Time flies man. I remember when we started this huge 3d adventure.
You always being a step ahead and helping my sorry ass out.
With these birthdays too, always a step ahead!
One thing is sure though, when we hit the bar, ill be first to order cause the drinks are on me.
Thanks for always being the big bro. Hope you have a good one.
Now no birthday party is compleet without boobs, beer and bunnies.
Cheers to you man.
happy birthday!
much drinking must be had!
Rens: all showin' my baby photos man! :poly121:
jouste: ahahaha thats exactly what I look like too!
Hope your birthdays filled with boobs and bunnies, or bunnies with boobs, or..something.
Happy Bday
Damn, that little bunny pic and hamster vid are KILLING me with cuteness...!! XD