Looking good so far mate. Love the idea and can't wait to see more progress. One thing that sticks out for me though, is the hands. I think they need to be larger. Keep up the good work.
looking cool im liking were this is going it would be awesome if you could incorporate the whole missing limb story to it somehow. maybe something like this. http://kanhom.com/category/history/page/2/ give him a little more personality maybe.
Thanks guys, hmm The_Onomatopoeia, thats an interesting idea.. but it might be hard to pull off a convincing roman version of a full mechanical arm.. maybe metal from the elbow on.. freeze the hands as fists with swords?
yeah thats what i was thinking not a full metal arm but just the elbow down kinda like Gutts from "Berserk" metal arm that was magnetic to grab his sword.
i liked the armor in your previous paintover a little better and maybe the prosthetic could be confined to 1 arm maybe to make the silhouette more interesting? maybe have the other hand in a gauntlet of sorts. either way its still looking sweet and doing this help a lot with reading it as still being jax, ive noticed a lot peoples redesigns are hard to read as the characters they are going after.
I see what your trying to do in making the arms bigger than the rest of the body, (the legs really) but is seems a bit out of touch with actual proportions, too short/squat. Also, he needs more lats, http://www.muscleweights.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/back-muscles.jpg. All the muscles need to be more refined, (right now they look like marshmallows... think stay puff). It would also be nice to know if this is what the final silhouette is going to look like.