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Ring of fire springing to life?

Interesting stuff.... check out the earthquake map to see how the ring of fire has pretty much all of the world's earthquakes for the last week.


Click the icon that looks like a seismograph on the top left.

Also, California quake incoming during the seismic window of March 19th - March 25th?



  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    this could probably go in one of the other natural disaster threads: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81951
  • RexM
    I thought it kind of deserved its own thread to warn those who live in the area..
  • CrazyMatt
    I appreciate this post, thanks man.

    Already going through precautions necessary now to make sure things are going to be okay for me and my family.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12

    Way to scare the shit out of me for living on the beach. I guess all us Californians can really do..is be mindful, not fearful..and have a backpack of emergency supplies at all time. I wonder if such a disaster would happen, how orderly we would handle it compared to the awesome Japanese civilians.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Dude, don't let fox news scare the shit out of you, it's embarrassing.
  • RexM
    Dude, don't let fox news scare the shit out of you, it's embarrassing.

    It isn't about fear, it is about being prepared for the sake of your friends and family, and of course yourself.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Well to be fair, News channels..especially Fox News.. Do get a ton of their viewership by making them fearful to the point where they "have to" watch Fox News to know how to protect themselves. But yea, Bullshit channel..but then the Scientist did bring a slight point. but who the hell knows, Remember y2k? Like Is said. Be mindful, but not fearful.
  • RexM
    Y2K actually never had any facts supporting it, it was all based off a rumor that got out of hand.

    However, the scientist in the video has had 80% of his earthquake predictions come true.

    Indeed, mindful, prepared, but not fearful. Nothing to fear, what happens happens, but be sure to be prepared.

    Even if nothing happens, definitely no downside to being prepared.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I think everyone should make sure to go out, and get laid this weekend...just to make sure!

  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    This dude raised homing pigeons, he must know what the f*ck he's talking about.

    But JUST TO BE SURE, I will most definitely be getting laid this weekend, hoping for the best but getting laid for the worst.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    ErichWK wrote: »

    Way to scare the shit out of me for living on the beach. I guess all us Californians can really do..is be mindful, not fearful..and have a backpack of emergency supplies at all time. I wonder if such a disaster would happen, how orderly we would handle it compared to the awesome Japanese civilians.

    drive on the 405 during rush hour.
    that's your answer.

    i am sure you have shown this shit to Colin.
    did he buy his plane ticket yet?

    crazyfingers: lulz!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Firebert wrote: »
    drive on the 405 during rush hour.
    that's your answer.

    i am sure you have shown this shit to Colin.
    did he buy his plane ticket yet?

    crazyfingers: lulz!

    Ha. I sit next to Colin, but sadly he has a flat tire and isn't at work, so currently he is none the wiser. But I will make sure to inflict the American Fear into his heart.

    And Jeff, We all know your rocking is more of a smooth jazz.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Keep the fear mongering out of my polycount please thanks.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Smooth jazz? NONESENSE! This is the song i wish they blared during tsunami and storm warnings. Sure you're boned (possibly after doing your part to combat the prior quake), but you'll be so pumped to get the fuck out:

  • RexM
    Matabus wrote: »
    Keep the fear mongering out of my polycount please thanks.

    Showing people information that indicates they should be prepared is fear mongering?

  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    You guys remember reading about that massive tsunami that hit here in california way back in the day? Me neither. Not trying to be a dick, just trying to ease your guys' minds. If there were a real threat there would be more coverage.
  • RexM
    Never hurts to be prepared, the signs are definitely concerning either way.
  • Mark Dygert
    I don't think there is any harm in being prepared. Of course you have to fox filter whatever they say. You have to view an "expert" fox digs up, with a skeptical eye. Its crazy who they'll put a camera on and let them run their mouth. With that said I remember reading about this guy before and while he's not a earthquake guru he does raise some interesting points.

    If Japan has taught anyone anything, its be prepared be mindful of the dangers and go on with your life. A little thinking now can save you hours, days, weeks of worrying so why not take some time, put somethings in order and have a little piece of mind?

    At some point it becomes stupid to ignore the warnings and be "that guy" that doesn't have his sh!t together in a disaster.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    RexM wrote: »
    Y2K actually never had any facts supporting it, it was all based off a rumor that got out of hand.

    Well thats totally untrue. Software company's were very aware of the situation well before hand and spent the needed time and resources to fix the issue in there code.

    Many people knew about this problem years prior. It was more of the fact that the issue became very well known publicly and with that brought about fear that shit was going to hit the fan. But company's addressed the software issues in well enough time. They weren't just sitting around like "oh man the worlds going to end, lets not fix our code, lets just watch what happens".

    Also this is California. We get earthquakes ever year, most go unnoticed by the majority of people until people start updating facebook with "Oh shit did you feel that earthquake?"

    Plus how do you prepare for an earthquake? Stand need door frames all day? :)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Very true, Anthony. I am not so much worried about the earthquake, I'm more worried about Tsunamis or San Onofre having the same issues japan's nuclear reactor is. ..and of course me driving my car over a bridge in the middle of a quake. Or...as silly as this sounds.. sitting on the toilet in the middle of the earthquake. That sounds messy,
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    We've known that there will be a massive earthquake in Vancouver for a long time now. The same applies to the rest of the west coast. It's not fear mongering, it's a fact of living on the west coast.

    Scientists are well in agreement that at some point, maybe today, or maybe hundreds or thousands of years from now, we're going to get hit by a massive quake. It will happen.

    It's perfectly reasonable to consider that if one side of the pacific plate moves suddenly, the other side may follow, and we'll get our quake sooner than later.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    How massive is massive?
  • Mark Dygert
    Heh, yea not much you can to prepare for the few seconds/min of shaking its more to replace the stuff you take for ranted that might not be there afterward.

    Put some supplies together, keep some in your house, keep some in your car in case your home gets flattened or becomes unsafe or you're away from home when stuff happens.

    Things to keep you warm, can't always relay on external heat sources, or if you're in a really hot place things to keep you cool.

    A hand crank radio/flash light, can't relay on batteries, some of the better hand crank radio/flashlights have cell phone charger adapters, so you can update your facebook status to "living in a box/tarp where my house used to be"

    A box and a tarp...

    Water purification tablets because there might be a time when you go to the sink, turn the knob and water doesn't come out, or you can't trust what is coming out. You can also sell them to idiots who either didn't prepare or think they're drugs.

    Probably something to snack on until the disaster relief gets around to feeding you. Remember canned goods can be put in a sock and used as a weapon, for fun or protection.

    Probably something you can use to hack through your living room wall because your front door doesn't open. This device can also be used to keep people from using said hole to raid your home...

    You can also do common sense stuff like not sleep under a ceiling fan, or don't hang pictures above your bed, don't put a mini fridge on that flimsy shelf above your work station...
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Ha those are some awesome suggestions Mark :) Good ideas and they all made me laugh.

    Also Erich, California wont have a Tsunami like Japan did. The reason for this is the San Andreas fault line (where earth quakes happen) is inland for us. With Japan the fault was underwater. This is what caused the tsunami. Since the ocean floor was changed by the earthquake all that water had to go somewhere. Here our fault line is inland so the ocean floor wont be changed as it was in Japan and wont displace massive amounts of water.

    Though that bridge shit is scary.
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    If you are interested in being prepared for emergency situations in general:

    I've been more paranoid than usual already recently...this doesn't really help. :P
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Ahh. Well thats....better? I'm sure you and I will feel it..pretty well if it hits during the week. BUt yea. Everytime I'm stopped on a bridge, or under a bridge and theres a red light, I get slightly nervous.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    Let the quake come. Let's get this over with!!!
  • Nemlet17
    Bravo Mark. I can always expect a good "humorous" read from you.

    I need to build my safety kit back up. All I have is some water, iodine pills, and a gas mask (which will suck when I'm walking in the streets with thousands dead from a Nuclear meltdown/disaster?)
  • RexM
    Nemlet17 wrote: »
    Bravo Mark. I can always expect a good "humorous" read from you.

    I need to build my safety kit back up. All I have is some water, iodine pills, and a gas mask (which will suck when I'm walking in the streets with thousands dead from a Nuclear meltdown/disaster?)


    There is no threat of a nuclear disaster anywhere outside of Japan.
  • Nemlet17
    RexM wrote: »

    There is no threat of a nuclear disaster anywhere outside of Japan.

    I'm just saying if a massive Earthquake hits the West Coast, yellow-stone will probably blow, nuclear plants won't be managed because people will get the hell out and I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just going to read, I don't even understand what I'm saying haha.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Living on the coast has always seemed dangerous to me. There are sharks in them waters.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    We do have a big Nuclear Power Plant in the middle of San Diego and Orange County!
  • RexM
    Nemlet17 wrote: »
    I'm just saying if a massive Earthquake hits the West Coast, yellow-stone will probably blow, nuclear plants won't be managed because people will get the hell out and I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just going to read, I don't even understand what I'm saying haha.

    If Yellowstone blew (it won't blow for thousands of years), the western half of the US would be a big crater.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Probably something you can use to hack through your living room wall because your front door doesn't open. This device can also be used to keep people from using said hole to raid your home...

    How about just smashing the windows?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »
    If Yellowstone blew (it won't blow for thousands of years), the western half of the US would be a big crater.

    You never know, better stock up on faith.!
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    well... at least it would be during spring break, and I won't be in one of my school's multistory buildings... one of them, I'd be either on the 8th floor or the basement.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    According to the hotspots on that map the UK, Europe and Africa shouldn't be in as much trouble as the rest of you lot.:)

    But it concerns me that I heard a couple of days ago that government bodies in London have been issuing guidance papers to some departments in case of a flood from the Thames river in London. Apparently there are "Disaster Management Committee Excersises" going on. I'm afraid no concrete evidence just similar information from friends in London who pay attention (and probably also love) this sort of stuff. Fingers crossed the plates have settled now and we can have another 10 or 20 years of minimal damage.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    RexM wrote: »

    There is no threat of a nuclear disaster anywhere outside of Japan.
    There's next to no threat of nuclear disaster in Japan. The media are whipping people up into a paranoid frenzy while there's news of far more worse conditions resulting from the quake and tsunami that's being effectively ignored or at least swept aside by this exagerated and sensationalised reporting.

    Here's a lecture from a physics professor at UCSB covering the actual facts of what happens when a Nuclear reactor goes wrong and what is currently happening in Fukushima.
    What are the measurements of radiation and how do they relate to me?
    -1 Sv (seivert) is a 'measured dose' of radiation.
    -This unit of measurement is where it starts having a measurable effec...t on human health.
    -Taking 1Sv of radiation will increase your chance of thyroid cancer by 0.16%
    -Similar risk to someone who texts while driving (though probably less).
    ->5Sv will present a significant risk to your health.
    -1 mSv (milli seivert) is one thousandth of 1SV (just how a millimetre is a thousandth of 1 metre).
    -These are the most important units to talk about here.
    -We each receive 2-7mSv per year in our natural environment, depending on where we live.
    -Eating a banana will give you 0.0001 mSv of radiation from the naturally occurring potassium.
    -At the gate of the reactor, at its peak so far, 0.6 mSv per hour were detected.
    -At this rate, you would need to stand at the gate of the reactor for two months to get 1Sv of radiation.
    -Radiation is everywhere from natural sources, but most of the human caused radiation in our environment is from burning coal.

    Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima
    -The Chernobyl reactor had no containment, and was surrounded by graphite, which is flammable, and burned for over a year.
    -It actually exploded, because the reactor itself was live when it occurred. The Fukushima plant has been *off* for over a week now, and turned off as soon as the quake hit. This has drastically reduced the danger in comparison to Chernobyl.
    -First responders were picking up pieces of the core itself at Chernobyl, and received 10Sv of radiation.
    -No one was notified to evacuate from the surrounding area for over 30 hours.
    -Tens of thousands of people still weren't evacuated for many weeks.
    -4000 people are reported to have gotten cancer in the years following the incident.
    -Most of this was thyroid cancer from radioactive iodine.
    -Most of this was from children drinking milk from cows that were eating radioactive grass around the area.
    -The 'thirty year' survival rate was 92% for these people.
    -The worst health outcomes of Chernobyl were stress/fear related mental health disorders.

    -The reactor shut down as soon as the quake hit, but external cooling is needed from backup power sources.
    -These backup power sources being damaged by the tsunami is what has triggered this incident.
    -The Fukushima plant's rods are housed by Zircaloy casings and they are encased with concrete and steel vessels.
    -This surrounding secondary containment building has cracked but is not destroyed.
    -There is still a lot of containment below the core material that wasn't present at Chernobyl.
    -The most damage you saw on initial explosions were from the outer building, which didn't guard any radiation.
    -The spent fuel that has been catching fire is 100 day old fuel, which emits 100x less radiation than that of Chernobyl.
    -At the gate of the reactor, at its peak so far, 0.6 mSv per hour were detected.
    -At this rate, you would need to stand at the gate of the reactor for two months to get 1Sv or radiation.
    -The peak measurement so far has been 400mSv (0.4Sv) per hour, at the reactor core.
    -The main reason to evacuate such a large area (20-30km) is to avoid radioactive soot from the plumes from fire:
    -This is the most immediate concern for first responders and nearby residents
    -This won't spread far (low tens of kilometres).
    -This soot on your driveway doesn't dose you.
    -Having it on your clothes will.
    -This will reach harmless levels in the span of about a year.

    -The worst case radiation hazards from Fukushima are mitigable and local.
    -This will be a problem for the immediate tens of kilometres for up to a couple of years.
    -It will take several years to clean up this mess.
    -The global radiation hazard is effectively nil.
    -The best way to reduce global radiation levels is to stop burning coal.

    A footnote about radioactive iodine
    -Iodine, the cause of most of the Chernobyl radiation has a half life of 8 days. This means it'll be half as potent in 8 days, half as potent again in another 8 days etc.
    -This means that within a year it will be many *billions* of times less potent.
    -This will restore it to 'normal' iodine, so there's no long term danger, unlike say a chemical leak (like say mercury).
    TL;DR - Know the facts before you listen to the media, then decide how you want to feel and react.
  • RexM
    Radiation levels reached 800 mSv 1.1 kilometers from the plant today.

    However, the issue is the 600,000 fuel rods which could melt that are in pools outside of the containment vessels.

    If those melted then it would be a disaster much worse than Chernobyl, but I digress.

    That isn't what this thread is about.

    Monitor earthquakes on the ring of fire with this site:

    Intellicast - Interactive Weather Map
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I can do headlines too:

    Yellowstone can go off at any moment!
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    What we need to do, to keep you Americans relaxed and calm, is to call this system of faultlines a RING OF FIIIRE!
  • RexM
    eld wrote: »
    I can do headlines too:

    Yellowstone can go off at any moment!

    Anything can happen at any moment, doesn't mean it will.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    yesteday we've had an earthquake here, with 4-5 magnitude
  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    Just something a different view to the horrible stuff happening in Japan..


    videos here



    There seem to be plenty of folks who say we don't measure radiation correctly and thus the figures about health risks are incredibly wrong.

    If the situation is not horrific like the BBC / UK networks are putting then it seems mental for most nations to be bringing people home and the US fleet high tailing it out of there.

    I hope he is wrong and it is gonna be fine :-/
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Nice find good sir :P (I take this as a shot towards infowars)
  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    Aye definite profiteering by Infowars, they seem to do the same other things they push whether its a bad thing dunno. Good news BBC * MSN are now claiming one of the six reactors are cooling.

    More random reading if your interested.


  • Matabus
  • RexM
    Matabus wrote: »

    First off, that is news that was posted today. Last time I posted was a day or so ago.

    Anyways, your source confirms that we're not out of the water on this incident by any means.

    Please read your sources.... the first paragraph says this:

    ENGINEERS were last night able to restore electricity to one of the reactors at the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant.

    But power was still not getting through to its five other reactors, prolonging efforts to start up water pumps needed to prevent more radiation leaks.
    A company official said power might be restored to all six reactors by early today, which might allow TEPCO to restart pumps needed to protect fuel rods from overheating.

    But it was possible the water pumps, damaged in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, might not work even with power, the official said.
    Regardless, this topic isn't about the nuclear situation.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    I'm only making it worse by fueling the doomsday scenario this thread has turned into so I'm off. Tah-tah.
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