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Ancient Mayan Corridor - Blender - WIP

polycounter lvl 7
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Katori polycounter lvl 7
So I'm brand-new here and was kinda scared to post. I've been doing environment art for years but usually it's for realtime and I really want to step my game up and make myself better. So I'm starting a portfolio and this is the first piece i had in mind for it. I really like the columns, but I'm having a LOT of trouble getting specular maps under control in Blender. I could really use some advice on how to properly control the specular on, for example, the floor. Everything looks way too shiny and "wet." It doesn't look that bad at all in Unity with the same exact maps.


Now obviously I haven't started on the back of the corridor yet. I was going to wait until the image was more complete to post this but the issue with the materials is bothering the heck out of me!

For reference, here's how the exact same input (same maps and models, each with a Bumped Spec shader) looks in Unity.


If anyone could help me sort this and be kind to a newbie it would be appreciated! :)
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