Been hitting my head on the desk all day over this damn thing. The Emissive as light just wont seem to work... im sure im doing something wrong just need to be pointed in the right direction.
first off, do you have 'Use Global Illumination' ticked? Emissive as lighting only works with Lightmass as far as I know. Second, you could try giving a larger number to the Emissive Boost value to test. Something as obscenely high as 400 or whatever you will.
also, this is a really obvious question, but Im just asking it cause it's not made clear by your screenshots, but have you built your lighting? The emissive lighting effect is not a dynamic effect.
Thank you for responding ULY, um yeah i've built my lighting, i have global on, i guess im just gonna keep trying to mess around with the setings a little bit.
Mesh area lights on meshes with a lot of triangles will increase build times. A warning is issued for meshes with > 3000 triangles, and meshes with > 5000 triangles will not be used as a mesh area light regardless of bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting."
also, this is a really obvious question, but Im just asking it cause it's not made clear by your screenshots, but have you built your lighting? The emissive lighting effect is not a dynamic effect.
Nevermind the first tip, the images did not all load the first time.
I ask this instead, do you have an importance volume for lightmass?
the emissive just doesnt work on that static mesh for some reason, i even tried generating a light map from UDK see if that was it and nothing.
Does it work? Check the mesh properties.
Apply an UDK emissive material to your mesh. Does it work?
Check the material.
If you can post your model and material and ill have a look on my side.
Emissive lighting doesn't work for meshes with over 5000 verts.
That's strange, got any info on that? I never heard of it before.Tks
:poly141:Crap, that might be the issue! i'll try different methods of importing it into UDK, and see how it goes.
Thanks a lot to everyone for the help.
Mesh area lights on meshes with a lot of triangles will increase build times. A warning is issued for meshes with > 3000 triangles, and meshes with > 5000 triangles will not be used as a mesh area light regardless of bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting."
Thanks for the tip tigg.