Really, what do you think is worse : the occasional insignificant thread, or a legion of pissy little zealots scouring the boards desoperately searching out every last slight deviation from forum policy so they can whine about it like some kind of cunt? I think I know the answer to that
Anyway, crazybump. Like any art tool, its very easy to get shit out of it (the lazy), takes effort to get the best results. But very little effort in the end, which makes it ace.
I don't know anyone who has it in their usual workflow that actually complains about what it does or how it does it. Except the chummy little messages. Don't like that. You're not my friend, just load up and do what I tell you
When your eating some grub and you have to take a breath before you drink some lemon ice tea and the food goes in your wind pipe starting a 7 minutes & 48 second cough to get it out and into the right pipe again. Then when you drink the lemon ice tea afterwards to sooth your troublesome throat, it gets stuck half way and becomes all viscous. When you clear your throat after words you get a little taste of ice tea with a hint of lemon.
and yeah, what's up with PC these past few days? When someone's being dumb you're supposed to belittle them but in a humorous way that makes everyone feel good, or at least a bit aroused. I'm with danr as well on this.
and yeah, what's up with PC these past few days? When someone's being dumb you're supposed to belittle them but in a humorous way that makes everyone feel good, or at least a bit aroused. I'm with danr as well on this.
Too much of a good thing, it seems like folks are just trying to trigger the silly threads these days. its much more fun when its geniune sillyness... like taylor
I wonder what the record is?....
Go fuck yourself. It's a good job you aren't in charge I guess. Go back to 4chan if you want to spew hate for absolutely no reason.
Next time when you read a post you don't like, click the big back button and go back to being a sycophant. Idiot.
Rockstar Jesus feels the Spleen
"I use CrazyBump but people told me it creates really sh*t spec / displacement maps."
Really, what do you think is worse : the occasional insignificant thread, or a legion of pissy little zealots scouring the boards desoperately searching out every last slight deviation from forum policy so they can whine about it like some kind of cunt? I think I know the answer to that
Anyway, crazybump. Like any art tool, its very easy to get shit out of it (the lazy), takes effort to get the best results. But very little effort in the end, which makes it ace.
I don't know anyone who has it in their usual workflow that actually complains about what it does or how it does it. Except the chummy little messages. Don't like that. You're not my friend, just load up and do what I tell you
I agree the thread didn't seem to be required, but bashing someone being a bit silly is probably worse.
penis joke/cat picture/Seinfeld gif/popcorn gif/creepy face
It accepted my license and told me to clap for joy, I think that counts as a yes.
When your eating some grub and you have to take a breath before you drink some lemon ice tea and the food goes in your wind pipe starting a 7 minutes & 48 second cough to get it out and into the right pipe again. Then when you drink the lemon ice tea afterwards to sooth your troublesome throat, it gets stuck half way and becomes all viscous. When you clear your throat after words you get a little taste of ice tea with a hint of lemon.
I tell yeah...
and yeah, what's up with PC these past few days? When someone's being dumb you're supposed to belittle them but in a humorous way that makes everyone feel good, or at least a bit aroused. I'm with danr as well on this.
Too much of a good thing, it seems like folks are just trying to trigger the silly threads these days. its much more fun when its geniune sillyness... like taylor