Hey guys, as some of you know I used to work at Evolution Studios (
UK, I'm from Sweden) as a Environment Artist Contractor, I was there for about 10 months and now I'm working as a contract Environment Artist at Sony Liverpool. (
Just started this Monday)
Now to the thing, I've been looking for permanent positions as well because let's realize it, it's a hassle to move from studio to studio all the time. I got contacted by a Swedish iPhone game-developer and will have an telephone interview with them.
What I need advice about is: Would you go for it? If I got offered a job, it'd be in Sweden (
I wanna move back someday) and it's a relatively safe job etc. I know I want to work with AAA-games and I know that I someday want to work in Sweden for one of the game-devs there.
- Would you guys go for iPhone game development when you originally used to work with AAA-titles?
Evolution Studios was my first job after all ie I don't have lots and lots of experience)
What say you?

I know that things are more relaxed in Sweden since it's your home and all, but I think you've got quite an opportunity there in England. You should use it!
Life sure is tricky
Absolutely never. But then I dont want to work on iPhone games beyond possibly doing it with some friends after work on the side. But thats just me.
Also being a young contract artist is a great thing. You get to move around and see the world. Granted a full time position is total win but when your young its great to be on contract.
I have only been in the industry for about a year and a half and if I didnt have a full time position at one of my dream company's I would totally be down to still be doing contract work like I did in my previous position.
Let's not forget that iPhone/iPad developers are going to be the next big thing, considering the install base when compared to next gen consoles. A friend of mine recently got a job as Lead Artist in the newly opened online department at a major UK developer.
People tend to sneer at the handheld market, but once the NGP's are out there, todays next gen AAA, will be tomorrows standard on portable devices.
And I second the advice to finish your contract at Sony, having titles under your belt always helps.