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Panthereye - New Artist WIP

Hi guys,

I'm new at this, and I've been working at University on my third ever Zbrush piece (Will go into UDK Ultimately, unrigged) but I'm at the sculpting stage at the moment.

The creature is based around those from the original Half Life 'Opposing Forces' mod (the idea of the uni module was to go out and find a mod team, then create one of the pieces for that game).

So far I've just been working on feedback from my lecturer, but now I'd like some overall feedback from you guys!

It's important to note that this is the "Pre-alpha" stage (I didn't want to start applying skin alphas till the proportions of everything are right).


The original concept is below, although I've changed a number of things from it as I lost contact with the Mod leader, and so took it my own direction:


So what are peoples thoughts? What could be changed? I'd like to start Alpha'ing by Saturday, so all C & C is welcome!


  • Rezghenth
    Bumping thread because I've only just been validated to post!
    Done some updates since yesterday.

    Came to carve the shape of the head, and wanted some real-world references, so I've done a couple and thought i would ask you guys to crit it for me! Bear in mind that I haven't alpha'd anything yet ( except for the beetle head to get a feel for it) and with alphas, the shar pei head could look quite interesting!


    Which do you think looks better?
    The first is influenced by this beetle head:

    Whilst the second is influenced by Shar Pei puppys:

    Still after feedback for the rest of the creature too, so see above post as well if people don't mind!
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Interesting. It looks like a cross between a Houndeye, Gargantua, and an Alien Grunt from Half-life.



  • Hatsya
    I prefer the one with Sharpei-ish traits, in respect to its mammal demon form.
  • Rezghenth
    Hi all, I had some comments from Uni about the fat on the stomach being too lumpy, and that the transition between the hard bony chest and the fat back was too harsh.

    To try and make the change easier, I've gone and sculpted some muscle mass onto the stomach of the creature, rather than fat. Which do you think looks better, this muscle mass or the previous stomach? I based the muscle off references of Abs and the Batman chest plate.

  • Rezghenth

    More work, this time on upper shoulders, defining them some more and adding tendons. Bit of work on lower leg, defining the calf muscles.

    Can anyone give me some pointers on what should be my next focus?
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    I am loving what you have so far and i dont know if you have already descided this or not but i much prefer the beetle head instead of the dog wrinkles!
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    You have a lot of interesting shapes and details, but there's no anatomical form backing them up.
    Even though this is a fictional creature, plan out where the bones are underneath his skin, and how the muscles are laid over and across those bones and each other. If you think about the design of his skeleton and the purpose of placing the joints and muscles in a certain position, you can get a much better result :)
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    I agree with the antomy, som of this you can get away with it being a creature and all but still. Especialy around the shoulders and arms.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    The Panthereye is actually an enemy type that was originally slated to be in Half-Life but was cut. The very first Half-Life preview had one of them running around mauling scientists.
  • Rezghenth
    Thanks for the responses guys, will get on a muscle structure asap!

    @Jackablade, bloody hell, I didn't actually realise that! It would have made things SO much easier during the initial process. I thought the mod leader had made it up, he seemed very secretive about the whole thing. Thanks!
  • Rezghenth
    Have found some panther references and am currently working off of those. Ignore the rogue vertex in the back leg there, will have to eliminate that later!

    Is this more for what I should be aiming for? I've only done the upper bit at the moment, will continue on lower following feedback :)

  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    lol. that threw me for a loop! I thought the lower sculpt had wrong anatomy but it seems that what looked like a shoulder to me was actualy a large tricept makes sense becasue the cat doesent need to rotate its arms that way. I totaly would of mistakenly given that cat human anatomy muscles. I learned somthing today.

    in comment to Your actual sculpt: see how youve got the deltiod hooking up to the almost the same connection as the tricept? look at the sculpt of the panther and youll see. that the deltiod hooks up infront of thearm and the tricept hooks up where the elbow is. Also check out the traps in the panther sulpt, with yours, it seems like there is a random muscle in there. make it connect to the back of the skull.
  • Rezghenth
    Thanks RJ, got on it! Think it looks much better at the moment, gonna have to start work on the lower leg now. Need to start alpha-ing by tomorrow if i'm going to be on schedule for assignment hand-ins! I know it's not perfect, but I've learnt so much through the feedback ive been getting from everyone, so taking this module was definitely worth it :)

    Here's how its looking currently!

  • Rezghenth
    Quick update, should really start alpha'ing tomorrow.

    Can anyone point out any final changes before i alpha this bastard?

  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    I think your shoulders need to be wider.
  • Rezghenth
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