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UDK Egyptian/Star Wars landing Pad

Hey Guys.

I'm currently working on a Star Wars landing pad environment with heavy influences from Egyptian architecture and styling.

Things are going well so far, here are a few shots of the WIP:






And here's the piece as it is now. I've gone for a more ancient and mythical sort of style, not abandoned, but rarely used.




However, i've come across a problem.

It's to do with lightmass and the lightmaps of certain objects i think, heres some screenys to show what i mean:


The light map for the roof supports were working fine until i changed the static lights around and rebuilt the lighting then it all went to pot, followed by mostly everything else, with random colour blotches everywhere which i can't explain.

The colour blotches only appeared after i rebuilt the lighting.


  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    To me the sense of scale seems a bit weird. Maybe place something in there so that we can see how big a human is in comparison to everything else. Good work so far!
  • Kiser Designs
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    Kiser Designs polycounter lvl 14
    The scale seems really tight to be a place where ships land, like chrisradsby says, maybe place something to help show scale. Also, the level is very symmetrical, too much so imo. Maybe find a way to break the symmetry.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Your lightmap resolution looks like it's 64*64 or something.

    btw, wines grow upwards, they never hang like that. If it's a whole wall of them sure, but not just small pieces like that.
  • HeadClot
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    HeadClot polycounter lvl 9
    sltrOlsson wrote: »

    Dont you drink wine not grow it in the UDK :P

    Back on topic - Looks Really good

    Really reminds me of Stargate.
  • Impala88
    Hey guys, thanks for the crit so far.

    I'm in the process of rescaling the scene as it was far too big when i put a character mesh in to have a look. (i did want it to be large but turns out i made it too large)

    I've solved the lighting problem, unfortunately i didnt know what was causing it and i still don't however, the solution was i just deleted all the lights, saved the level, restarted UDk and built them back in again.

    I'll work on the vines thanks SltrOlsson, but with the way they are now i hope you see what style im kind of going for :) so i'll get some extra research on that done.

    I've added a default character to show the scale, aswell as a tank model im working on to repreisent the size of a vehicle on the landing pad.

    The environment scale is still quite large but its at a point now that suites it i think.

    I'm also in the process of adding decals to better break up the symmetry, however as its a very stylistic piece, i do like the symmetrical appearance of it so far.



  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    The architecture totally makes me think of Korriban, the Sith homeworld. Don't you just love it when a level scale is bigger than the player? :P

    That last picture has some great composure and lighting.
  • Apophis3d
    Yeah this is coming along great, the lightings really starting to come along. One thing I think that could really help out a lot is trying to work abit more of the blue lighiting in. Right now it just seems one shade of lighting.
  • Impala88
    good point, i'll have a mess around with some cooler shades of light up in the roof area and get back with an update :)
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Oh yeah that looks much better man, great work.
  • Impala88
    More updates on this, i've added a blue hue to the scene in the form of the emissive of the roof sections giving off thier own light. The effect this has on the statues and the leaves in particular i really like, so thanks for bringing it up Apohpis :)

    Only a few more sections to texture now, although i still need to finish off the underside of the walkway aswell.




    As you can see i've also added more of the modular pieces aroudn the sides to beef up the outer area, still yet to add a background of some sorts though.

    I've also been messing around with the colour of the statues, at the oment these pcitures show them with a low saturation brown tone, but i've changed it to grey/white and it fits the scene a bit better.
  • Perfectblue
  • Impala88
    Thanks bud :) still a fair few things to iron out, but its getting there ^^
  • LoboHotPants
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    LoboHotPants polycounter lvl 17
    You were having those color blotches due to the static level lighting scale being set to 1 and your scene being larger than gears of war. Yea it doesn't make much sense. It's even what the tool tip reads in the world lightmass settings.

    You could have set the static level lighting scale higher or scale down your level, like you did.

    Your AO is also really dark. I almost thought you were doing toon shaders until I looked closer. You might want to soften the AO a bit.
  • Impala88
    Aha thats whats causing it. Cheers, was kind of wondering where all the heavy shadows were coming from, however they only tend to show up vividly in screenshots and not so much in the actual game.

    Bare with me with all these errors by the way :) this is my first scene/environment within UDK so i've only just started to get to grips with it over these past few months.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Lovely scene so far, but ur AO is killing most of your values cause the contrast is so drastic; agreeing with what lobo said, i also thot it was a toon shader you had going on. If you manage to soften them up it'll do a lot good for the scene.
  • Impala88
    Found this very helpful thread that covers what i have to change in UDK to sort the AO out, was going to ask as im new to this but figured i'd rther find things out myself before asking whats already been asked before :)

    I'm going to guess that its not neccessarily a good idea to alter the UTPostProcess_Console chain as it works with all of the UT maps aswell? better to create your own chain for your own level, but since i havnt got time to figure that out at the mo, i'll alter this one and keep the original values in mind.

  • Impala88
  • LoboHotPants
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    LoboHotPants polycounter lvl 17
    You don't really need to modify the post process chain unless you want to add scene effects like heat waves. You can modify all of the same properties such as DoF, Bloom, Motion blur etc in the view>world properties>default post processing.
    The really bad thing about modifying the post process chain rather than the world properties is it becomes the default in any other map you create. Gotta watch out for that.
  • Generalvivi
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    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    Ha! That looks awesome! Really looking forward to the final. :)
  • ekimose
    I love the style of your textures and the lighting of your scene! Great job :)
  • Impala88
    More updates:

    I've changed the AO contrast to bring down the sharp shadows more, and also bumped up the bloom a bit (want to get a really epic/fantasy feel, this works quite well) only 3 more meshes to fully texture now.





    I've also added some flowing water to the bases of the outer waterfalls.

    Now, theres a few issues that im not sure how to get past/solve at the moment. I want to make use of vertex painting for the sand area, the floor tiles and the walls, but after creating the material (floor tiles material below) and selecting the floor followed by mesh paint mode, when i paint the verts red, the texture doesnt change. Not quite sure what i'm doing wrong here.


    Another issue is with the waterfalls, i'd also like to get some partilce systems in here, mainly water bouncing off the floor at the bottom of the water fall, but so far i can't find anything in the particle system editor that will simulate or fake gravity for the partilces to fly up then arc back downward again.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    hell yeah, that looks way better with the AO toned down.
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 8
    This scene is really awesome, I love the lighting, texturing and the feel. The only complaint I have is the overall environment feels to symmetrical. If you broke up the symmetry a bit with little oddities I think it would really help with believability. Right now it looks like you built half of it and then duplicated it to the other side. Light and the shadows it creates can also help break up the symmetry.

    Maybe play around with the buildings in the background?
    The building below for the most part is symmetrical but things break it up.

  • Impala88
    Yeah i know exactly what you mean with the syemmtry, it's been brought up before, however i havnt got time to change or impliment any new mesh objects, as this is a uni project, the deadline is in approx 5 days time.

    However i really want to get vertex painting in it which will really help to break up the symmetry of the level, especially by getting some nice mossy greens and dark browns into various areas on the stone walls etc. only problem is the issue i stated above which is giving me a really annoying time with vertex painting and i havn't found a solution to it yet, its bound to be something really simple that i've missed.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    try adding a light function to do what toxic suggested. Throw a panner on that and you have some nice cloud shadows.
  • LoboHotPants
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    LoboHotPants polycounter lvl 17
    Looking much better. So about your vertex painting problem. You have all of your outputs from the vertex color node coming out of the red channel. You need to use all of the RGBA channels for it to work. Plug red into the first lerp, green into the second and blue into the third.
  • Impala88
    Hey LoboHotPants, thanks for the tip. However, i've got it working with just using the red channel. For some reason my problem was the vertex transform in the reflect area of the material which seemed to be throwing off the vertex paint. I'm using red for all three of the textures due to them being for the same actual material (one output is going to the diffuse, one to the normal and one to the specular, i have two textures of each).

    But hey yeah its working now anyways.

    haiddasalami,yeah i really want to get some kind of movment in the light especially something that will affect the light shafts to make the, for lack of a better word, twinkle. I also have plans to use vertex paint+world position offset to make the leaves flutter, but this is something i'm going to have tork on later.

    So, since the deadline for this is tomorrow, here's my final HD renders plus a short fly through of the scene.

    I did intend to have some particle effects going on in the scene aswell, but i'm afraid there just wasn't time. I will however probably continue with this, perhaps make a new area etc to link in with this while i explore more of UDK.






  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome! Are the mountains in the distance planes, or are they SM/landscape?
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Holllly jeeeesus dude, this is amazing, i love every bit of it!
  • Impala88
    Cheers :) the mountains are on the sky map, it fits the scene very well, thanks to Hazel Whorley for the texture map for that one, very well made.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    awesome work. one thing that i think may need a bit of tweaking is the amount of contrast in the lighting. the shadows are VERY dark considering how much light is being pushed through that walkway. overall tho.. really great.
  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    I agree with the guy that said this looks like something from stargate. The pyramids only make it look even more so.
    Lovely work. Good job. :)
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Wow this is really badass. I really dig the spec on the floor panels.

    Might just be me, but I feel like its really dark inside.
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome scene man, the addition of the background elements really helps sale the environment. Also agree that shadows are a bit dark inside.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I currently think the background area is actually much more interesting than your "focus" area... you have some great negative and positive shapes going on with your foreground and background in some of your shots, and it just gets drowned when you move into the inner area... it feels very flat.

    Also... one of the biggest thing that is holding this back, and probably why there seems to be no focus in the main area is your lighting. Most of your details are hidden away by shadows / AO (maybe try and tighten it a bit, as well as add some colour).

    I think overall this is actually a great scene in the making, but you now need to focus the viewer on what you want them to see.

    Also, work on that fly through, because at times it started to feel epic, and than you pan the screen downward underneath the run way... there is nothing really interesting down there :(

    Hopefully I don't sound too hard, but I know you can pump out a couple of quick changes that'll really make this scene pop :thumbup:
  • Impala88
    Thanks for the feedback.

    The lighting yeah i think i need to improve on that a bit more, i agree it does look too dark in areas, more dark than i intended.

    As for the camera path through the cinematic, only reason i had it flying down underneath the walkway was to include the whole area for my univeristy module, if this were more of a personal project, i wouldn't of done that :)

    By the way, at the moment my instanced geometry tri-count is quite high for the whole scene, whats the average instanced tri-count of a normal playable level? mine is currently sitting at around 350k, and the scene is quite small.
  • Wildebeest
    This map is beautiful. Keep up the good work!
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