so it's cammy, cept in the future... and future shadaloo engineered her (i guess), and she's kinda like a cyborg as well as shadaloo assassin :poly142:
umm, imma stop doin this lame story junk and just get on with the conceptin, "mood board" (2 google pics) below
approved w/love
I know this is going to be sick!
go go
Ok.... Subscribed
yeh... it'll make sense in a bit, i swear ^^
watching this one closely though!
this. i know you been working on that rear view bro
there is no doubt in my mind that he's on camel back right now with a caravan of assassins on a quest to kill bogdanbl4.
he'll be back with killer updates... once his quest is complete... of course.
really like your sculpt