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steampunkish professor (fatguy) WIP

Hi guys!

Here's the latest freetime project I've been working with. Still much left to do, but decided to give you a preview to hopefully receive some crits or ideas.



  • Motherdear
    Liking the idea so far, but the execution needs some loving imo. The steampunk concept is easily expandable, and items such as the cane can easily become a more advanced piece. Items such as a hand held watch in a steampunk design hanging on the inside of his jacket can also be made without hogging tris. Overall it lacks smaller items or details that can identify the character as a true steampunk other than the eye, which does not seem complete or than being fleshed out.
  • Thriller Theater
    one more shot with slightly more progress:

  • sawfish
    Reminds me of the Fat Official in Demon's Souls. Nice work :)
  • Tom3dJay
    Yep, he's fat.

    Nah j/k, liking it so far, head seems to be a bit too small, is that on purpose?
  • Thriller Theater
    Thanks for comments Lachtan. I revised the headsize, I usually do like to make heads smaller than real, but in this case I had gone definitely too far. Thanks!

    Here's an update:

  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Uhhh. Penguin from batman?
  • Thriller Theater
    Yeah I actually thought about it myself while modelling also, that there is some resemblance!

  • Thriller Theater

    Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I think I must have had some weird option on the ordering of posts or something.

    You have a good point there, I'm trying to come up with some more steampunkish items. The model is still work in progress. I have given a little bit more love to the eye thing. (Still needs some more details and polishing.) But decent amount of details is needed to be added still overall. thanks for stopping by to comment.

    Sawfish: thanks for commenting! I have to check that out. :)

  • whipSwitch
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    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    the cloth needs some love. And I dont mean more detail, you should work the gesture of it more. And considering 90% of the character is cloth, I would work more on getting it to read well. One thing you should do is fix the collar. Model the collar and give it it's own geometry. Also, the collar doesnt come out of the front brests of a coat, it is the folded front breast... example:


  • Thriller Theater
    WipSwitch. Thanks for taking time to comment! This is kind of constructive crits I like to get. You have a valid point on the chaquet. I will be updating this guy soon! Now off to downtown for some friday beers. :D
  • AnimeAngel
    mmm beer!!!
    Looking very good, but I don't get a whole lot steampunkness from this guy. The eye piece is kind of kewl. But it would be great to change out his buttons and belt buckle for some things that would be more steampunkish. Maybe even give him some shoes that had some metal pieces attached to the soles, toes and heels.
  • Thriller Theater
    Hi guys!
    Is it friday again already??

    here's some progress. Still lot's of things to do in the list, but hey atleast it's advancing. Thanks again for all the previous c&c. They have been very helpful!

    Cheers everybody and have a nice weekend!! :)

  • Thriller Theater
    Started giving him some color. Still thinking if I should add some objects to his legs. In the other hand I just don't want him to loose this "small town professor" feel.

    Some more Crits or ideas guys?

  • DiegoTeran
    Offline / Send Message
    DiegoTeran polycounter lvl 11
    either his hands are a bit to big or his head is a bit to small... apart from that its great
  • Thriller Theater
    Turista: Thanks for stopping by! I think you are right, have to definitely scale down his hands! Cheers!
  • DiegoTeran
    Offline / Send Message
    DiegoTeran polycounter lvl 11
    Idk to be honest. Put ur hand over the head and see the proportion of the hands and body. Then move ur hand. Maybe scale the head up a bit instead of making the hands smaller?
  • B Fatz
    Yeah I think the biggest issue is the fingers are really long, normally the length of your palm is roughly the same as that of your middle finger, or the palm is a little longer (depends on what kind of hands you have). It's hard to tell with the jacket on but it looks like the fingers are way longer than the palm.

    Really good work otherwise, It's refreshing to see someone do a character thats not another buff dude or scantily clad chick with armor or techno crap strapped all over them.
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    Turista wrote: »
    Idk to be honest. Put ur hand over the head and see the proportion of the hands and body. Then move ur hand. Maybe scale the head up a bit instead of making the hands smaller?
    I'm going to have to agree with enlarging the head -- right now it looks like a creepy kid that looks like an old man is inside a giant suit.

    Actually, that would be kind of cool too.
  • Fingus
    Offline / Send Message
    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    I agree that you need to revisit your proportions.

    Can we get some close up shots of the mechanisms? The eyepiece you did had too soft edges, it looked more like playdoh than metal. The hardness of your bevels have a lot to say about what material it is. Large soft bevels look like plastic or clay, while really small and tight ones look much more like metal or glass.
  • Thriller Theater
    Thanks so much for all the feedback guys! But please keep the crits coming!

    Here we go:

    proportion fix: Made the hands smaller and the head a little bit bigger.
    The finger-palm proportions look good to me. Only the other half of the palm is under the sleeves.


    current state of the eyething:


    flying machine close-ups:

    flying machine-controller:
  • Thriller Theater
    A small update. I think I'm going to get this guy soon back to maya for making the game model. Crits are welcome as always!

  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah your hard surface stuff definitely looks wonky. As I said, your bevels are too smooth to look like metal. Also you have plenty of smoothing issues where things either become too rounded from lack of topology or where you get warping and soft transition between pieces that are part of the same mesh. When you do hard surface modeling you shouldn't make everything one piece of geometry unless they really are welded together. Can I get a wireframe of your basemesh?
  • Thriller Theater
    Hmm... the problem is that I made the hard surface pieces using the hard surface brushes in Zbrush. So I guess the solution would be a retology and some more hard surface smoothing. :\

    I took that route to obtain a little bit more experience of that kind of hard surface modelling and to avoid the too clean look that easily comes with normal subdiv modelling. But off course the idea was not make surfaces look another material than they should or too wonky. So at this point I don't think the wireframes will do any good. Thanks for crits anyway. try to post some updates on this soon.

    thought more about the approach I'm gonna take. I'm gonna go the other way around. I'm gonna see up to where I can get with the hard surface brushes and if I don't get satisfactory result it might be better for me to start all over with normal subdivisions in maya. Uh hope it doesn't come to remodeling all of these again. :P
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