Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Eckxter

A little introduction ^^:
I'm a finishing Digital Arts (for games and movies) student from Belgium.
My main interest lies in 2D concept art, but 3D is no strange thing for me either.
I've been doing this since the start of my education, a little 3 years ago.
With that said, you will find both in the upcoming posts.

In 2D I really like those rough paintings, such as the ones made for Brink, SC2 and Killzone.
So I'm not aiming for extremely detailed and finished paintings.

With 3D I don't really have any preference (yet).
But I'll probably be making alot of LP models (with their necessary HP version) for the next couple of months.

For feedback: Give me any you can come up with. Bad, good, color, form, suggestions, ideas, ...
But when something doesn't look good, I'd like to know why ofcourse.
The same goes for when something is to your liking ^^

Allright, lets get this started with 2 of my recent works! (both still wip's)



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