I've started working on a model of an XM8 but there are a lot of modeling techniques I'm still very shaky on.
My first problem is this internal curve. I know I could use a boolean but that's hardly the cleanest way to create this. I would appreciate any suggestions. I'm currently using Maya 2011
I think you just got to figure out what edge flow you want and then start append. I would just "Fill hole" And then split it up and with as few vertices as possible try to get the basic curve in.
Otherwise you could try to take a 1/8 of a sphere, in the right resolution and size, flip the normals and then try to split that in :P
Try a boolean. It's not that messy if you do it right and clean it up afterwards.
The more I look at the reference the more uniform the curve seems to my eye, seems like a standard curve + bend modifier might work as well.
IMO just use a cylinder matched up with the reff and either use olssons method or use vertice snaps to match your edge loops.
then take that whole cut out polygon and bevel, then cut out the profile and target weld it all together!