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Need advice! =)

polycounter lvl 15
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chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
Hey guys, as some of you know I used to work at Evolution Studios (UK, I'm from Sweden) as a Environment Artist Contractor, I was there for about 10 months and now I'm working as a contract Environment Artist at Sony Liverpool. (Just started this Monday)

Now to the thing, I've been looking for permanent positions as well because let's realize it, it's a hassle to move from studio to studio all the time. I got contacted by a Swedish iPhone game-developer and will have an telephone interview with them.

What I need advice about is: Would you go for it? If I got offered a job, it'd be in Sweden (I wanna move back someday) and it's a relatively safe job etc. I know I want to work with AAA-games and I know that I someday want to work in Sweden for one of the game-devs there.

- Would you guys go for iPhone game development when you originally used to work with AAA-titles?
(Evolution Studios was my first job after all ie I don't have lots and lots of experience)

What say you? :)


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Shouldn't you at least give some swedish devs like Dice, Avalanche or Massive a try?
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Oh I have sent my application to them as well, we will see how it goes :)
  • JustinPunio
    Yeh, no one likes the uncertainty, moving from studio to studio.. perhaps taking the swedish job while not what you want, a AAA-game studio, will eventually create an opportunity to move on, as you'll be involved in the swedish industry making more contacts/networking increasing your chances. Plus safe jobs keep a roof over your head ^^
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    You're pretty young from what I can tell and it sounds like taking the iphone company job is a way for you to somewhat settle down. You should always bear in mind what you can take with you from a certain job, other than salary and experience. Would it be good for your portfolio? Would you be able to use the iphone game graphics to apply for an AAA game studio? Also if you just started working this monday I don't think it's such a good idea to take another job this soon.
    I know that things are more relaxed in Sweden since it's your home and all, but I think you've got quite an opportunity there in England. You should use it!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    @Goraaz , like you say it's a good opportunity here, I probably shouldn't settle for something comfortable right now unless I get a position at a bigger studio. Oh well I'll have the phone-interview and see what they offer etc. If it's good enough then maybe, doesn't change the fact that I want to work at one of the bigger Swedish studios though.

    Life sure is tricky :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    - Would you guys go for iPhone game development when you originally used to work with AAA-titles?

    Absolutely never. But then I dont want to work on iPhone games beyond possibly doing it with some friends after work on the side. But thats just me.

    Also being a young contract artist is a great thing. You get to move around and see the world. Granted a full time position is total win but when your young its great to be on contract.

    I have only been in the industry for about a year and a half and if I didnt have a full time position at one of my dream company's I would totally be down to still be doing contract work like I did in my previous position.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    If I were in that position, I would probably finish out the contract at Sony and plan on trying to move back to Sweden after it's done. At that point, working for the small dev would get you where you want to be location-wise, and make it easier to move into one of the larger devs in the area.
  • Bad Spleen
    Experience in multiple disciplines is always attractive to developers. Just because you are working at an iPhone developer, doesn't mean you can't work on your own portfolio work.

    Let's not forget that iPhone/iPad developers are going to be the next big thing, considering the install base when compared to next gen consoles. A friend of mine recently got a job as Lead Artist in the newly opened online department at a major UK developer.

    People tend to sneer at the handheld market, but once the NGP's are out there, todays next gen AAA, will be tomorrows standard on portable devices.

    And I second the advice to finish your contract at Sony, having titles under your belt always helps.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Sounds like a plan fellas :) thanks! I've applied to some other studios as well for permanent positions.
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