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NFS Shift 2 Unleashed

Who's excited about this one then?

I absolutely loved the first one. I've always loved the NFS games since HP2. A few of the more recent games, Undercover, ProStreet etc were a little disappointing but Shift for me was a lot of fun.

Seemed to be a nice balance of Arcade/Sim and some reasonable customisation without being too 'Pimp my Ride'. It also has a real sense of speed too, I think it's the first game that made me feel genuinely 'nervous', adding Race Modification to a car and hurtling down a straight at some obscene speed towards a corner you have no idea if you'll make.

Trailers looks great for this one, looking forward to picking it up.



  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Mehh, Didn't even bother with Shift 1, not fair to judge it then I guess, but I have sooo little interest in sim-racing, I get bored of those games after half a lap. Guess I should try the demo perhaps.
    The last NFS, Hot Pursuit was pretty neat, I enjoyed that one quite a bit. Actually my buddy's gonna bring it back in a minute since I really have been feeling like playing it again for a while.

    It also has a real sense of speed too, I think it's the first game that made me feel genuinely 'nervous', adding Race Modification to a car and hurtling down a straight at some obscene speed towards a corner you have no idea if you'll make.

    NFS 5: Porsche Unleashed already did that 10 years ago ;) I was litterally terrified as a 13 year old kid to do races with the 930 Turbo or Carrera RS 2.7. Coming from 944's those cars were soo fast and difficult to handle, and to top it, you had to pay for all the damage in every single crash... Now that was a game!
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I will always love the NFS series, gotta say Pro Street is my favorite, if they would only keep to one style itd be great. Theres to many games like shift thou, forza and grand turismo.. Prostreet offered this and a bunch of other styles, while keeping it authentic to track days etc. But we'll see how this pans out
  • Tom Ellis
    Yeah there's a few games that have a good sense of speed I guess. I've just spent a lot of time with GT5 recently which I really like but it really doesn't have that sense at all.

    I definitely recommend at least checking it out Xoliul, it's kinda sim based but still arcadey enough to be fun and not an out-and-out sim. If you liked Hot Pursuit I'd have thought you might like Shift, the car physics are similar, although I think it's all circuit based rather than point to point, could be wrong there though. There's a nice range of events too; time trial, sector trial, one on one, drift etc.

    PurplePaint - Good call! I forgot, ProStreet was actually one I enjoyed! The track day thing was a nice addition and the range of events was cool. Drag racing was awesome, and it was cool how you had to build setups for different events.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    It looks okay, but I've never been a huge NFS fan. Too close to Ridge Racer for my tastes. Though when a demo comes out I'll certainly give it a shot.

    Even before I worked at Turn10, Forza was still my favorite sim since it came out. It's not balls-out "SIM" like Gran Turismo, but rather a great blend of ever-so-arcadey controls and great sim-ish features.
  • Tom Ellis

    Even before I worked at Turn10, Forza was still my favorite sim since it came out. It's not balls-out "SIM" like Gran Turismo, but rather a great blend of ever-so-arcadey controls and great sim-ish features.

    Fo sho. Was playing Forza 3 just now for the first time since GT5 and it's definitely my favourite. Car physics are spot on, realistic enough but fun. Customisation in Forza is hands down the best too. Engine swaps and big noisy exhausts on a Honda Fit ftw!
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Arcade racers > Sim racers

    Cant wait for the next Criterion Burnout game, Paradise is one of the only driving games I actually like.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    I just hope they fixed how the cars handle in this one. other than that I really look forward to playing it
  • Tom Ellis
    IGN review is in, and it sounds promising. I don't really keep up with the 'who's who' of reviewers so I don't know how reliable their reviews are. Either way it certainly sounds like Shift 2 has carried over a lot of my favourite awesome from the first game.


    The 'violence' aspect does sound appealing though, the first game was full of massively exaggerated sounds and acceleration, even little compacts would literally roar like a drag rocket after a few modifications.

    We gotta wait til Friday to pick it up here in the UK, but I believe it's out today in the US. Would be good to hear thoughts from anyone who decides to buy it.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Too many Need For Speed games, lost track, lost interest.
  • Tom Ellis
    [HP] wrote: »
    Too many Need For Speed games, lost track, lost interest.

    I agree, but don't disregard this one just based on that. The phase they went through with Underground, Underground 2, Carbon, Most Wanted etc etc is forgettable, but since then the games have been pretty good (with the exception of Undercover).

    If you're into racing games at all, I really recommend at least having a go at Shift or Shift 2.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    [HP] wrote: »
    Too many Need For Speed games, lost track, lost interest.

    So true for me.
    III: Hot Pursuit and Porsche Unleashed were great, but since Underground they all seem the same to me.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I don't know, I still like the DiRT-blend with Arcade and Simulation. GRID is probably my favorite racing game of all time.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I loved GRID aswell, felt different from all other racing games, and shift feels pretty similar to me, and I loved shift 1 so can't wait to try shift 2 tomorrow, when it comes out here.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    I played the first one briefly..

    In my opinion, I thought it was a really awful mix between arcade and sim. Both the arcade and sim aspects were ridiculously over done. I couldn't keep the car traveling in a straight line due to the over exaggerated physics.. and then when I did complete a race, I had to make my way through 5 or 6 screens and menus to see my scores, drift points, and other unnecessary info.. Give me my lap times and I'll be on my way -_-

    Grid is still to date my favorite racing game.
  • Tom Ellis
    Lol Brandoom yeah totally agree about the physics, some cars were just uncontrollable.

    I remember wanting to get full marks on every race with all assists off and then that idea quickly going out the window when I was tasked with piloting a Veyron round the Nurburgring and couldn't even make it to the first bend without ending up in the barrier.

    Funny though you guys preferring grid, I'm the opposite. I enjoyed Grid, but Shift felt like the same but better.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm looking forward to this, I hope it wont have all the same rubbish as Dirt 2. Overinflated menu system and stupid rewards and voices telling you how great you are.

    I dont like the sound of twitchy controls, hopefully it isnt as bad as some are making out.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Video I took this morning. In case it's not apparent in the video, I'm hitting the wall at about 5mph.

  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    It's not balls-out "SIM" like Gran Turismo

    That might be reserved for iRacing

    and lol for glitch crash.
  • kaptainkernals
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    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    Played the first one, and was fun for a while, but the physics of the drifting was terrible, and the AI behavior annoyed me to no end, 6 Aston Martins do not pile into a corner at full speed as if they were trying to kill you and themselves at the same time.

    Which was annoying as all the higher up races were a smash fest due to the AI not knowing how to drive, and their lust for the raceline, nevermind that you were there before them, they just shove you off into a wall. Which was made worse as even if you stay away from said smash fest, some stupid AI would rear end you in his eagerness to join said fest.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Is it really like GRID? I thought that one was generally enjoyable. Lacked some real depth in customizing and maybe a bit in the tracks too, but doing free drifts around the big Yokohama track in an AE86 is one of those things I will never get bored of. Perfect balance between arcade easiness and sim challenge.
  • Tom Ellis
    Xoliul wrote: »
    Is it really like GRID? I thought that one was generally enjoyable. Lacked some real depth in customizing and maybe a bit in the tracks too, but doing free drifts around the big Yokohama track in an AE86 is one of those things I will never get bored of. Perfect balance between arcade easiness and sim challenge.

    See, I hear this and it makes me think you might like it. I too much prefer things like drifting the AE86, or tuning old VTEC Honda hatches, to blazing round the 'Ring in a Zonda with 'on-rails' handling.

    For that reason, Shift was a lot of fun. Plenty of option to mess with cars, but still arcadey enough to be fun. I agree with the above that the drift physics in the first one were questionable. Now, I've never drifted in real life, but I would imagine it's much more like GT5 / Forza drifting, where it literally is a case of purposely oversteering and controlling the counter steer/power. But Shift altered the physics on the drift races to make it easier to start and maintain a drift.

    You might hate it, but I really think it'd be worth a rent at least!
  • kaptainkernals
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    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    To me the drifting felt impossible, as if you were driving in 10mm of oil.

    Also, I loved shift in the beginning with the 4wd and fwd cars, it was great, but once the high end cars came up it lost it a bit.

    But if they tweak it a bit, and fix the things I had trouble with, I'll probably take a look at it. I love a good racing game.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    How do we know we can trust the footage Joshua? I mean, judging from your avatar pic, this could be sabotage :)
  • Tom Ellis
    To me the drifting felt impossible, as if you were driving in 10mm of oil.

    Also, I loved shift in the beginning with the 4wd and fwd cars, it was great, but once the high end cars came up it lost it a bit.

    Agree on both points. Drifting physics were clearly set up just for the drift races, and it was a bit out of hand. One slight flick of the controller even in lower powered cars and you were sliding crazy. Also I found you kinda get 'locked' into a drift, almost like the computer is helping. Still, makes for some showy replays :)

    And yeah, I always enjoy the smaller engine, cheaper cars more, it's much more satisfying earning money from each race and gradually building up your little compact to be a bit quicker.
    c0ldhands wrote: »
    How do we know we can trust the footage Joshua? I mean, judging from your avatar pic, this could be sabotage :)

    It's clearly real, i'd do that to an Audi TT too if I was one of the devs.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Agree with the drifting physics being a but fucked up, I used forever to get past the training stuff on the drifting :P

    Other than that I am pretty happy about the game, would be nice if they could do like in underground where you could choose exactly what you want, except from 3 bodykits as it's now, I am a sucker for customizing :P
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Hey I'm not faking it! haha. Forza 3 had some glitches like this, too. They're fun to find :) This one made my roommate and I jump though, totally unexpected.

    It's a fun game. I think the driving physics are a bit funky, but overall it's a good experience. I tried playing through one of the earliest Lotus challenges using the xbox controller for windows - totally failed. The physics for that car or how it interpolates it with the 360controller are way off. It felt like the Lotus was racing on ice - I was non-stop fishtailing back and forth down straightaways.

    I've tried using arcade settings and simulation settings, they are both equally wonky on the 360 controller. I hooked up my driving force GT wheel to my PC and tried it and it works way better, though I haven't tried it on the Lotus challenge yet.
  • Tom Ellis
    Picked it up yesterday... great fun but is anyone finding it obscenely difficult?

    I did the pre race thing where it recommends settings and got 'pro' driving, medium difficulty. So I decided to switch assists off and set it to 'elite' but left it on medium.

    I then spent an hour doing 2 races in the first series.

    Without ABS / Traction Control switched on it seems literally impossible to keep the car under control, and this is the first tier entry level cars! One slight flick on the steering or braking a touch too hard and you get sent into a slide or into the barrier.

    Switched ABS/TC on and it seemed much better, but somehow a little less fun.

    Also, before yesterday, I had no idea who 'Vaughan GIttins' was, by yesterday evening I never wanted to hear his voice again. Unskippable 'tutorials'... grrrrr.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    The driving physics are whacked that's why every slight twitch will make your car go sideways.
  • Tom Ellis
    Yeah after a bit longer with this... not sure I like it as much as the first.

    My review:

    Track and environment visuals are great, also lighting. Even though it's totally overdone, the way the taillights light up the road behind the car, and especially how the exhaust flame lights up the back of the car looks great. The way the car dirties up over time is again, exaggerated but looks good. Damage model works kinda well, if a little excessive. I like how you can attempt to continue a race despite losing 3 wheels.

    Handling is screwed. I can't even hold onto an MX5 with some assists on.

    They've also massively toned down the noise, I remember the first one, the exhausts/engines used to literally scream and crashes were so overly loud. Now it's just all a little too serene.

    Helmet cam... doesn't work as well as I think they had hoped, why would I want my driver to turn his head at scripted points. It's like they heard about what Forza 4 is doing with Kinect and tried to implement it... except without Kinect, and with the comptuer controlling it and not the player ><

    Car visuals... flicking through the Car Lot, some of the cars look terrible. The models are clean and nicely done but the shaders, especially on the gloss paint looks pretty bad, and entirely different on the track to in the garage (dull in the garage, over-reflective on the track).

    Desaturation on every crash... why?

    And a minor one... why remix all the licensed music to sound the same. I think I heard a new Rise Against track remixed in a sort of ambient vibe, which sounded awesome, but also identical to about 4 other tracks, it never 'kicks in'.

    Very disappointed to be honest, still love the first one but there's not enough in this to make me enjoy it and there's too much to fault in my opinion.
  • Tom Ellis
    Ok forget all I said above. Just unlocked drifting.

    Stock Hachi Roku and the crazy physics along with the 'music over a PA effect' = fun fun.
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    Have you guys played anymore? I must be a biased having worked on it but I love it :) helmet cam all the way, it's so exciting racing like that, I haven't had that feeling playing any other racing games. PM me if you want my xbox live account for some autolog times (I'm not that fast haha)
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Frankie: I have played it some, and I love the helmet cam I uses it all the time.
    It actually scares me when driving, I don't drive fast enough cause I am scared of driving on the grass and spinning out.

    I do find the drifting a bit to hard tough, very much so on tracks where there is tight corners, although I think it's about finding the right car for each player.

    Would love to play with you if I only had a xbox ;)

    You definitely blew GT 5 out of the water I hated that game, now it depends on forza 4 to try and take the throne away from you :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    now it depends on forza 4 to try and take the throne away from you :)


    Shift2 is okay, I've played it some more. I still think the physics are ass, but it's fun sometimes. I can't manage to get past that darn Lotus challenge yet. That car just slides around, even with all of the assists turned on =\
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah it is scary. We hooked it up to a D-box motion chair and on full power it's terrifying!

    If it makes you feel better I suck at drifting too :) I should try some more but it's too much fun racing in the normal mode. I just upgraded my old Challanger, looking pretty cool 8)
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