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Max: UV Dialog/Relax Errors?? WTFOMGBBQ

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
Anyone see this before? Know whats causing this? All my recent files have been doing this (relaxing the uv VERY incorrectly, like one of the axis in it is fubar).

Yes, I have tried xform. I also have tried exporting and importing as a obj.

This is Max 2011



  • oXYnary
    Offline / Send Message
    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm... I figured it out sorta. I updated Max, and the export/import method is working. However Xform still fails.

    And NO, the import.export method did not work before updating just now. :P :(
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I recently had issues with the UV mapper as well actually yesterday I never ran into this one but for my issue the solution was to not keep objects separated that I wanted to have on single unwrap.

    Hope you sort out your situation someone told me to delete the 3dsmax.ini file EkK I did It but eh It didn't work for me. Collapsing the stack and doing the above worked for me.

    If you sort It out completely post the solution if you could.
  • Mark Dygert
    Did you try it in edge angle and face angle? Was there a difference? Did you use reset xform (the utility) or xform the modifier?

    (you probably use the utility, but I figured I would mention it in case other people stumble in here looking for an answer)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Did you try it in edge angle and face angle? Was there a difference? Did you use reset xform (the utility) or xform the modifier?

    (you probably use the utility, but I figured I would mention it in case other people stumble in here looking for an answer)

    Yes to all. Got it working after I updated max, and THEN the import/export obj fixed it. Before the import/export did nothing.
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