Alright, so where have I been? Well, truth is, I GOT A JOB! I'm over the moon, and loving every minute of it. The trouble is, I use Max at work, and having been almost exclusively a Maya user up til time was eaten up in the past two weeks by trying to get in and really learn the program. It's been great though, and I'm now a huge Max fan. Anyway, there's no chance I'll be able to finish this by deadline, but I will definitely keep working on it when I have time. I might take it back into Max and revamp a lot of stuff that was bugging me. Expect something in P&P sometime in the next couple weeks hopefully.
@Maph - Thanks! As you can see, I freaked and decided it wasn't working out overall so I tried a different scheme. I liked Kokoff's suggestions though, I think if I can implement them better into the daytime scheme than I had been, it would be great.
@itsmadman - Ask and you shall receive! It's on the night shot, but the camera angle means it's hardly noticeable. It looks pretty great from other angles though, so I will be keeping it, thanks for the suggest.
Appreciate everyone's support and critique all throughout, and looking forward to seeing some awesome final submissions!
Congrats on the new job dude! That's really awesome. Best of luck to you. I was looking forward to seeing you finish this for the contest but I can't say I blame you for pushing it back.
Grats for the job~
Basically the main purpose of the competition is to get a piece for the portfolio, improve ourselves and get a job, I guess you won your price earlier
Holy molly, CONGRATS,Madison!!! That's really great news. Well deserved and I'm really happy for you!:) Mind sharing what kind of a job?)
But it doesn't mean that we'll let this one slide. I'll be waiting in the P&P
On the scene though:
I personally prefer day lighting more because you've pretty much nailed it so far, but night could be done neatly as well, so I guess it's a matter of taste for you now.
Alright, so where have I been? Well, truth is, I GOT A JOB! I'm over the moon, and loving every minute of it. The trouble is, I use Max at work, and having been almost exclusively a Maya user up til time was eaten up in the past two weeks by trying to get in and really learn the program. It's been great though, and I'm now a huge Max fan. Anyway, there's no chance I'll be able to finish this by deadline, but I will definitely keep working on it when I have time. I might take it back into Max and revamp a lot of stuff that was bugging me. Expect something in P&P sometime in the next couple weeks hopefully.
@Maph - Thanks! As you can see, I freaked and decided it wasn't working out overall so I tried a different scheme. I liked Kokoff's suggestions though, I think if I can implement them better into the daytime scheme than I had been, it would be great.
@itsmadman - Ask and you shall receive! It's on the night shot, but the camera angle means it's hardly noticeable. It looks pretty great from other angles though, so I will be keeping it, thanks for the suggest.
Appreciate everyone's support and critique all throughout, and looking forward to seeing some awesome final submissions!
Welcome to max as well, haha.
max is pretty rubbish and thats coming from someone who's been using it for a long long time
I'm sure I would have done the same
I'll definitely keep an eye out in P&P for it.
Basically the main purpose of the competition is to get a piece for the portfolio, improve ourselves and get a job, I guess you won your price earlier
@Mert - Hahaha aww, and I was all excited. What don't you like about it?
@Cordell Felix - Thanks, much appreciated! I'll keep working on the daytime scene then, get it up to my liking.
@DLoud - Thanks, yeah I am committed to making that P&P action happen. Looking forward to yours as well!
@EzMeow - Yeah, good point, but I want to make sure I stay on top of this stuff all the time anyway! Great work on your scene, by the way.
But it doesn't mean that we'll let this one slide. I'll be waiting in the P&P
On the scene though:
I personally prefer day lighting more because you've pretty much nailed it so far, but night could be done neatly as well, so I guess it's a matter of taste for you now.
congrats again:)