My name is Fidel Villa. I'm and environment artist.
I got alot of helpful tips at polycount. I now want to share my work.
I started my Demo about a year ago, off and on working way a little bit at a time.
I mainly used 3ds max ,Zbrush, photoshop and after effects for completing my final,however I did also had to use other software to do touch ups.
So, I hope you guys like my work And any feedback is appreciated.
Mysterious Mountain
Grand Guardian
Diffuse and ambient occlusion tests
Iron door Breakdown
Brickwall setup
Zbrush Mountain. This was then retopologized to create a Normal map. I later added foliage for final touch.
This section was used for up close shots of the kingdom
Mountain Mouth diffuse, lighting, ambient occlusion and normal map.
- Fidel
LOL. Yeah from march Looks great, thanks for the breakdowns.