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Near-future City (first UDK environment)

Hey guys,

I've started my first UDK project - a near future vaguely sci fi city environment. This concept is a paintover of a quick 3d blockout from max. I've now started blocking some stuff out in UDK with a couple of temp textures and a temp skydome.



Textures will be diffuse and emissive only. Hopefully sort of painterly but with a bit of dirtiness as well. I'm hoping to end up with a visual style similar to Prince of Persia from 2008, but a little darker in tone. Don't know if I can quite pull that off but I'll try :P.

Being new to UDK, I'm kind of wondering how to proceed. From what I've seen in some other folks' posts, it seems like the typical workflow would involve replacing chunks of my blockout with models. Is this pretty much correct? If so, should I end up with anything made out of brushes at the end, or will my whole level just be a bunch of models?

Also I'd like to make as much stuff modular as possible. For instance, the pipes running underneath the overhang of the close building in the concept will probably be used in a lot of places. However, I'm a little confused how this works. Using the pipes as an example: Should I place the pipes on the building in Max and export building and pipes as a single mesh, or should I export the pipe sections independently and place them on the building in UDK? In other words, is modularity just useful as a means of simplifying content creation, or will there actually be a performance gain if I hand-place modular pieces in the editor (which I would assume, maybe incorrectly, works like instancing in Max)?

Finally, I've noticed my skydome material is a little dim - areas that are fully white in the texture are slightly gray in-engine. If I look at the skydome in the UDK model viewer, it's fine; but the skydome that's placed in the level is slightly dim.


Any help or advice would be much apprectiated. Crits would be awesome too, even if they're just regarding the concept!


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