I am part of building
OurBricks. We use HTML5 and related to tech to let you experience 3D content in a modern web browser without the need to install any additional plugins. This 2 minute video gives you an introduction:
Of perhaps special interest to people here is the ability to embed the content on any site that takes an iframe. Some examples here:
I'd be happy to answer any question you may have and hope you feel like taking the site for a spin.
I'm amazed it renders those decimated 3D scans so well! That would be an awesome way to showcase sculptures.
And as Vrav mentioned, the scroll button needs to get locked to the app when the mouse is over it, or the app will need to be the only item in the window (so no scrolling is needed for the browser)
It is one of our struggles for sure. Browsers are just now changing to be able to do this stuff so there are still such issues to contend with. Hopefully it is a matter of short time.
That is one use case for sure. In fact we are working with museums many of which are already scanning sculptures for preservation purposes.
The graphics standard we write up against is called WebGL (wikipedia). It is hardware accelerated so with the GPU handling things we should be able to get very decent performance which is also likely to improve over the coming months.
That being said the of course is a real time environment where things stream to you so there is every reason to be efficient with your assets.
But we have played around in the multiuserspace at sandbox.ourbricks.com and had lots of objects and users in there. The browser clients are the bottleneck for sure at this point but I still think you would be surprised at what is possible already.