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[FIGHTER] Killer Instinct, Chief Thunder, Bri_Spencer

Hey guys!

I've been lurking around here for years but this comp finally made me decide to register.

I plan on creating a viking variant of Chief Thunder with cybernetic gauntlets that generate his axes ( or just the blades themselves).

Ref Shot:

Rough Sketch of what I'm planning:


  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    love the beefier stance you've given him
  • Bri_Spencer
    I'm not too sure about how i want to tackle a couple elements on this guy yet, specifically how the axes are generated from his gauntlets and his mohawk(trying to stay away from feathers).

    For the axes, I'm thinking that they will either be 100% plasma or possibly make the hilt of the axes with some type of ornate viking designs and have the blade appears when he swings.

    For the mohawk, I was thinking about maybe a viking helm that has some type of plasma beam that generates out of the middle of it when its triggered. However, i think i would rather have him without the helmet if i could think of another way for it to work.

    Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Ric444
    Nice overall. I suggest staying away from the Viking influences, however, and working with more of the Native American themes. There is a lot to draw on in their rich cultures that may spark your idea engine in new ways.
  • CelebrenIthil
    I think that maybe just an implant straight in his skull and generates a plasma beam mohawk would do great. No helmet, keep the native american look, and look very hardcore!
  • Bri_Spencer
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    So I have been asking around, trying to see what people thought of the Indian vs viking chief thunder and pretty everyone I asked agrees with you guys.

    Looks like I'm going to go with the Indian Chief Thunder!

    Now I just have to think of how to make it stand out from his original design.

  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    awesome! subscribed
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    silhouette is looking really solid. I'll be watching this one
  • Bri_Spencer
    Thanks guys! Glad you like it so far :)

    Here is an update, please let me know what you guys think:

    Progress has been VERY slow since i changed him to a Native American character.

    For some reason the ideas aren't coming to me as fast as I would expect.

    Im unsure if i should keep the plasma stuff at all because I feel that adding a more wooden totem element would make him feel more original.

    I am thinking of making his mohawk and his axes generated by some spiritual force, since Native Americans are very spiritual people.

    Maybe have them generate by a series of markings/tattoos on his head and forearms. Maybe have them start as black and the closer they get to the mohawk or axes they turn a bright blue and make the weapons a ghostly blue?

    Anyway,think I am going to start modeling out proportions today. I need to get started on the model if i plan on getting this thing done in time. I HATE working before the concept is done, but feels like a necessary evil at this point.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    YES!!!! Awesome game and awesome choice!

    Looking forward to this.

  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Pretty interesting silhouette. Looking forward to seeing the progress on this.
  • NuclearWarrior
    I HATE working before the concept is done, but feels like a necessary evil at this point.

    I know what you mean, but I would still suggest fleshing him out in concept more. You can definitely draw and the silhouette is really solid. Really, you've done the hardest part, you just have to figure out all the cool details.
    For me, if the concept is really layed out in detail and you are happy with it, the model goes that much faster.
    If you are the type that can wing modeling on the fly, designing as you go, then yeah you should start modeling.
    If you are not that type, the project could end up taking longer because you'll be changing things as you model - which is a hell of a lot more time consuming than making concept changes.
    Either way, good luck!
  • Bri_Spencer
    rv_el: KIIIIIIIIME!!!!! haha Thanks man! I'm glad there are still some Killer Instinct fans around.

    Baj Singh: Thanks, I'll try to keep things updated as much as possible. Hopefully things start coming together soon.

    NuclearWarrior: I can design in 3d pretty well usually. However, there are times that I vividly remember having a tough time with characters because of lack of concept and it taking 10x longer to knock out something that I thought would be simple. Thanks for reminding me :)
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah man I still play it, Arcade Emulated from time to time. I still know how to play no problem. I'm all about Glacius and held the score in my home town.

    I have ideas for Glacius and Saberwulf but I don't dare touch them. Ice.... ugh!

    I actually started with Cheif Thunder originally and still like him. Bad ass choice. Its cool to see Killer Instinct in this contest. I keep waiting for a faithfull 3rd game. I didn't play 2 too much. Mostly on N64 Rental. (damn big heads... ack) It just wasn't at tight as the first one imo.

    Random Useless Info: I always called it Ultra 64 because very early on they were showing KI1 on it, which NEVER was released! I shat myself. Got older. never owned an N64. Only rented.

    So I have to say. We are both professional american character artists. We know whats best for us... and sadly but honestly it might mean diving in head first. I believe i'm going to have to do that. I have a doc and some ideas and basic stuff going for me, but if i want ot finish while I work in this chaotic industry that crunches at random, while finishing up Gears 3 etc... I'm just going ot have to go for it. You know whats best for you. If you have to dive right in, then I say do it.

    The standard thing to say is to play with it more. And I can see why with only a couple images that are mostly silhouette.... but honestly at some point I actually have more luck pushing forms and playing with things in 3d since its where I feel natural. Nothing quite like the Push modifier :).

    I think people forget that, yes, there is a good way to do things, but that way is largely promoted by the games industry at large where the concept artist is NOT the modeler. In this case its all you. So there is no loss of direction or understanding, unless you have split personalities (now that would be odd). But I'm guessing you dont. In which case if you can see into your current concept (i can see something cool in it myself) and you know what you want, and you have a goal, and the vision feels clear enough. Then fuck it. Go for it. Fully blown 2d concepts shouldn't feel obligatory.

    For personal work, most of my exploration is in my mind and with word-play. Then perhaps a basic concept or 3d-concept. If at any point I am frustrated with what I got or i feel like i'm falling back on tride-and-true and not pushing things. I'll take a render and mess with it in Photoshop. Paint over it. Mess it around. Flip horizontal. I've fallen into the same thing you have. Where I think something is simple and I waste time in 3d. But i've come to learn over the years that I can waste a lot of time in 2d as well.

    But everybody is different. I wouldn't suggest this too much if somebody is not in the industry and wants to make chars professionally. If thats the case! you'll probalby hate me when I tell you you should probably model somebody elses concept! Work from somebody elses orthos and proportions. Have them explain to you what they did and why......:). I learned more that way than ever modeling my own broken shit.
  • Bri_Spencer
    rv_el wrote: »
    Random Useless Info: I always called it Ultra 64 because very early on they were showing KI1 on it, which NEVER was released! I shat myself. Got older. never owned an N64. Only rented

    Haha yeah, I always called it the Ultra 64 also. I remember I used to carry this magazine around four about a year, that had all of these pics from Killer Instinct and Final fantasy 7 when they were both supposed to hit the U64. I refused to leave home without that thing.

    I primarily played orchid, (only because she was the first character i saw do an ultra combo) but design wise, I always thought chief thunder and Glacius were the coolest characters. I remember thinking that the VS cut scene with Thunder jumping through the air was the coolest thing that I have ever seen in any game at the time. As soon as I heard about this comp I went to youtube and looked up that VS screen lol.

    Thanks for the feedback as well! I went ahead and started knocking out some base proportions. From there, I'm gonna just start slapping on geo and doing paint-overs or just modeling out the details if the idea hits me right away. Thanks again!

    Here is a quick update. Just made a quick base mesh and roughed out some basic proportions. Still needs work, but it will be enough to get me started:

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