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WoW / Cartoonish Textures

I was just wondering the style in " WoW " by blizzard, what would be the best way to approach trying to texture in that style, I'm fairly new at the texturing game !


  • Mark Dygert
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    Learn to paint.

    They are less "cartoony" (solid colors and black outlines) and more impressionistic and painterly. I honestly think they are some of the hardest things to create in the industry if you don't have a traditional background. You really gotta be careful when you throw around the cartoon label, people tend to think "oh its childish and there for simple and easy to do" and then they quickly find out its pretty hard.

    There is a reason cartoons use solid colors and are overly simplified, that's because there are 24 drawings that need to be colored per second of animation, getting any kind of shading to flow without dancing and shifting requires some pretty advanced techniques and more often than not, some powerful tech.

    That level of simplicity isn't needed in games like WoW, so drawing the paralell is a bit of a slap in the face to the artists that work hard to hand paint those textures. Mind you there are some awful textures in wow too... but its an old ass game and it's an MMO, so much crap to make...
  • Ron.S
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    Well I've tried to duplicate it so I know the troubles of trying to do so, I don't think its a easy task, just the type of style they do is great brings a whole new life into the work.

    But I really do respect their work I just wanted to know if their was links that you guys could toss me around to get me going in the right direction to get my skills upgraded. :) Thanks
  • Mark Dygert
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Hi !,

    I actually only paint textures like that. You can check out my online portfolio. What i can tell you from experience is that there is no way to cheat. paint paint paint... Wow model viewer is a good way to get hold of all the textures in wow. looking at textures like this makes it easy to see the "rules" that you must follow to make the texture look good.

  • Ron.S
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    Wow thanks both of you ! Jimpaw your style is great exactly what I had in mind :). I don't wanna take textures from anyone / any game; I wish to learn how to do it myself :).

    I know it will take me a while to get to the point I need to be but it should be fun getting to that point. I will show updates asap!
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    He just means reference them, it's how you learn. I would reference that style as well as actual photo textures.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    I didnt mean that you should do paintovers or steal the textures, i mean that if you study them you will start to see the rules in theese kinds of textures. I think that wood,stone,roof textures are the most easy ones to do. metal a littlebit harder and fur and cloth is the hardest. Thanks for the critisism ;)
  • Ron.S
    Offline / Send Message
    I know what you meant sorry, I worded it wrong :P. But i'm doing as you guys suggested :), and its really great style but as Mark stated, there is so much going into it :).

    Really thank you guys !
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