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Sucker Punch!



  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I dont care if no one likes it I saw the trailer and Im sold like a hooker on a friday night !
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    glad everyone seems to be enjoying it, besides the critics...

    cool to hear you worked on it as well Rwolf.

    I spent almost 2 months working on the katana babydoll has.
    (as well as 28 extra stunt swords)

    I know this is going to be the stupidest question ever, but was the katana 3d or did you actually create a real life katana?

    Sorry, I don't know why I would ask that, it just stuck on my mind -_-
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11

    I was involved in building some of the physical, real world props for the film (mostly weapons)

    however, our process did involve a lot of CNC and 3d printing, so there are 3d models of large portions of the katana.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10

    I was involved in building some of the physical, real world props for the film (mostly weapons)

    however, our process did involve a lot of CNC and 3d printing, so there are 3d models of large portions of the katana.

    Ah cool man, I guess it wasn't a completely stupid question, then! Do you actually do any metal work, or did you mostly do sculpting stuff?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I would question the value of going to a film JUST for the opportunity to oggle a single lady. Even if we take your motivation as a given, I still wouldn't recommend this particular movie. The leading lady does look pretty good in her school girl uniform. But she only wears it during the action sequences. And these are often so hectic and bombastic that there isn't much chance to appreciate the ladies that they involve. Even though these sequences have a certain fetishistic quality, the costumes aren't that revealing. You see more skin at the beach, or the pool.

    And don't even get me started about all the sequences outside of the action scenes. The way the girls look in those will actively turn you off. Looking back on the whole experience, I can honestly say that I didn't find any part of that movie to be "hot."

    I was jk XD
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I can honestly say that I didn't find any part of that movie to be "hot."

  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    haters gonna hate

    visuals > plot

    if you want a good story, go read a book
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    haters gonna hate

    visuals > plot

    if you want a good story, go read a book

    the story was good, the execution and acting were terrible.
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11
    t4paN wrote: ยป
    Ah cool man, I guess it wasn't a completely stupid question, then! Do you actually do any metal work, or did you mostly do sculpting stuff?

    regarding what I was involved in for that sword (trying to remember stuff from 1.5 years ago), mostly it was laser engraving. the sword has a rather detailed engraving on the side that was done by some master metal engraver guy somewhere (we never met him, nor know his name, just his BEAUTIFUL work) and I was tasked with setting it up for him to easily engrave the drawings onto the sword, and matching it for all 28 stunt blades.

    I also did some zbrush work on the crossguard, and a lot of prep work and templates for other people to do final passes on details.

    we also spent a lot of time painting them black, and once the design was etched in black, they looked really, really cool...so I'll share that with you :D
    (black paint made a great mask for electro-etching the stunt blades, and as a guide for the metal engraving artist)
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I fell asleep during the movie........... Okay thats a lie, I almost did. Was not what I was expecting at all. Totally not a fan.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Its a real nice concept!

    To those who think that its a rip off of Matrix think outside the box and see how imagination would work in real life.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Huh, people are comparing it to the matrix?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    What? This movie and the matrix had next to nothing in common. Wow people really like to dive for things these days, huh?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    To those who think that its a rip off of Matrix think outside the box and see how imagination would work in real life.

    But it fails on that level as well. If a girl was in an insane asylum, why on earth would she imagine that she was in a bordello? Going from one form of misery and oppression to a slightly different version of misery and oppression is NOT escapism. The entire conceit of the bordello makes no sense, and didn't add anything to the film aside from sexual exploitation. (and with abusive asylum orderlies, it was entirely redundant for that purpose as well)

    I can't help but feel that a lot of the decisions in the film were made to shoe-horn in specific visuals. Zack Snyder succumbed to the temptation that his visual flair presented him. He had ideas for specific visuals, and twisted an otherwise promising story in service of those visuals. If he had allowed the visuals to serve the story instead, he would have ended up with a superior film.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11

    if you want a good story, go read a book

    uhuuuhhh... :rolleyes:
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Richard makes a good point. I actually thought it was the other way around, with the mental asylum being the imagination. Certainly made a bit more sense to me..
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    awful pile of crap painted with gold and bling
    watch it from the distance, don't try to dig in - it will stink

    this is so below Watchmen and 300 it's not even funny. Not to mention almost perfect "Dawn of the dead". Fuck, even the owl movie was more entertaining.

    I feel terrible boxoffice results and bad example for other studios. Nice job Snyder
  • Clinch_Control
    I so want to go see this, but the amount of negative 'views are really off-putting, I might save my money and go see 'Your Highness' instead.

    Saying that, I did go and see Transformers 2 even though it bombed terribly
  • jeffw23
    I am not really at any authority or position to judge the critical parts of the movie but I must say that it was something I have never seen before. I really enjoy this type of movie as they will not linger in your mind for long but you know that you had a great time. A must see, though i think i am part of the group of people who have seen it last.
  • Ennolangus
    I went into this movie not expecting much; chicks, special effects, etc. exactly what it sort of said it had, it had.

    so I didn't think it was so bad, but not a great movie either. Definitely a save your pennies rent it kind of movie for me personally.

    I did like the visuals though.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    There are times when lowering one's expectations can help can help in the enjoyment of a film. That's what happened for me when I went to see the first Transformers film. My expectations were quite low going in, and I treated it as a mindless popcorn flick. I was able to enjoy it despite its obvious flaws. I would never claim that it was actually good, but it was at least entertaining.

    I went into the second Transformers movie with even lower expectations than the first. Despite that damper, I STILL wasn't able to enjoy it. It was just THAT bad.

    I think Sucker Punch sits somewhere between the two. Part of its problem is that it actually isn't mindless. Things are being said in this movie, interesting ideas and perspectives are being explored. Characters are being put through some pretty heinous trials, and are up against grim deadlines. This is far more mentally engaging than either Transformer film.

    I think most of the complaints surrounding this movie are more a testament to the wasted potential. The visuals are stunning, but then what Zack Snyder film hasn't had fantastic, creative visuals? It's his calling card. I will reiterate that the story on display here was a bad fit for Zack Snyder's directorial style. He is a master of melodrama, and a story this grim and cerebral required a more subtle touch. I think an ideal balance would have been for Mr. Snyder to collaborate with another director, and let them handle the more character-driven scenes, leaving the bombastic action and visual decisions to him.
  • uneditablepoly
    I really enjoyed it. It was entertaining if nothing else. Can I just say, though, that I want a movie that pursues the style of the first scene of Sucker Punch but throughout an entire movie. That first scene drew me into the movie so much. The visuals were incredible and told so much story with only music and images. I could have watched something with that storytelling style for the length of a movie. Once the plot kicked in my excitement dropped a bit, although I did still enjoy the entire thing thoroughly. Just a comment. What'd everyone else think of that first scene?
  • uneditablepoly
    And I just went back and read through most of the posts in here. I don't think anyone would argue that this doesn't top, or come close to topping, movies like 300 and Watchmen. I just found it to be an entertaining 2 hrs.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I thought 300 and watchmen were waay better.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    I finally went to see it!

    I just thought people were being bitchy about the entire films story but after seeing it i unfortunately have to agree with a lot of the things said here.

    This movie felt to me like a VFX Showcase. Ask a 10 year old boy what is awesome and about everything he mentions is in this movie. I couldn't pick what visual effect was more awesome so my mind just went haywire and said f*ck all of this i don't believe it.

    The character introduction was just bad , the skip forward with some music added to the background and people will get into it approach obviously wasn't a good one.
    I'm a big sucker for dark movies but this one didn't punch me right in the face and made me feel what they had to be going trough. At times i even just laughed when a gun was fired abruptly in one of the final acts.

    I can't say that the acting was bad because looking at the entire scenario they didn't have much to work with.

    As much as i don't want to label this as a bad example for movies i just must, and there's only the director to blame for this.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Just saw the trailer and it looks really tacky... Seems to be all about the 'cool graphix'!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I was going to make a whole summary on what I like and don't, but someone else already did a review of it a while ago, so might as well post it up:


    And yes, I liked it.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Just watched it. Complete rubbish. Cool VFX does not a good movie make. I think I just don't like comic book movies. Hated Thor. Christopher Nolan's Batman movies are the only ones I seem to really enjoy. All the others seem really poorly written by comparison, and the pacing always feels rushed.

    A bit late, but this wasn't a comic book movie.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    still havent seen it, never got round to it when it was in the cinemas... pity waiting for it to come out on dvd...zzz
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Watch it for the cool fantasy scenes ... and skip everything else. The brothel story is just annoying and waters down the whole movie ...
    The very beginning was cool too.
  • System
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    System admin
    Since watching parts of art school confidential i cant help but think of that when i see people reading into things excessively.

    I will say that there are some nicely shot and cool ideas but I dont actually have it in me to watch the entire film, its fucking dull... if i wanted to spend my time looking at pretty pictures id be better off looking through my inspiration folder, but thats giving sucker punch too much credit.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Haha exactly. I heard one guy saying that the movie was raising awareness about prostitution, or something haha. Way to overly read into a below average action movie!
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    too much slooo motion shit, i fell asleep . DELETE!
  • Talbot

    What happened at the ending?

    And yes I hated the songs with lyrics... they were also covers. Something that hated was how I forgot what the items were like 2 mins after they listed them.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    just watched it.. I watched the extended version, I thought it was awesome it did feel like a music video in some parts.. the lyrics do spoil it but still the set pieces were fantastic. It s the sorta entertainment thats effortless and it definitely has its time and place.

    Zack snyder wrote produced and directed this film, so as far as fitting his style is concerned it is his style absolutely, hes pretty much got full creative control.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Since this got necro'd, I'll join in. I saw this last week. Honestly... I thought it sucked. The music was great. I loved how every song seemed to be a cover. Especially the "Where Is My Mind?" cover.

    Past that? I thought the acting was forced and bland, the CG was muted and weak, and the story was uninteresting. I did enjoy Oscar Isaac's character, Blue. I thought he did a good job... and he rocked that 'stache.

    Keep in mind, I typically enjoy most movies. But, yeah... Sucker Punch? No thanks. :/
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Trailer is a blorange fest... next.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I can't disagree with Geezus. The film was awful - take a loose and potentially interesting plot introduced in the opening 15 minutes, then forget about it and shit out poorly choreographed action scenes with almost no relevance to the rest of the film until the last five minutes. Add in the weak acting and extremely poor audio and you've got yourself a 'don't watch until it reaches bargain bin rental prices' kind of film.

    Personally, I want my two hours back.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    The costumes were pretty sweet though!
  • hgabriel
    It is funny how Pandango named this as the worst film of 2011. I know it did not have the depth as probably Inception had, but who said that movies is all about the story.

    It does not have to make a lot of sense be be classified as a good movie. I enjoyed watching this and probably a lot other people even less than half my age. I think that there are just those movies that people do not like because one voiced it out.
  • Bibendum

    Movies don't need an incredible plot but at a certain point the plot becomes so bad that you're better off cutting out all of the dialogue (which would have been a twofer because the acting was atrocious too) and making a 90 minute music video instead -- That's Suckerpunch.
    I think that there are just those movies that people do not like because one voiced it out.
    Yeah this is clearly some bandwagon stuff. Not a case of bad movie being labeled bad.
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