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[FIGHTER] Eternal Champions - Larcen - Heavyj



First post here, lurked for forever. Saw the comp and had to join.

I'm gonna re-imagine Larcen from Eternal Champions...Do I get points for obscurity? (Looking at all the awesome stuff that is already here I'm gonna need it). Crits' and suggestions more than welcome.

...what to do with that grappling hook?


  • Steve Schulze
  • Michael Knubben
    Glad to see another Eternal Champions character! Not that the characters were all that interesting, mind, but that does leave a lot of room for your personal touch.
  • uk_resistant
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    uk_resistant polycounter lvl 17
    I was hoping for some Eternal champions characters. I personally think that the characters from that game were pretty interesting. Looking forward to seeing more on this.
  • Heavyj
    @Jackablade lol, go go gadget murder cuffs. Geez Larcen really does look like him...time to change all that.

    Yeah for some reason the game has a special place in my heart, not sure why but I remember owning it but not playing that much...my parents must have taken it away at some point after seeing the overkills.
  • Heavyj
    Here's my ref sheet, I may or may not use the trench coat guess we'll see about that. I wanna make the grappling hook be something functional (instead of curiously just hanging out of his pants...) ala an arm mounted launcher or maybe replace an arm with a grappling hook launcher or something like that.

  • Jigsaw
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    Jigsaw polycounter lvl 12
    Really excited to see where you'll take this. I thought Eternal Champions had some pretty neat characters, but they are definitely ripe with opportunities for reinterpretation. As far as your concept goes, I like the idea of doing something more with the grappling hook, but I think maybe he might need more to still be recognisable as Larcen in some way. The fedora might be a bit much but I think it would be really cool if you kept the trenchcoat.
  • Heavyj
    So after just starting my block in mesh to do draw over on I decided to go in a different direction, I'm still doing Larcen but instead of the futuristic spy take I'm gonna make him more of a bruiser thug from the same era that he's supposed to be from (1920's ish or so Chicago). I'm going to turn him into a bruiser/thug type (I always thought he was originally a private detective or something).
    Going to keep the grappling hook but make it more a one handed weapon with the rope wrapped around his arm that he uses for short range type hits or something like that. Might bring back the trench coat but with cut off arms...bring on the brass knuckles and broken noses!

    Oh here's my super basic/not at all finished block-in that helped me decide what direction I was going in. I may push the proportions a little more but I don't want to make him seriously extreme, but we'll see how it goes.

  • Heavyj
    Did a quick head study to get a feel of where I'm going...Big Bruiser Larcen. Also did 'bout a 2 minute poly paint on him mainly cause I got bored. Going to do some paint-over's to see what I want to do as far as hair style and hat. Will of course scarify him up and and a ton of asymmetry as well as break his nose.

  • Heavyj
    I couldn't help myself...

  • RMBT
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    RMBT polycounter lvl 11
    Great beat up version. He sure looks like a real fighter!
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    This is looking cool! Lots of personality already. I feel like the temple area is really bulbuous, and could be toned down to feel more bruiser-ish.
  • uk_resistant
    Offline / Send Message
    uk_resistant polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, looking good. I like how you have made him beat up.

    I would say that his stubble looks quite unconvincing. try making the noise much finer and try having a light wash over the top.
    A bit of desaturation on the bruise and your onto a winner!
  • DockRock
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    DockRock polycounter lvl 8
    This game had some really cool environmental finishing moves. This takes me way back to the old Sega genesis days.
  • Heavyj
    Thanks for the comments everyone, yeah I get way to off-track some times just noodling around. I finished up my "dummy", now it's time to give him some accessories:

  • Heavyj
    Worked on some super basic wardrobe, by basic I mean probably won't even look like this.


    Also of note; if you want to get anything done for comps, don't have kids...2 year old's birthday + a newborn equals a severe lack of being able to stay awake long enough to get stuff done, lol.
  • Micky Pain
    Looks great so far.
    Not sure how close you remain to the spirit of the character since I don't know the game, but it seems the hook is a big part of him.

    Since you're already in the 20s with your fighter, maybe give him one of those hooks they used to carry ice-blocks back in the day - he looks like he could put them to good use....
  • Heavyj
    @ Micky Pain, that is a freakin' fantastic idea, I was trying to decide how to do it, was thinking to make it look like he wrapped it onto the bat or something but if I use an Ice pick or something that will look way better. Thanks for the idea. As far as staying faithful to him, I'm not really sure how much I'm trying to do that. I may give him a trench coat or something like that but only time will tell.
  • Micky Pain
    I was thinking something like those:


    They always seem to show up in movies from/in that era
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