived in.
On a side note. I was lectured by a buddy of mine who says that a Mayan reference would be improper seeing as they lived more north, and I should reference Inca Architecture instead. I told him he was splitting hairs, and he hit me with a stick. So lesson learned, if I am going for some level of realism, I should get my facts straight.
Thanks everyone